Install the Heroku toolbelt from here https://toolbelt.heroku.com to launch, stop and monitor instances. Sign up for free at https://www.heroku.com if you don't have an account yet.
Install Node from here https://nodejs.org, this will be the server environment. Then open up Terminal or Command Line Prompt and make sure you've got the very most recent version of npm by installing it again:
sudo npm install npm -g
Create a new folder somewhere and let's create a new Node project. Hit Enter to accept the defaults.
npm init
Install the additional Node dependencies. Express is for the server, request is for sending out messages and body-parser is to process messages.
npm install express request body-parser --save
Commit all the code with Git then create a new Heroku instance and push the code to the cloud.
git init git add . git commit --message "hello world" heroku create git push heroku master
Run in your terminal:
# Node.js <= 6.x.x, add the flag --harmony_destructuring
node --harmony_destructuring startup/stigmatized.js <MY_TOKEN>
# Node.js >= v6.x.x
node startup/stigmatized.js <MY_TOKEN>