This script was made to run the servers at Year4000. This script can manage many servers at once. You can start/stop/restart each or all servers using this script, this script will grow upon needs for the servers at Year4000.
- Copy/Move the script "year4000" to "/etc/init.d"
> sudo mv year4000 /etc/init.d
- Copy/Move the settings "servers.cfg" to "~/"
> mv servers.cfg ~/
- Edit the config/int script options for your server(s)
> VIM: sudo vim /etc/init.d/year4000
> Nano: sudo nano /etc/init.d/year4000
> VIM: vim ~/servers.cfg
> Nano: nano ~/servers.cfg
- Make the script "year4000" executable
> sudo chmod +x year4000
- Have the script start and stop on system boot and halt
> CentOS: sudo chkconfig --add year4000
> Debian / Ubuntu: sudo update-rc.d year4000 defaults
By appending an number the script will try to run the script for that
setting suplied above.
- Start all the servers
> sudo service year4000 start
- Stop the servers
> sudo service year4000 stop
- Check the status of the servers
> sudo service year4000 status
- Restart the servers
> sudo service year4000 restart
This script is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3. Copyright © 2014 Year4000