python library for reverse engineered Adobe Firefly API
pip install pyfirefly
The following example will request for 10 images of "flying cats" from Adobe Firefly and save those images.
import asyncio
import aiohttp
import aiofiles
import pyfirefly
from pyfirefly.utils import ImageOptions
token = 'ey...' # replace with your bearer token
async def create_save_image(a, prompt, img_options, num):
result = await a.text_to_image(prompt, **img_options)
async with'{num}.{result.ext}', mode='wb+') as f:
await f.write(result.image)
async def demo(prompt, num):
a = await pyfirefly.Firefly(token)
img = ImageOptions(image_styles = a.image_styles)
img.add_styles(['Photo', 'Blurry background', 'Origami'])
tasks = [create_save_image(a, prompt, img.options, i) for i in range(num)]
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)'flying cats', 10))
The following example will request for 10 images of a glyph.webp image that has "bundle of colorful electric wires" as the fill effect. example webp image
import asyncio
import aiohttp
import aiofiles
import pyfirefly
from pyfirefly.utils import ImageOptions
token = 'ey...' # replace with your bearer token
async def create_save_image(a, glyph, img_options, num):
result = await a.glyph_to_image(glyph, **img_options)
async with'{num}.{result.ext}', mode='wb+') as f:
await f.write(result.image)
async def demo(input_fn, num):
async with'./glyph.webp', mode='rb') as f:
glyph = await
a = await pyfirefly.Firefly(token)
img = ImageOptions(text_presets = a.text_presets)
tasks = [create_save_image(a, glyph, img.options, i) for i in range(num)]
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)'glyph.webp', 10))