This is the yolov3 darknet implementation of fifth project of Udacity term-1 carnd nano-degree program
Uses the lastest version of yolo in darknet to completed the project.
Pre-install the environment of carnd nanaodegree program( mainly moviepy and cv for this code)
If you have both
NUMPY in -I/usr/include/python2.7/ -I/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy/
CUDA in -I/usr/local/cuda/include/
present in the above location in your gpu system u can use the already present in the folder
If you dont have a GPU system or numpy and cuda in specified locations, follow the below steps
- Download the file by git clone
- Implement the changes from the issue in pjreddie/darknet#289 to load the image using moviepy or numpy and predict
- make the code
- Now a new will be present in the folder copy that and replace in this folder
python input_video_file_name output_video_file_name