- A Faculty Portfolio Management System is an application which helps to manage the records of the faculties regarding the trainings undertaken, journals published, etc.
- It helps an educational institution to track the various activities and accolades received by the faculties.
- A detailed report can be generated out of the record submitted by the faculties and can be downloaded.
- This application is create using MERN(Monogdb,Expressjs,Reactjs,Nodejs) stack.
- Download and install mongodb in your system to store data
- Download and install mongodb Compass for visualizing the data present in database
- Open mongodb compass and copy and paste "mongodb://localhost:27017" in the URI text area.
- Create a database named FPMS
- Enter the database and add collections named Admin,Faculty,Uploads in it
- The add a record in to Admin collection as shown in the below picture
- Enter the fpms backend folder and add the mailid and password of the admin in .env file as shown in picture
- Now enter in to the directory of fpms backend and fpms frontend folder and run the command
npm install
- This will install all the libraries needed for the application to work.
- Now enter in to the directory of fpms backend and fpms frontend folder and run the command
npm start
- The application will become accessible at