- Trade Ether for DollHair token, or DollHair token for Ether(real-time)
- Deposit Ether
- Deposit DollHair token
- Make buy/sell orders
- Fill open buy/sell order
- Price charts
- Exchange - This is the smart contract that wholes logic to make/fill orders, deposit/withdraw funds. It also holds fees(10%) for each trade that is made on the exchange.
- DollHair Token - This is my own personal ERC-20 token I create to trade on this exchange.
- Exchange - https://kovan.etherscan.io/address/0x9d7aE4728A11Cc989d681A549F2660dB596A3941
- DollHair Token - https://kovan.etherscan.io/address/0x81F22B6fB7D6D63eDEf8c7b321b6a812189Bb5c6
You will need Ether on Kovan test network to use app
- get ether for test network: https://app.mycrypto.com/faucet
- https://exchange.idrisbowman.com/
- npm install
- Install Ganache and start it up locally(this is our local blockchain network)
- Connect MetaMask to local blockchain network and import private keys of 1st and 2nd address in Ganache(note: we need to accounts to make trades, one account makes an order and the other account fills that order)
- Run smart contract deployment script "npm run deploy:contract:dev" (this script will deploy smart contracts to local blockchain and overwrite any exist contracts)
- Run script to seed exchange(this will prefill the app with data) "npm run seed:script:dev"
- Start React app "npm run start"
- Import local token address into Metmask
- Go to localhost:3000/ in the browser
- Connect wallet, make trades
"npm run test:contract"
- infura (blockchain node) - https://infura.io/
- MetaMask (crypto wallet) - https://metamask.io/
- truffle (used to compile, test, debug and deploy smart contracts) - https://www.trufflesuite.com/docs/truffle/overview
- web3 (Javascript API that interacts with a local or remote ethereum node using HTTP) - https://web3js.readthedocs.io/en/v1.3.4/
- Ganache (local development blockchain) https://www.trufflesuite.com/ganache
- ReactJS (clients side app)
- React-redux (client side state managment)
- Kovan - test network for smart contracts