We are a virtual community made by students for students to self-learn product design!
Design done in Figma.
All the elemets that are in the website are organized in the following folders:
- css - SCSS files used in the website
- js - JS files used in the website
- img - Images contained in the website
- doc - Contains the curriculums PDF's
- favicon - Contains all the icons that are needed to show a favicon in the different browsers
- Pages - Every page in the website is in its own folder
The style file is the main style file, it contains the links to the styles used in the website.
The global file contains the styles that are used in multiple pages in the website.
Important classes
- .primary-btn bg-yellow Main button (displayed in the nav bar) with a yellow background
- .btn Button displayed in th rest of the website
- .btn secondary Secondary button
All the colors in the website are defined in the _colors.scss file. By changing the value of one of them, the color will be updated automatically in the whole website.
Defined colors
$yellow: #f9c449;
$orange: #fc8746;
$red: #fd624d;
$pink: #ef91bf;
$purple: #b461a2;
$darkpurple: #7758a3;
$lightblue: #b0d8f0;
$blue: #5bbfeb;
$darkblue: #497ebf;
$lightgreen: #9ce9d4;
$green: #65d6b6;
$darkgreen: #0bba85;
$black: #000000;
$white: #ffffff;
All the sizes and styles of the typography in the website are defined in the _typography.scss file. The styles are defined as classes, and need to be defined in the HTML to be applied.
<p class="medium-19">
This is a paragraph with font size 19 and medium weight.
The cards file contains the styles of the different cards that are display in the website.
Defined classes
- .colored-cards - Cards used for curriculum weeks and FAQ's
- .case-study - Cards for the case studies
- .lecturer-speaker-small - Cards for mentors that are displayed in the Home page
- .member - Cards for product classroom admins
- .final-cta - Cards displayed as the final CTA in the website
- .lecturer-card - Cards for the mentors displayed in the Classroom Advisors page
- .accordion-container - Cards for the options showed in the Get Involved page
The nav file contains the styles for the nav bar in desktop.
The mobile nav file contains the styles for the nav bar in mobile.
The footer file contains the styles for the footer.
The home file contains the styles for the hero section.
The files contained in this folder make possible the funtionality of the mobile menu and aacordion, they must not be changed.
All the images conatined in the website should be placed in its corresponding folder to keep the defined organization.
Important: Before adding an image (png, jpg, jpeg, etc.) try to reduce the size of it as much as possible using tools such as tinypng, compress jpeg, iloveimg, or anyone you prefer.
- CaseStudies - Case studies thumbnails and past students photos.
- Classmates - Past students photos.
- Events - Event to be displayed. The event thumbnail should replace th current one in the Figma file, be exported as PNG with the name Events-Thumbnail.png and placed in this folder, so it'll be automatically replaced in the website.
- Icons - Icons used in this webstie, they should be SVG.
- Illustrations - Illustrations used in this website, they should be SVG.
- Lecturers+Speakers - Photos of all the mentors that should be displayed in the website.
- Logos - PC logos, they should be SVG.
- Members - Photos of the admins of PC.
- Partners - Logos of the partens of PC, preferably save them as SVG.
- SN-Thumbnail - Thumbnail showed when you share the link on socials.
All the content that you can add to the website has its own template in its HTML, so you should only copy/paste and change the information required.
Adding a partner
<img src="img/Partners/[FileName]" alt="[Partner's name] Logo" />
Adding a curriculum week
<div class="colored-cards">
<div class="card-background red"></div>
<div class="card-content">
<h3 class="medium-30 card-title">
<strong class="bold-30">WEEK [number]</strong> [Speaker/Lecturer] *
[Position] @ [Company]
<p class="medium-19 card-description">[Summary]</p>
Adding a past classmate case study
<div class="case-study">
<div class="window">
<div class="window-actions blue">
<div class="window-icon-wrapper">
<img lazy="loading" src="img/Icons/Close.svg" alt="Close Icon" />
<div class="window-icon-wrapper">
alt="Maximize Icon"
<div class="window-icon-wrapper ">
alt="Minimize icon"
src="img/CaseStudies/[Thmbnail file name]"
alt="[Classmate's name] Case Study"
<div class="testimonial">
<q class="semibold-italic-30"
>Through the 13 weeks I became more confident about my design skills
><a href="[Figma/AdobeXD link]" target="_blank" class="medium-30"
<div class="graduate">
src="img/CaseStudies/Classmates/[Classmate's picture files name]"
alt="[Classmate's name] Picture"
<p class="medium-24">
<strong class="semibold-24">[CLASSMATE'S NAME]</strong> [Cohort
Adding a mentor
<div class="lecturer-speaker-small">
<div class="lecturer-picture-wrapper">
src="img/Lecturers+Speakers/[Mentor's photo file name]"
alt="[Mentor's name] Picture"
<div class="picture-wrapper-background"></div>
<div class="lecturer-short-desc">
<h5 class="bold-24">[Mentor's name]</h5>
<p class="medium-21">[Position] @ [Company]</p>
Adding a question
<div class="colored-cards">
<div class="card-background purple"></div>
<div class="card-content">
<h3 class="bold-30 faq card-title">Q. [Question]?</h3>
<p class="medium-19 card-description">[Answer]</p>
Updating next event
The event thumbnail should replace th current one in the Figma file, be exported as PNG with the name Events-Thumbnail.png and placed in this folder, so it'll be automatically replaced in the website.
alt="Events Thumbnail"
Adding an admin
<div class="member">
src="img/Members/[Admin's photo file name]"
alt="[Admin's name] Picture"
<div class="lecturer-short-desc">
<h5 class="bold-24">[Admin's name]</h5>
<p class="medium-21">[Position]</p>
Adding a curriculum week
<div class="colored-cards">
<div class="card-background red"></div>
<div class="card-content">
<h3 class="semibold-30 card-title week-flex">
<strong class="bold-30">WEEK [number] : [Title]</strong>
<span class="no-margin-top"
>[Speaker/Lecturer] * [Name] @ [Position]</span
<p class="medium-19 card-description">[Description]</p>
Adding a case study
<div class="case-study">
<a href="[Figma/AdobeXD] link" target="_blank" class="window">
<div class="window-actions blue">
<div class="window-icon-wrapper">
<img src="../img/Icons/Close.svg" alt="Close Icon" />
<div class="window-icon-wrapper">
<img src="../img/Icons/Max.svg" alt="Maximize Icon" class="width-21" />
<div class="window-icon-wrapper ">
<img src="../img/Icons/Min.svg" alt="Minimize icon" class="width-21" />
src="../img/CaseStudies/[Thumbnail file name]"
alt="[Classmate's name] Case Study"
<div class="testimonial">
<div class="graduate">
src="../img/CaseStudies/Classmates/[Classmate's photo file name]"
alt="[Classmate's name] Picture"
<div class="project">
<a href=""><h5 class="semibold-24">[PROJECT TITLE]</h5></a>
<p class="medium-24">[CLASSMATE'S NAME | [COHORT SEMESTER]]</p>
Adding a mentor
<div class="lecturer-card">
src="../img/Lecturers+Speakers/[Mentor's photo file name]"
alt="[Mentor's name] picture"
<div class="info-container">
<div class="main-info">
<div class="category">
<ul class="categories">
<li class="lecturer semibold-16">LECTURER</li>
<li class="guest-critic semibold-16">CRITIC</li>
<li class="speaker semibold-16">SPEAKER</li>
<div class="name-company">
<h3 class="semibold-30">[Mentor's name]</h3>
<h4 class="medium-24">[Position] @ [Company]</h4>
<div class="lecturer-links">
<ul class="links">
<li class="semibold-16"><a target="_blank" href="[URL]">Website</a></li>
<li class="semibold-16">
<a target="_blank" href="[URL]">LinkedIn</a>
<li class="semibold-16"><a target="_blank" href="[URL]">Twitter</a></li>
Adding a question
<div class="colored-cards">
<div class="card-background purple"></div>
<div class="card-content">
<h3 class="bold-30 faq card-title">Q. [Question]?</h3>
<p class="medium-19 card-description">[Answer]</p>