The package contains standard functions that are used in the Viva-con-Agua API services and is on the echo web framework
func main() {
e := vcago.NewServer()
SERVICE_NAME=default //service name, default default
APP_PORT=1323 // default port 1323
LOGGING_OUTPUT=strout // pretty, nats default strout
"id": "", //not implemented
"service": "example",
"time": "2022-02-07T19:50:08.971851362+01:00",
"remote_ip": "",
"host": "localhost:1323",
"method": "POST",
"uri": "/example",
"user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:96.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/96.0",
"status": 500,
"error": {
"status_message": "example error",
"status_type": "internal_error"
"latency": 2002915,
"latency_human": "2.002915ms",
"byte_in": "",
"byte_out": "",
"modified": {
"updated": 1644259808,
"created": 1644259808
BindAndValidate follows this documentation.
In the event of an error, an ValidationError
will always be returned,
which can be processed by the HTTPErrorHandler
func Example(c echo.Context) (err error) {
//Validate JSON
body := new(dao.Example)
if vcago.BindAndValidate(c, body); err != nil {
func main() {
e := echo.New()
e.Debug = false
// Middleware
e.HTTPErrorHandler = vcago.HTTPErrorHandler
e.Validator = vcago.JSONValidator
login := e.Group("/v1/auth")
login.POST("/callback", handlers.CallbackHandler)
appPort := vcago.Config.GetEnvString("APP_PORT", "n", "1323")
e.Logger.Fatal(e.Start(":" + appPort))
const (
colorRed = "\033[31m"
colorGreen = "\033[32m"
colorYellow = "\033[33m"
colorBlue = "\033[34m"
colorPurple = "\033[35m"
colorCyan = "\033[36m"
colorWhite = "\033[37m"
var CORSConfig = middleware.CORSWithConfig(middleware.CORSConfig{
AllowOrigins: strings.Split(os.Getenv("ALLOW_ORIGINS"), ","),
AllowHeaders: []string{echo.HeaderOrigin, echo.HeaderContentType, echo.HeaderAccept},
AllowCredentials: true,
CORSConfig for api services. Can be configured via .env.
func DeleteSession(c echo.Context)
DeleteSession remove sessin for context c from Redis.
func GetSessionUser(c echo.Context) (u *vmod.User, contains bool)
GetSessionUser return user for c or false if c has no user in Redis
func InitSession(c echo.Context, user *vmod.User)
InitSession initial a session for a vmod.User via Redis
func JSONErrorHandler(c echo.Context, i interface{}) (rErr *verr.ResponseError)
JSONErrorHandler formats JsonError to ResponseError
func LogAPIError(e *verr.ApiError, c echo.Context, i interface{})
LogApiError via log.Print
func RedisSession() echo.MiddlewareFunc
RedisSession middleware initial redis store for session handling
func ResponseErrorHandler(c echo.Context, apiErr *verr.ApiError, i interface{}) (rErr *verr.ResponseError)
ResponseErrorHandler handles ApiError
func SessionAuth(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc
SessionAuth go to next if the request has a session else return 401.
func formatRequestPrint(r *http.Request) string
type Validator struct {
Validator *validator.Validate
Validator represents a Json validator
func (cv *Validator) Validate(i interface{}) error
Validate interface i