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Updating Radio_Astro Files

jmakous edited this page Jul 16, 2020 · 28 revisions

Updating DSPIRA Files for Gnuradio 3.8

  1. Open the terminal window.
  2. From your home directory (cd ), go to the gr-radio_astro folder: cd gr-radio_astro
  3. Type git status. Check the "On branch ..." statement at the top. You want to be in the gr38 branch. To get there, type git checkout gr38.
  4. If a warning message shows up about local changes made that could overwrite files, type git stash.
  5. Type git status to check that you are "On branch gr38".
  6. Type git pull.
    • If a warning message shows up about local changes made that could overwrite files, type git stash.
    • Then type git pull again.
  7. Change to the build directory: cd build
  8. Type rm -rf *. NOTE: Make sure you are in the build directory before typing rm -rf *!
  9. Then run the following:
cmake ..
sudo make
sudo make install
  1. The update is complete.

To Run the updated spectrometer_w_cal.grc file:

  1. Open Gnuradio from the terminal window by typing gnuradio-companion

  2. Close any previous version of spectrometer_w_cal.grc that might be open in Gnuradio.

  3. Open the new version of spectrometer_w_cal.grc from the folder /gr-radio_astro/examples/

  4. Open the program.

  5. Before running, open the prefix variable box in the upper right corner of the Gnuradio canvas, and change the folder path name in the Value box. HINT: A method for reducing path name errors is described as follows:

    a. Open the File Navigation window (folder icon).
    b. Navigate to the folder to which you want to save the spectrum files.
    c. Right click on the folder.
    d. Select Properties. 
    e. Double click the "Parent folder:" path and copy it to the clipboard.
    d. In the prefix variable box in the `spectrometer_w_cal.grc` program, paste the path name inside the 
       quotes in the **Value** box. (Delete any existing path name.)
    e. Then append the actual folder name to the end of the parent path. Be sure to separate folder
       names with a / and end with a /.
    d. Example: 
           Parent folder: home/Jansky/radio_astronomy
           data folder name: horn_data_2020
           Value to type into the "prefix" variable box: "home/Jansky/radio_astronomy/horn_data_2020/"
  6. The program should be ready to run on your computer!