The purpose of this project was to reproduce how Teams is working and to learn socket-programming. This network project made us learn about mutli-clients handling or communication protocol implementation.
With our Teams, you can communicate with other users; create teams, channels, threads and replies; subscribe to specific teams you want to have events from and many others features.
- Open a terminal and execute this command in order to run the server on the specified port.
./my_teams_server <PORT>
- Open one other terminal (or many others) and execute this command in order to run a client on the specified IP adress and port.
./my_teams_cli <IP> <PORT>
I made this project with 1 teammate :
: show help/login ["username"]
: log yourself to teams/logout
: disconnect yourself from the server/users
: display the list of all users using teams currently/user ["user_uuid"]
: display information about a specific user/send ["user_uuid"] ["message_body"]
: send a message to a specific user/messages ["user_uuid"]
: display the list of all exchanges with a user/subscribe ["team_uuid"]
: subscribe to the events if a team and its sub directories/unsubscribe ["team_uuid"]
: unsubscribe from a specific team/use ["team_uuid"] | ["channel_uuid"] | ["thread_uuid"]
: user specify context team/channel/thread/create ["team_name"] ["team_description"]
: create a new team, you can do it only at root/create ["channel_name"] ["channel_description"]
: create a new channel, you can do it only in a team/create ["thread_name"] ["thread_description"]
: create a new thread, you can do it only in a channel/create ["reply_body"]
: create a new reply, you can do it only in a thread/info
: depending on context : root, team, channel, thread