Building a deep fake image detection model that is capable of classifying images into two categories Ai-Generated or Real images using TensorFlow
- The model is used for the detection of deep fake or AI-generated images that are now widely used for spreading hate speech and fake news.
*We are using Kaggle data uploaded on the drive can be downloaded from the following URL [E. Ji, B. Dong, B. Samanthula, N. Zhou. "2D-FACT: Dual-Domain Fake Image Detection Against Textto-Image Generative Models". MIT Undergraduate Research Technology Conference (URTC 2023).]
- For the Training dataset our project includes 10,000 Fake and 10,000 Real images which can create a bias so our project acknowledges these issues by reducing the number of fake images without affecting the accuracy largely
Prediction Probabilities should be more than 90% which is this project's goal to achieve
Kaggle models =
Pytorch hub =
Object detection =
Papers with code =
Tesla model uses RESNET-50 model =
Tensorflow hub =
Model-Zoo =
Better model for Transfer Learning
- A few key information about features as the project is based on unstructured image classification, Thus there is no such distinctive feature but the data is divided into 3 parts. Testing, Training, and Validation. the model will be a binary classifier
# for unzipping the zip file run this #!unzip '/content/drive/MyDrive/Deepfake/' -d "/content/drive/MyDrive/Deepfake/"