AQCEL (Advancin Quantum Circuits by ICEPP and LBNL) is a python module for optimizing quantum circuits.
AQCEL aims to remove redundant controlled operations from controlled gates, depending on initial states of the circuit using a quantum computer.
The AQCEL-optimized circuit can produce equivalent final states with much smaller number of gates. Moreover, it efficiently produces a approximated quantum circuit with high fidelity by truncating low-amplitude computational basis states below certain thresholds.Our technique is useful for a wide variety of quantum algorithms, opening up new possibilities to further simplify quantum circuits to be more effective for real devices.
See a turorial.
You must install qiskit=='0.32.1' for using this module. We will try update our codes for the latest version of Qiskit.
AQCEL optimizes quantum circuits by using a quantum computer for polynomial computational resources, however we support demo ideal test using a classical simulation.
※ Some quantum gates cannot be supported in this version. We are trying to fix it.
The paper was published in Quantum. (arXiv : 2209.02322)
The proceeding was published in EPJ Web of Conferences. (arXiv : 2102.10008)