A small game about alternity for the GGJ-2022
- character type Qyiana (LoL)
- 4 elements (water,fire, wind, dirt)
- 4 spellls, 2 of attack, 2 utilities, dash + heal
- Gameplay type "the biding of isacc"
- spites pixel art
The player should pick up orbes to change of element.
Each element allow him to fight against a specific type of enemy.
- perso type Qyiana (LoL)
- 4 éléments (eau, feu, air, terre)
- 4 spells, 2 d'attaque et 2 utilitaires, dash + heal
- Gameplay type "the biding of isacc"
- sprites pixel art
Le joueur doit ramasser une orbe pour changer d'élément.
Chaque élément lui permet de batre un certain type d'ennemi.