PHP implementation to connect to OpsGenie Alert API. The implementation is focused on what we require @JTL for our application Alerting.
- Create Alert
- Get specific Alert (by alias) from API
- Close Alert
- Ping Heatbeat
Create / Get / Close Alert
# named constructor to create a client (for EU)
$client = AlertApiClient::createForEUApi(getenv(UPSGENIE_TOKEN));
$alert = new Alert('eazyauction', 'test-alert', 'foo mag bär', 'beer-bar');
$response = $client->createAlert($alert);
// read our former created alert
$alert = $client->getAlert(new GetAlertRequest($alert->getAlias()));
// close our former created alert
$client->closeAlert(new CloseAlertRequest($alert->getAlias()));
Ping Heartbeat
$token = "xxx-xxx-xxx";
$client = new HeartbeatApiClient(HttpClient::createForEUApi(getenv(UPSGENIE_TOKEN)));
do {
$result = $client->sendPing(new PingRequest('beat'));
var_dump($result, $result->isSuccessful());
} while(true);