This repository contains the R markdown text and code behind the book Introduction to Educational and Psychological Measurement Using R by Tony Albano. The book is intended for advanced undergraduate and graduate coursework, with an emphasis on theory and applications in introductory measurement.
See the index/preface for more information. Topics covered include:
- Measurement, scales, and scoring
- Testing applications
- Test development, cognitive and noncognitive, with an overview of item writing guidelines
- Reliability, via classical test theory and generalizability theory
- Item analysis, with emphasis on item difficulty, discrimination, and contribution to internal consistency
- Item response theory, for item analysis and test construction
- Factor analysis, with exploratory and confirmatory models, and applications
- Validity and test evaluation
The book is compiled and available online at It is published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which allows for adaptation and redistribution as long as appropriate credit is given.
The book is built using knitr and bookdown. Contribute and submit requests at