Popgetter is a convenience tool for downloading census data from a number of different jurisdictions and coercing the data into common formats. The aim is that city or region scale analysis can be easily replicated for different geographies, using the most detailed, locally available data.
Popgetter DOES:
For each of the implemented countries:
- Download the most detailed geometries, for which census data is available.
- Download the most detailed census available for selected variables (currently focused on population and car ownership).
- Ensures that the geometries and census data join correctly.
Popgetter WILL
- present some standard metadata to allow the user to see which variables are available and any possible trade-off between geographic and demographic disaggregation.
- publish the data in a set of common file types (eg CloudGeoBuff, Parquet, PMtiles).
Popgetter DOES NOT:
- It does not attempt to ensure that census variables are comparable between different jurisdictions. Nor does it attempt to ensure that the results of any analysis can be directly compared across multiple countries.
At present, this is still a development project, so the first step is to clone
the repo and then install using pip, with the --editable
- Create a virtual environment and activate it (you should be able to use your
own choice of environment manager, such as
, but so farpyenv
is the most tested with popgetter). eg:
python -m venv poppusher_venv # create a virtual environment called `poppusher_venv`
source poppusher_venv/bin/activate # activate the virtual environment
- Clone the repo and then do an 'editable' install:
git clone https://github.com/Urban-Analytics-Technology-Platform/poppusher.git
cd poppusher
pip install -e ".[dev]"
- Then, start the Dagster UI web server:
dagster dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the project.
You can start writing assets in poppusher/assets/
directory. New assets and
jobs will need to be added to the poppusher/__init__.py
You can specify new Python dependencies in pyproject.toml
Tests are in the poppusher_tests
directory and you can run tests using
This is a Dagster project. The repo layout was initially
created with the
dagster project scaffold
command. It has been subsequently updated using the
copier command and the
Scientific Python template.
There is code, which predates the migration to Dagster in the previous_code
directory. In due course, this will be removed as the remaining countries are
migrated to Dagster. There are usage instructions for this old code in