FarmWatchBot Ewbf, Claymore, Bminer, Dstm, CC, Eth, CastXMR, Phoenix, T-Rex, Gmnr, NB miners
☄️ Список изменений - 2.1.7-2.1.9
Исправлено отображение информациии для Trexminer
Исправлен поиск ошибок температур Phoenix, Trexminer
Исправление мелких багов
☄️ Changelog - 2.1.7-2.1.9
Fixed display of information for Trexminer
Fixed error search for temperatures Phoenix, Trexminer
Fixed minor bugs
Thx to Henry B, Igor, Andrey Fedichik
Ewbf [Equihash] - Ewbfautorun.bat
Dstm [Equihash] - Dstmautorun.bat
Bminer [Equihash] - Bmnrautorun.bat
Claymore [Equihash] - ClayZECautorun.bat
Claymore [CryptoNote] - ClayXMRautorun.bat
Claymore [NeoScrypt] - ClayNSautorun.bat
Claymore [Ethash] - ClayETHautorun.bat
Ethminer [Ethash] - Ethrautorun.bat
Ccminer [Multialgo] - CCautorun.bat
Cast-XMR [CryptoNote] - Castautorun.bat
Phoenix [Ethash] - Phnxautorun.bat
T-Rex [Ethash] - Trexautorun.bat
Gmnr [Ethash] - Gmnrautorun.bat
Nbm [Ethash] - Nbmautorun.bat
Premium price is 10$ eq in any cryptocurrency from donations list.