An easy traffic monitor plugin of showing fan speed in Lenovo Legion Laptop.
Thanks to LenovoLegionToolkit, which offers the method to get fan speed. And its developer gave me a hand.
Because I had never develop with C++ or C#, the code maybe ugly and silly.
Put LegionInfoDLL.dll in the same directory with traffic-monitor.exe.
Put LegionInfoPlugin.dll in the plugins directory of traffic monitor.
First, I use C# to develop a dll to offer GetCurrentFanSpeed() api to C++ dll plugin, just because C# invokes wmi method is easy while it is more inconvenient to invkoe wmi methods in C++.
Then just develop taffic monitor plugin. But it is important to add .Net Framework Runtime Support(./clr) for C++ dll plugin without which C# dll can not use .Net to invoke wmi methods.
NameSpace: root\WMI
Method: Fan_GetCurrentFanSpeed(System.Byte FanID) => int Speed