Helpful hints on how to use the OpenStack clients on your Windows desktop
- Install the GitHub Windows client
- Install the latest release of Python 2 on your Windows desktop.
- Upgrade the Python package manager (pip):
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
- Install the OpenStack CLI packages:
pip install python-novaclient python-glanceclient python-neutronclient python-cinderclient python-swiftclient python-heatclient
- Download the repo:
git clone
- Download your openrc file from your own tenant on your group's OpenStack cloud.
- Change to the openstack-cli-on-windows directory and edit the openstack-cli-env.ps1 file with the values from the openrc file.
- Run the openstack-cli-env.ps1 in a PowerShell window and execute your OpenStack commands as you normally would NOTE Using multiple lines for your OpenStack CLI commands will require a backtick (`) instead of a backslash (\)
glance image-create --property vmware_disktype=preallocated `
--property vmware_adaptertype=lsiLogicsas --name windows-2012-r2-test `
--property vmware_ostype=windows8Server64Guest --container-format bare `
--disk-format vmdk --min-disk 40 --min-ram 512 --progress `
--file z:\windows2012-blank-flat-control.vmdk