Releases: ZeromusXYZ/PacketViewerLogViewer
Version 0.7.2
Hotfix for when Packet 0x028 counts bits out of the packet data bounds.
This bug is likely related to 0x028 having changed recently.
Please keep this in mind when doing analysis on newer captures.
Version 0.7.1
Added more capture points for parsing current zone from non-zone-in packets
Added loading Mob names from FFXI dats
Added a tool to export your currently filtered packet list as a CSV file.
you can find it under Extra > Export packets tab as CSV
Data is generated from the what you would normally see in the field view. Fields with names that start with ? or _ are not included. -
Open packetdb sqlite file works again at the cost of file count used by the program (for now)
Added new field-type fishrankservermessage and updated the in-0x04d parser
Bugfix of where a searched Tab result would not retain it's pre-parsed status has been fixed
Added simple installer script for use with NSIS as compensation for no longer having a single executable file
Version 0.7.1 Preview
Added a tool to export your currently filtered packet list as a CSV file.
you can find it under Extra > Export packets tab as CSV
Data is generated from the what you would normally see in the field view. Fields with names that start with ? or _ are not included.
Open packetdb sqlite file works again at the cost of file count used by the program (for now)
Version 0.7
- Updated some packet parse files.
- Fixed some bugs related to the search dialog.
- Added program settings to enable loading or importing item data directly from the game client.
- Added a simple search filter to the GameView window which might be useful if you just want to browse (item) data.
Version 0.6.2
Various fixes and additions:
- (important) Fixed a bug where color-coded raw view would not show all data in certain situations
- Added a more useful error message for errors in lookup files
- Fixed a typo in the filter dialog box
- Fixed a bug with the names of the packet-list tabs when there was more than one row of tabs
- Added tool-tip info on field view that displays either the value or description provided in the parser files on mouse over (offset and name fields only)
- Updated in-0x00A data
Fixed a bug that could happen when loading Packeteer files.
Version 0.6.1 - Preview
Added support for exporting/importing archive files.
Small layout changes.
Added support for character sub-directories inside of the normal folders.
Added a small selector for all "possible files" when opening a project file, this should make it easier if you need to check multiple logs.
Version 0.5.4
Bugfix: Unspecified packet types didn't load even after asking what type it was.
Updated some packet info.
Version 0.5.3
Added features:
- Support for custom lookup values (works best with pre-loading)
- Added field type: sbyte, int8, uint8
- Better support for non-default OS themes
- Customizable field grid colors
Version 0.5.2
Fixed a bug that would make you unable to close a tab with nothing in it.
Fixed a bug where video link forms weren't properly closed.
Projects with no packets in them, no longer auto-creates a .pvlv file when closing.