start | end | category |
11 | 19 | residential |
21 | 39 | manufacturing |
41 | 49 | commercial |
51 | 59 | trade |
61 | 69 | services |
71 | 79 | cultural, entertainment and recreational |
81 | 89 | resource production and extraction |
91 | 99 | undeveloped land and water areas |
Counties can add additional digits to create their own codes.
Category | Code | Description |
residential | 11 | Household, single family units |
12 | Household, 2-4 units | |
13 | Household, multiunits (5 or more) | |
14 | Residential condominiums | |
15 | Mobile home parks or courts | |
16 | Hotels/motels | |
17 | Institutional lodging | |
18 | All other residential not elsewhere coded | |
19 | Vacation and cabin | |
manufacturing | 21 | Food and kindred products |
22 | Textile mill products | |
23 | Apparel and other finished products made from fabrics, leather, and similar materials | |
24 | Lumber and wood products (except furniture) | |
25 | Furniture and fixtures | |
26 | Paper and allied products | |
27 | Printing and publishing | |
28 | Chemicals | |
29 | Petroleum refining and related industries | |
30 | Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products | |
31 | Leather and leather products | |
32 | Stone, clay and glass products | |
33 | Primary metal industries | |
34 | Fabricated metal products | |
35 | Professional scientific, and controlling instruments; photographic and optical goods; watches and clocks-manufacturing | |
36 | Not presently assigned | |
37 | Not presently assigned | |
38 | Not presently assigned | |
39 | Miscellaneous manufacturing | |
transportation, communication, and utilities | 41 | Railroad/transit transportation |
42 | Motor vehicle transportation | |
43 | Aircraft transportation | |
44 | Marine craft transportation | |
45 | Highway and street right of way | |
46 | Automobile parking | |
47 | Communication | |
48 | Utilities | |
49 | Other transportation, communication, and utilities not classified elsewhere | |
trade | 50 | Condominiums - Other than residential condominiums |
51 | Wholesale trade | |
52 | Retail trade - Building materials, hardware, and farm equipment | |
53 | Retail trade - General merchandise | |
54 | Retail trade - Food | |
55 | Retail trade - Automotive, marine craft, aircraft, and accessories | |
56 | Retail trade - Apparel and accessories | |
57 | Retail trade - Furniture, home furnishings and equipment | |
58 | Retail trade - Eating and drinking | |
59 | Other retail trade | |
services | 61 | Finance, insurance, and real estate services |
62 | Personal services | |
63 | Business services | |
64 | Repair services | |
65 | Professional services | |
66 | Contract construction services | |
67 | Governmental services | |
68 | Educational services | |
69 | Miscellaneous services | |
cultural, entertainment and recreational | 71 | Cultural activities and nature exhibitions |
72 | Public assembly | |
73 | Amusements | |
74 | Recreational activities | |
75 | Resorts and group camps | |
76 | Parks | |
77 | Not presently assigned | |
78 | Not presently assigned | |
79 | Other cultural, entertainment, and recreational | |
resource production and extraction | 81 | Agriculture (not classified under current use law) |
82 | Agriculture related activities | |
83 | Agriculture classified under current use chapter 84.34 RCW | |
84 | Fishing activities and related services | |
85 | Mining activities and related services | |
86 | Cannabis grow operations | |
87 | Not presently assigned | |
88 | Designated forest land under chapter 84.33 RCW | |
89 | Other resource production | |
undeveloped land and water areas | 91 | Undeveloped land |
92 | Noncommercial forest | |
93 | Water areas | |
94 | Open space land classified under chapter 84.34 RCW | |
95 | Timberland classified under chapter 84.34 RCW | |
96 | Not presently assigned | |
97 | Not presently assigned | |
98 | Not presently assigned | |
99 | Other undeveloped land |