Version 1.4 is now out for IC2Classic. Its the first 1.10.2 Release,
and after a 13 Months Development and over 120 Testing Versions, i am glad to say you get a clean & bugtested (it got tested for 6 months)
mod where people had a lot of time to point out issues that the mod has.
So play with it and have fun.
Just so you know the changelog is written from top to bottom so you can read it easier. The lower you go the newer the changelog is.
Have fun reading it. (Its 2,200 lines)
Download is at the bottom.
For those who would like to support me. Here you find a paypal & patreon link where you can help me out reaching my goals.
-Starting: 1.9 MC version.
-Added: Json distroyer.
-Added: TestingItem & Block
-Added: New Config System & FMLConfigGui
-Added: ItemEvents now also Support ItemStacks and not Item&Meta Only
-Added: Expanding Config a bit. (Features)
-Added: Ores&Blocks (Copper, Tin, Uran, Bronze)
-Added: Fixing Hack for ExtendetBlockstates.
-Added: Rubber Sappling, Log, Leaves.
-Added: Rubber Log can now be rotated if has no Resin Spot.
-Added: WorldGenerator. (Seems to spawn found copper Ore).
-Fixed: RubberTreeGen caused Infiniteloop of checks.
-Fixed: Blocks got loaded wrong. (No Item in them in the registry)
-Added: Scaffolds BaseClass
-Added: Scaffolds (Wooden, Reinforced)
-Added: IronFence Pole. (RefinedIron)
-Added: Iron Fecne Model.
-Added: IronFence Lifting Ability
-Added: Reinforced Stone, Glass, Mining Pipe, MiningPipe Tip
-Added: IC2 Damage Sources
-Added: Explosive Base from IC2.
-Added: Nuke, ITNT, Dynamite & Dynamite With Remote Block
-Updated: To Forge 1868
-Added: Resin Sheet & Rubber Sheet
-Added: Foam Wall Blocks
-Added: A lot of base Items. (Dusts, Ingots, Cells)
-Added: Painters
-Added: ItemTransport Manager.
-Added: IItemHandler Support to the Transporter. (Prefers it) It automaticly Supports ItemStacks, Entities, TileEntities & Everything that has a CapabitiesProvider
-Fixed: Painter Base Texture was broken
-Fixed: Painter prevented that offhand could be used.
-Added: Sheep Coloring Supported.
-Changed: Dropped Forge Callback because they caused another bug. (If both with painter equipped offhand was the result color)
-Added: Keep clicking with 2 Painters (each in one hand) makes a disco. xD
-Fixed: Localization bug with painter
-Added: Tool BaseClass
-Added: Extra Addition to network Managers (+API) to send custom data from client to server. (Item Events & TileEntity Events)
-Added: Electric Item Managers.
-Added: Electric Drills
-Fixed: Derp Bugs with the Json Destroyer (textures got overriden)
-Changed: Splitted the Model Helper classes for Items to get more Modularity
-Fixed: SoundSystem clears removed Sounds (did not before) (Keepet them in the list of all sounds)
-Added: Custom Capability Provider
-Added: SoundCapaiblity. Allows Items to have custom Sounds stored without a dirty solution.
-Added: ToolTip for Eletric Items.
-Added: Chainsaw.
-Added: Bronze Tools.
-Added: Sicky Resin.
-Fixed: Random stuff.
-Added: Dye Type ToolTip for Painters
-Added: treeTap, Electric TreeTap, Wrench, IWrenchable
-Dropped: IC2 Exp WrenchAPI (The newest)
-Added: REBattery and EnergyCrystals
-Added: Circuits & Rubber
-Added: BlockMultiID Block class.
-Added: TileEntity Bases (+Hack for Better TileEntityTicks)
-Added: API + Implementation of TickCallbacks
-Added: generator base class
-Added: Coal Generator (Or Generator)
-Fixed: Forgot to apply ticks to networking & forgot to register the tickhandler
-Added: Placing Blocks with CustomNames will apply the TileEntity with it. That will be shown in the gui. And saved in the item when broken
-Fixed: Wrench did not wrench and Damage the wrench properly
-Fixed: IHasGui is back to classes
-Added: Geothermal Generator
-Added: BaseClasses for Machine Recipes
-Added: Logic for the New Advanced Data Transmittion API.
-Added: BaseClasses for Machines & Electric Machines
-Added: Recipe Lists classes & API
-Added: Electric Furnace
-Added: Macerator
-Added: ModelMesher now ignores meta if not having subtypes
-Fixed: IC2 Classic Capaiblity Manager did caused crashes.
-Fixed: Batteries now have textures based of their charge.
-Fixed: RE Batteries are now when empty to 16 Stackable and do not show a durability bar
-Fixed: Machines do not forget wat their base EnergyTier is
-Changed: Dropped Forge new Slot System for IItemHandler (to hard to handle).
-Added: Custom Handler for my own Slot System (container) Is easier to handle and easier to support
-Added: IC2 Cables.
-Added: Cable Model
-Added: Cable TileEntity logic.
-Added: Tin, Coppper, Gold, Iron, Glass, Bronze, Detector, Splitter cable
-Fixed: TileEntity Cable had a sync issue.
-Started: Base Layout of the EnergyNet
-Added: GridBased Collection System for ElectricTileEntities.
-Added: PathFinding Logic + PathStorage to the EnergyNet
-Added: EnergySending to the EnergyNet
-Added: Explosions to EnergyNet (so machines explode if overdone)
-Added: Max Tier limit. Any Machine that has higher tier then 13 will be reseted to Tier 1.
-Changed: Improved the ShockDamage & Conductor breaking logic and got a bit more speed. (Only noticeable with big wireGrids)
-Added: EnergyNet completly. Needs still improvements..
-Fixed: Cablerenderer do no longer cause a memory leak
-Added: Cable BoundingBox
-Added: WireRegistry. Fixes issues of Removing insulation as a BlockState
-Added: Cable logic... (missing 1-2 things still)
-Added: Detector & Splitter Cable
-Fixed: Cable Renderer Bug
-Improved: EnergyNet Grid knows now when it is split or not.
-Added: Extractor, Compressor, Recylcer
-Added: BronzeArmor
-Added: Water Generator
-Added: Heat Vents (Heat, Steam, Electric), Coolant Cells, Reactor Plating
-Added: All Terrformer BluePrints (Including BiomeBlueprints)
-Added: WindManager Logic.
-Updated: I did work a little bit more on the Classic API.
-Added: WindMill
-Added: SolarPanel
-Added: Basic Logic for Wind. (Default)
-Added: API Access for Important Information (if someone wants to do a wind Monitor or something)
-Updated: A bit more EnergyNet work.
-Fixed: Improved the PathBuilding Speed
-Added: Iron Furnace
-Added: TinCan, Filled Tin Can
-Added: Canning Machine API, Custom FoodCan Effect API and Fuelable ItemAPI (allows to fill custom items with Fuel in the Canning machine)
-Added: Canning Machine Base. (CF is missing before it can be finished)
-Added: References for Generators
-Added: Particals for Iron Furnace
-Added: References for Machines
-Added: World Leaving causes unloading of everything (memory leak prevention)
-Added: Construction Foam.
-Added: Construction Foam to cables. With a basic trick
-Added: Construction Spray API and CF Sprayer.
-Added: CF Container API
-Added: IC2 Event Handler (handles IC2 Events)
-Fixed: Scaffolds upgrade bug
-Fininshed: Canning Machine
-Added: CFPellet
-Fixed: Sapplings, Cables, IronFences are no longer applying Color Multiplier
-Fixed: Models cache their created Quads so they do not have to be recreated every time they render
-Fixed: Basic Models only apply colors if a interface is implemented and also they cache their created Quads
-Added: Recipe API supports now Grandual Recipes
-Fixed: Networking uses now Registry names insteadof IDs
-Added: Obscurator sync class. For Item Events
-Added: Obscurator + Fancy Renderer.
-Added: Custom Event for retexturing. IC2 Exps is dropped.
-Added: Textured Wall Base..
-Added: Textured Wall Renderer.
-Added: Cable & CF Wall Textured Renderer. You can now copy textures
-Fixed: CF Wall was marked invisible (ALWAYS CHECK DEFAULTS WHEN YOU CODE)
-Fixed: EnergyNet did not add sinks&emitters to the grids if a grid combining was happening
-Added: CropRegistry
-Added: CropAPI for Base Seeds
-Added: Crop Block&TileEntity & Renderer
-Added: All Crops
-Added: WeedEx, TerraWart, HydrationCell
-Fixed: Offset of the Crop Models
-Added: Electrolyzer API
-Added: Electorlyzer RecipeList
-Added: Electrolyzer
-Added: CropScanner
-Added: Magnetizer
-Added: Pump
-Added: Compress & Pump compat
-Added: Miner & MinerPump Compat
-Fixed: Magnetzier did not charge ironFences properly
-Fixed: Pump not seeing Water or Lava because forge not does not implement IFluidBlock to their base classes
-Fixed: Compressor Crashing because of handling not null items
-Fixed: IC2 Cables & Textured Walls can now use ColorMultipliers
-Added: Reactor Swtiches
-Added: Hazmat Suit API.
-Added: Full Hazmat Suit (+Rubber Boots)
-Added: Base Electric Armor Class
-Added: Nano Armor + Event Handlers for it
-Added: Config for cost per damage modifier
-Merged: Keyboard info is no longer storing more data the havyier the player login/logout is...
-Added: Quantum Suit
-Added: ClientSide does decide if you can use Quantum boost with sprint
-Added: All the Uranium Rood Stuff (rods, Ingots, Isotopics, NearDepleted, Reeneriched Rods)
-Added: Solar Helmets
-Added: Scanners
-Added: Ore Value Registry
-Added: CFPack, Batpack & Lappack
-Added: Cutter + cutterAPI
-Added: Electric Hoe
-Added: FuelCans, + extended the API
-Added: Fuel handler for IC2 Stuff
-Updated: To 1.9.4 (Fixed most errors. A couple bugs are still there (Known))
-Fixed: All BoundingBox Issues with the Update to 1.9.4
-Fixed: Wind Handlers did not gain any ServerWorld Ticks & the realistic handler had inverted functions
-Added: Got the first day of lost progress back...
-Fixed: used wrong function for blockUpdates xD
-Added: Elytra now can be effected by wind. Server & Client can choose if they want to have it. (Server = Master, Client can choose if they want it)
-Added: Reactor Condensators
-Added: Reactor Reflectors
-Added: Product API to the Rod Products
-Added: Tea & Stone Mug.
-Fixed: CFPellet was not registered
-Fixed: Elytra Boost was to strong
-Added: Barrels (For beer & Rum)
-Added: Mug Booze (Beer & Rum)
-Added: Coffee
-Changed: Coffee, Beer, Tea is now stackable to 16
-Added: Jetpack Base Class
-Added: Modifiers for Recipes
-Added: API Description for Machine Recipes
-Added: Jetpack, ElectricJetpack
-Added: ItemInventory Basements
-Fixed: MC Bug where Shiftclick does not support slot MaxStacksize...
-Added: Nuclear Jetpack
-Added: ToolBox
-Added: Adv Machines. Base Class.
-Added: Made Wrenches +500% more user Unfrendly (in other words implemented wrenchloss)
-Added: Induction Furnace, Rotary Macerator, Centrifugal Extractor, Singularity Compressor, Vacuum Canner, Compacting Recylcer.
-Added: IC2 Icons can be replaced really easy. (Even single splrites, just with the right name (weird names))
-Added: Charged Electrolyzer.
-Fixed: Readded custom names for Adv Machines (forgot to implement it)
-Changed: Item Comparing moved to another class for faster fixing and better comparing.
-Added: OreScanner Machine.
-Added: Miners Gui (forgot to implement that^^")
-Added: Tesslacoil, increased energy capacity by 5 Times and made it more server friendly. Also fixed particals
-Added: Cropmatron
-Added: Terraformer
-Added: Tier 1: 85% chance of regaining Things and you lose 5% per tier lvlup (tier 2 = 80% tier 3 = 75%) but i made sure that a fully upgraded Enchanted wrench has still a 100% chance
-Added: Nukes can be now dissabled by a Wrench
-Fixed: Some Machine Recipe List things
-Added: MassFabricator. Also Increased its wrench drop to 75% (from 70%)
-Added: Updated the lang info for Energy Storage modes (some were unclear)
-Added: BatBox, MFE, MFSU...
-Added: LV, MV, HV, EV Transformer. Also adjusted Lossrates & Transforming rates (EV was wrong)
-Added: Adjusted Texture Files to the new Machine Sorting. (Simply all LV Machines get a Block, all MV get 1 Block, all HV get 1 Block) that looks cleaner and also is not confusing for texturers
-Added: Implmented the MV Machine Block (all MV machines were added but the MV Block was not added)
-Fixed: ToolBox used wrong gui
-Fixed: Forgot to add the AdvMachine Texture and got a texture offset..
-Fixed: NBTSaving Infinte Loop Bug...
-Fixed: Couple Texture Binding bugs (items told wrong textures)
-Fixed: Couple Creative Tab Items (some items were not shown)
-Fixed: Scanners had the charge bar reversed (full was empty and opposite)
-Added: MiningDrill API to the MiningDrill (Yeah forgot to do that)
-Removed: Some safty locks for NBTSaving...
-Fixed: Miner (a lot of code was missing)
-Fixed: Item Transporter. (Still supports IInventory but prioritize IItemHandler)
-Fixed: Mining Pipes & co
-Fixed: Adv Machines were always active renderered
-Fixed: OreScanner had a inventory crash, and looped constantly.
-Fixed: ElectricArmor gets only charged when when needed and loses energy when full and not on the ground
-Fixed: Partical Crash when using colors from IC2
-Added: Electric Block (Transformer & Energy Storage)
-Fixed: Crashes because Texture Sizes were invalid returned. & Offsetted texture requesting. (SpriteSheet system bugs xD)
-Fixed: EnergyNet did not allow Transformer or EnergyStorage like things to connect directly... (Placement order was required) (Funfact it was just a else if that was turned into a if)
-Fixed: Transformer did not receive ticks because the self implemented canUpdateHack was not set properly. (I added that hack long ago to make clients just with better performance)
-Added: ScrapBoxEvents allowing modpacks to add their custom drops on conditions how they want it
-Added: ScrapBox. Also added a way to delete ScrapBox Drops... Was not possible before
-Added: Dynamite & Dynamite with remote.
-Added: Dynamite models (i hate torch models)...
-Fixed: Point explosion had a bug in size calculation
-Fixed: Dynamite would drop if nessesary
-Added: Dynamite can be thrown now.
-Added: CropAnalyzer
-Added: HeatPack
-Added: ChargePads (LV, MV, HV, Nuclear)
-Added: ChargePad Upgrades
-Added: Little tweaks that have to be done when new blocks got added. (Prep for the ItemAPI)
-Fixed: ItemInventories drop themseves now when they are inside each other and the gui is getting closed
-Added: All 1.7.10 Upgrades (listing them would be to long)
-Fixed: Fixed a couple bugs in the Export upgrade but its nothing that is causing issues
-Added: Nano Saber
-Added: Trade-O-Mat API (Trade API) + Very Basic PreFab
-Added: Trade-O-Mat Base Class
-Added: Guis for The Trade-O-Mat
-Added: Expanded Trade API with a couple new interfaces & Functions
-Added: Base Trader Gui
-Added: Basic Trades & Finished basic Trade Gui
-Added: AdvTrade Logic to BasicTrade.
-Fixed: Chargepad boundingbox
-Fixed: Crash with chargepads (inventory wasnt generated)
-Added: Trade-O-Mat Trade Builder,
-Fixed: Bugs with trade-o-mat not syncing & saving properly.
-Added: Trades get now saved properly.
-Added: API Implementation for the TradeAPI.
-Added: Industrial Coin
-Added: CustomTrade API (alowing addons to register Custom Trades)
-Added: Custom Trades can now be loaded in the trade-o-Mat.
-Fixing: A lot of stuff in the trade-o-mat
-Added: ToolTips for trades. (Finally)
-Finished: Trade-O-Mat owners Side
-Started: Trade-O-Mat users side
-Finished: Trade-O-Mat
-Added: Trade-O-Mat Localization
-Added: Personal Block
-Fixed: A lot of blocks would do forced chunkloads for validating stuff...
-Updated: To the new Forge Fluid System
-Fixed: Pump did not drain Items
-Added: Silver Ore
-Fixed: Trade-O-Mat can use now shift to half in&decrease Items in the TradeMaker Gui
-Added: Fluid-O-Mat Basement
-Added: FluidTrade, Fluid-O-Mat Owners side
-Added: Couple API changes to the Trade-API
-Added: Lang Support for Item Trade Infos (Self Builded Trades)
-Added: Reinforced Door (Block & Item)
-Added: Luminator
-Fixed: FluidCells cause issues... (New FluidSystem still needs work)
-Added: Dynamite Remote. & Fixed a couple bugs. Regariding Chunkloading Issues & Dimension Interaction
-Added: Upgrade Container
-Added: Quantum Jetplate
-Added: Special Fertilizer.
-Fixed: Some API Components
-Added: Spread Heat Vent
-Added: Rubber & Carbon Boat
-Added: Electric Boat Base Class
-Added: EntityGui Support & Hand Based Support.
-Added: Electric Boat
-Added: Compacted Jetpacks (they will get more expensive in Crafting Cost)
-Added: HV Machine Block
-Fixed: Massfab Text was a little offset
-Fixed: Packs had not the items properly in creative
-Added: Teleporter (not finished)
-Added: Frequency Transmitter
-Fixed: Terraformer cause infinte loops.
-Fixed: Wrench did not work properly.
-Fixed: new wrench api causes the client not to update properly.
-Added: Teleporter Item & Fluid Teleportation
-Fixed: You no longer can drain energy out of IEnergySinks... (Simply injecting negative Values)
-Added: Energy Teleportation
-Added: Mass Storage Teleportation (things like Barrels/StorageDrawers)
-Added: You can no longer Teleport to the same type
-Added: Teleporters support now multi type receiving. (If the receiving thing has everything supported)
-Added: Teleporters for none entity teleportation is 5x Cheaper now
-Added: Sound Beacon
-Added: OverGrowth fertilizer Effect
-Added: NightVision Goggles
-Added: Uranium Enricher. Moved it to HV Machines & Increased Uranium Enriching cost 5x.
-Fixed: Reinforced Glass is now not rendering each other when its a line
-Added: BatteryBox
-Changed: BatteryBox is now called Battery Station.
-Fixed: Painter now tries to paint null (all sides) at once
-Fixed: Cables support null sides now
-Fixed: EnergyNet had issues deleting components...
-Added: MultiPart Like Luminators
-Added: Improved the Tesslacoils Entity Searching Mekanism..
-Added: Miner tries now to unstuck every 6 seconds... (So chunkloading issues prevent the mining it sets stuck)
-Fixed: Miner no longer try to chunkload targets when checking. (If its lockt to a target then it chunkload that and then prevents further chunkloading after mining it)
-Added: Efficiency Effets in recipes got added.
-Fixed: Scrap Recipes to the new Machine API
-Added: Private tank API & (Fluid & Item) Trade-O-Mat support now Private Blocks
-Fixed: Fluid-O-Mat was missing a big chunk of things...
-Added: Energy-O-Mat basement... A big chunk of it at least
-Fixed: Fluid Transfer helpers care now about what the Tank actually Accepts & can be drained.
-Fixed: Fluid-O-Mats can even fill Stacked FluidContainers like Buckets completly. (Its splits them as long it is possible)
-Fixed: Custom Created Trades did lose their Stackablity when made with creative stock
-Added: New Gui Textures for the Energy-O-Mat
-Added: Energy-o-Mat
-Fixed: Player Causing issues on Joining Worlds because of Config syncs.
-Added: TileEntityRenderer to JsonDestroyer...
-Added: PersonalChest
-Added: Viewing Option into Personal Chests if the Owner Allows it!
-Added: Tier Averaging to the EnergyNet
-Fixed: Random Code Cleanups
-Added: MultiLayered Crop Textures
-Fixed: Finished a unfinished part in the EnergyNet. Also removed a lagsource which would happen when you break cables... (It would try recalculating paths, even if it was unnessesary)
-Added: PacketEnergyNet. Allowing to detect packets...
-Added: EU Reader
-Added: Entity MiningLaser.
-Added: MiningLaser Entity Render
-Added: Mining Laser
-Broke: EnergyNet
-Fixed: EnergyNet (Hopefully made I Metadelegate support right again)
-Added: Very Fancy Energy Flow Renderer. It shows what issues the IC2Energy API has...
-Fixed: EnergyStorages/Transformers Can be now placed vertical now.
-Fixed: EnergyStorages emit now Redstone
-Added: You can set the Personal Chest to allow items without player validation. (Automated Filling)
-Added: Personal EnergyStorage
-Fixed: Scanners had some mixing.
-Added: Quarry Scanner. (Acts like a Quarry. Very Cheap Scanning cost)
-Fixed: Cleanup on UUID Saving because i did it on 3 Differend Types and it start to cause missmatches even so it was the same..
-Fixed: Nuke now applies Radiation Effect & Does now a better Entity Check (less performance usage)
-Fixed: Battery Station had a couple bugs & did not sync correctly
-Added: Missing Language for some Energy Storage blocks
-Fixed: MiningLaser Only spawning Lasers when event is canceled.
-Fixed: MiningLaser caused infinite ServerLoops xD
-Added: Personal Tank Gui Texture
-Added: Personal Tank Gui.
-Fixed: Food Cans did not check the registry properly
-Added: Personal Tank & Personal EnergyStorage have now a Optional View & World Access (insert only)
-Added: Improvements to the Enet. (Missing Cases & Improvements in Performance)
-Added: TileEntity Electric Enchanter Logic...
-Added: Electric Enchanter.
-Added: Broke Energynet Completly with a Improve Attempt
-Fixed: The bugs of the Improve Attempt & Made stuff faster again
-Added: Electric Enchanter Special Renderer.
-Added: New EnergyNet renderer Texture. Specail Thanks to: Julian
-Fixed: Improved All TileEntity Performance by changing the way how server & client was checkt. (General Tick & Network) (Only a small Improvement but shows at massusage)
-Fixed: Changed how TileEntity Network Fields are collected, its now static & we get a little perform boost.
-Fixed: Changed Some Networking. Fixing some small issues (Invisible issues) and maybe improved performance
-Fixed: Networking no longer tries to build packets if the World has No Players in it
-Fixed: Random Cleanups.
-Fixed: Uran gen spawned Tin
-Added: Silver Ore gen + Config
-Updated: To 1.10.2 forge:
-Changed: Dropped FluidCapaiblity for Cells since there is a hook for it and also supporting the FluidContainerRegistry with the old way.(not possible with the capability way)
-Fixed: Fluid Tanks support now Empty non Fluid Capability items xD
-Added: ReactorPlanner API
-Added: ReactorPlanenr API to the Items
-Added: ReactorPlanner Registry (auto collection)
-Added: Pulse Collection to the Reactor API (fuel rods)
-Fixed: Isotoic cells got set damage as meta
-Added: a basic layout for the Reactor Planner gui (not finished)
-Updated: To 1.10.2 forge:
-Updated: To IC2Exp API: 2.6.60
-Fixed: All Bugs that the IC2Exp API could have caused.
-Added: Support for new features
-Fixed: Crash with Iron Furnace
-Added: Reactor Simulator (Basic reactor)
-Added: Gui Syncing logic.
-Added: Rewrited the network snyc completly. (Less Networking lag at all. Its as stable as before just more friendly to your network)
-Added: API for the new gui sync feature...
-Fixed: Nuclear Jetpack
-Fixed: Heat was going negative...
-Fixed: Random Reactor Components
-Added: First Version of ReactorPlanner (runnable. Not steam Reactor Supported)
-Fixed: Some bugs and other stuff from the Reactorplanner
-Fixed: Some Bugs at Reactor Components & ReactorPlanner.
-Added: ReactorPlanner Scrool Feature.
-Added: Extra Text for some ReactorComponents
-Fixed: Cells did not pickup fluids. & Did not remove the fluids
-Fixed: Barrels did not allow to be tapped
-Added: Decoding Registry.
-Added: Old ReactorPlanner Decoder.
-Added: V1Encoder for the Reactorplanner.
-Added: Lang Support.
-Added: Finished ReactorPlanner
-Added: Reactor & Reactor Chamber.
-Added: Steam Reactor & Steam Reactor Chamber
-Added: Improvements to reactors to make them run with less lag
-Added: Compacted Machine Block
-Added: LV, MV, HV Solar Panel
-Added: LV, MV, HV Water Mill
-Added: Interface for IItemHandler support
-Added: Handler for IItemHandler. (More modular stuff here)
-Added: Faster Logic For Basic Machines
-Added: UpgradeAPI has now a Differend Function for speedups
-Added: Implentation for speedups
-Added: Good Chunk of machines a Slot Access Information
-Fixed: Miner did not play sounds (Had not the sound code implemented)
-Added: All machines to Inventory Access. But the Inventory Access is still not good enough in my opinien...
-Added: Textures from Alex :3 thanks man xD
-Added: Upgrades to Modul System
-Added: Added Upgraded Changes from 1.7.10
-Fixed: Improved the Capability
-Removed: Inventory Access on World stuff... Really Disliked it
-Added: Upgraded to new Progress Speed System
-Added: Machines from Integer to Float
-Added: Upgrade Container shows items inside.
-Fixed: Export Upgrade reversed
-Added: InventoryAccess Base classes. Looks way better.
-Fixed: Rewritten Json Destroyer Loader.
-Fixed: Rewritten Cable Models.
-Fixed: Adjusted Crops to the new JsonLoader
-Fixed: Adjusted all things to the new System (not 100% functional but not crashing)
-Fixed: Cable Models.
-Fixed: Most blocks using a better system.
-Fixed: Improved & Fixed The Luminator Model
-Fixed: Crops right click funtion did not work at all.
-Fixed: Crop Seeds did not apply to crops
-Fixed: Drasticly Improved the Rendering of Texture Copying
-Changed: Battbox/BatteryStation/MFE/MFSU changed to 4x6 textures (before it was 4x12)
-Added: Textures for Personal Energy Storages
-Fixed: Fluid & Obscurator Model. They should work now way better & create way less lag then before
-Changed: Merged the Audio API to the Classic only Folder
-Fixed: Jetpack Models. (Made them faster as before)
-Added: Armor Pieces to the Jetpacks (For testing)
-Added: Seperate BakedQuad loader so Texture Stealing/Copying does not fuck up. (Some IC2C models loaded to early)
-Added: World Inventory Access to all generators & None EU Using machines
-Fixed: Electric Enchanter Targets only closest player on renderer. Not the Player who gets the Renderer
-Added: To all Inventories a World Access. Properly. With some extra features
-Added: Automation Upgrade. (allows to remove/add all slots to all sides)
-Added: Side Modify Upgrade. (Allows to modify Side Access xD)
-Added: Rotation Dissabler Upgrade. (Dissables that sides move with rotation)
-Added: Self Made Textures for the 3 upgrades. (Look horrible but are placeholder)
-Added: PlaceHolder Textures for the upcomming upgrades
-Fixed: Basic Machines did check for valid inputs in the wrong slot
-Added: Localization to all toolTips & Names of the 3 new Upgrades
-Fixed: Network Syncing supports now Metadata too.
-Added: SlotType Modifier Upgrade. (Allows to set slotTypes (groups) to sides) Does not Modify Slots
-Fixed: Upgrades that need to be inited with a Machine save now the ID of the machine. So they will not break when you try to put it into another one
-Added: Slot Access Modifier Upgrade.
-Added: Some textures for each side.
-Fixed: VacuumCanner can now be opend. (Forgot to add a canInteractWith function)
-Added: SlotSideModifierUpgrade.
-Changed: Sprayer use the new Rotation Helper class
-Changed: Upgrade Item is no longer taking a Boolean parameter for Ticks. (Was for Update Inventory. No longer needed)
-Added: Round Robin Export Upgrades
-Fixed: Inventory Handler uses now Read/Write To NBT (Had no effect because Upgrades could not be implemented)
-Changed: Changed API to prepair for 1.11 stuff so they do not cause issues
-Fixed: Export Upgrades had a couple rotation issues.
-Fixed: Machines got speed up to insanity while making progress & taking Upgrades out.
-Fixed: Machines did consume Recipe Items instead of copied items
-Added: CropHarvester.
-Fixed: Field Name for MFSU Kit
-Added: ItemAPI Compat for IC2Exp Item Access...
-Added: Basic Steam Turbine
-Fixed: Lang for it
-Added: Crafting & Smelting Achievement scanning.
-Fixed: IC2Furnaces now throw events properly...
-Added: 6 Events for IC2Machines, OnSmelted, onMacerated, onExtracted, onCompressed, onRecycled
-Added: UUMatter Creation Tracking
-Fixed: Added 10 missing items to the registry
-Added: A bunch of tracking Stats
-Fixed: Scrabox would increase manuall drops when people add drops to The list
-Added: 5-10 More Stats to track & a couple achievements
-Added: Better Trackers for Achievements
-Added: Scaffolds Achievement.
-Changed: IRecipeMachine stuff to handle it better & Faster
-Added: Better tracking for Automation Detection
-Added: Final Detection
-Added: Shaped Crafting Recipes
-Added: RecipeManagers
-Added: IC2Exp RecipeManager Comapt
-Broke/Fixed: Fancy EnergyNet renderer
-Added: Loss shower into the FancyRenderer
-Fixed: Loss shower is not faster & less laggy. Also ver presise xD
-Added: Localization
-Fixed: Issues with the ReactorPlanner
-Fixed: Crash when replacements got added
-Added: Baubles Plugin
-Added: Expanded Baubles Plugin. CF Packs & Energy Packs are now Baubles Body parts
-Fixed: Baubles plugin did not load as intendet(Plugin thing)
-Added: Basement for JEI Plugin.
-Fixed: Recipe Exp was not accessable in API Implementation
-Fixed: Copying of Recipes work now properly
-Added: JEI Recipe Handlers for: Macerator, Extractor, Compressor, Recycler
-Added: JEI Recipe Handlers for: Crafting Recipes
-Fixed: Compressor SnowballRecipes.
-Fixed: Recipe Modifiers could cause bad cases
-Added: Macerator Recipes
-Added: Extractor Recipes
-Added: Compressor Recipes
-Added: Furnace Recipes
-Added: ScrapBox Drops
-Added: MassFab & Electrolyzer Recipes
-Added: OreDictionary Entries
-Added: Cables Recipes
-Added: Battery Recipes.
-Fixed: AdvRecipes caused crashes because of Not prepairing of nullItems
-Fixed: Jei Plugin not working correctly
-Changed: Adjusted Basic Steam Turbine to new logic
-Added: Generator Recipes
-Added: LVMachine Recipes
-Added: MVMachine Recipes
-Added: HVMachine Recipes
-Added: EnergyStorage/Transformer Recipes.
-Added: All Armor Recipes
-Fixed: Some recipes
-Added: Tool Recipes
-Added: Scanner Recipes
-Added: Terraforming Blueprint Recipes
-Added: Upgrade&PadUpgrade Recipes
-Fixed: ItemAPI for cables
-Removed: ItemAPI fix becuase it wasnt a bug
-Added: UUMatter Recipes
-Added: All Reactor Component Recipes
-Added: Beta Locks
-Added: Personal Block Recipes
-Added: All missing recipes from 1.7.10 (Note: All Recipes from 1.7.10 are over 500)
-Added: Raw & Actual Chance function to the IDrop class for the ScrapBox manager so you can see the difference
-Added: Scrapbox JEI Support
-Fixed: the System for the food can meta could caused crashes
-Added: JEI support for Electrolyzer & Canning machine
-Updated: To latest Forge API & IC2Exp API
-Added: Tool To insert&remove inventory upgrades
-Fixed: Forestry would crash with IC2Classic installed.
-Added: Optional IC2 Rubber Farm
-Added: Luminators now store only 50 EU instead of 10000
-Added: Comparator Base Classes
-Added: Compatator manager can be readed from the BlockClass
-Added: Comparator Handlers for a good chunk of machines (Basic & AdvMachines)
-Added: Comparators to all Machines.
-Added: Comparator Localization
-Added: Comparator Tool.
-Added: Comparator Tool Localization.
-Fixed: Some localization Bugs
-Fixed: Comparator requires BlockUpdates
-Added: TickManager API & Improved the Speed of Callbacks
-Added: Waila Plugin.
-Added: Info Components to all Machines.
-Fixed: Network Gui Sycing is to early.
-Added: TheOneProbe support.
-Fixed: Some bugs with my Info API.
-Added: Custom RenderAPI to Ic2Classic crops
-Fixed: Selected Bounding Box of Iron Fences
-Changed: Started Rewriting CropRenderer
-Fixed: Waila shows now the right block in the screen
-Fixed: Localization.
-Finalized: Classics New Render way.
-Fixed: Explosive no longer explode on mining
-Added: All Blocks have now proper harvest levels & tools now
-Added: Expanded Crop info on
-Added: Transformer upgrade can be now used in my Force Proper Enet use function
-Added: Reload on IC2Textures affect now also the SpriteData reloading.
-Added: IC2Plugins have now access to IC2cs Texture Systems.
-Fixed: Nano Saber Flickering works now properly and should not eat Performance
-Changed: Trade-O-Mats of any kind require the Private version of their kind. To prevent exploits
-Fixed: Class Name Mistake i did..
-Added: Texture Rotations to the API & The tool (4 Rotation Possiblities per side)
-Added: Texture Rotations to the Blocks & Added localization for tool data
-Fixed: Some small bugs with the Obsucrator & Texture Copying
-Fixed: Size Issue with Item Entities. Thanks to Mezz
-Fixed: Trade-O-Mats crash when money trades were done.
-Added: Local Market
-Fixed: Trades work now properly in weird situations
-Added: Global Market
-Added: Presision Wrench. (2x Modifier in Gaining Drops. But no losslessmode)
-Fixed: Coin Texture
-Fixed: Nano Saber uses now the Right Active Textures
-Fixed: PickBlock from CFWall.
-Fixed: Jetpack Renderer
-Fixed: Derp bug with hidden Recipes
-Fixed: A memory Leak & a ResourceReload issue
-Fixed: Global Market caused a crash
-Fixed: Localization Issue with SlotSideUpgrades
-Fixed: Lightning Issue with some itemBlocks
-Added: New Testers
-Fixed: Testers didnt get added during load
-Added: Config for CropRenderModes. No real effect but if someone tries to override crop renderring people still can choose how they do stuff
-Added: Most of the new textures
-Added: 4 New Coins
-Improved: Coin generation when you overpay money trades
-Added: Fuel Cells
-Fixed: Recipe BlankValue issue
-Fixed: Finally the TextureCopy Storage
-Fixed: IC2Classic no longer loads unnessesary Textures
-Changed: Moved some interfaces from Internal API to offical API
-Fixed: Hoe used Shovel Texture
-Fixed: Some textures did not load properly
-Added: Netherrack Dust recipe
-Fixed: Adv Solar Helmet was not seeable in JEI or Creative tabs
-Added: Some more recipes for upgrades
-Added: Crop Card Recipes
-Added: Recycler Recipes
-Added: MiningLaser can be used in the miner. Very fast
-Added: FireInfo & Adjusted Block BlastResistance
-Added: OreDictionary Collector
-Added: BoxableItems, ArmorItems
-Changed: Changed Crop Textures.
-Fixed: Texture Placement in Crops.
-Added: Beetroot Crop
-Added: CF can be dried with any kind of Sand
-Added: Some decorative Block from QuantumCatExpansion
-Fixed: Glass now renders Properly in connecting casess
-Added: Lang for the new blocks
-Fixed: TradeMarkets didnt save the owner properly
-Added: Some compat for Other mods in the Teleporter registry
-Fixed: TeleporterRegistry accepts now Interfaces
-Added: Recipes for the new decoration Blocks
-Added: 5-10 new Stats
-Added: 4 new Achievements
-Added: SaplingCrop Textures (Thanks to Alex)
-Added: SaplingCrops
-Removed: Offline Caching of Stats
-Added: CustomFakePlayer that can take Stats xD
-Added: Crop "Blank" achievement.
-Added: Missing localization.
-Fixed: A lot of ServerSided Crashes.
-Added: Missing saplingCrops recipes.
-Added: Missing BaseSeeds.
-Added: Missing Localization fro crops.
-Added: Sapling Crops have after they have reached their none hidden state a very fast grow time.
-Added: Crops not fully reset after a drop. Only 2 steps back.
-Fixed: CropScanner (item) on crops did not show all needed data when no crop was planted but also to much if a crop was not fully scanned
-Fixed: Scanner did not message the Player with its results
-Fixed: ToolBox should accept items now.
-Fixed: Iron Fence now launches you when they are charged & you wear Iron boots
-Fixed: Bounding Box of Iron Fences
-Changed: Armor collection is now changed.
-Added: Bronze & Composite armor implements now IMetalArmor (Needed for IronFences)
-Fixed: Insulation Changing updates networkData now properly.
-Fixed: Insulation network update does als now cause a renderUpdate
-Fixed: Cables do render now the side they connect to. So if differend size cabels happen they do not show a glass like texture
-Fixed: Cables drop now their proper items and can be harvested by hand now.
-Fixed: Terrawart & Tea can be now eaten/drunken all the time...
-Fixed: Slots from the CropAnalyzer work now properly. Also the analyzer drains now energy and also process items.
-Fixed: Obsucrator was not pushed to the new Fixed RenderMode & Quad Chache didnt update properly.
-Added: Cap for Obscurator quadStorage so it does not use up all ram.
-Added: A lot more Boxable Items
-Fixed: Electric Sprayer has now a A Full and Empty Charged Version.
-Added: Missing Localization for the Electric Sprayer
-Fixed: BatteryStation can accept chargeable & Dischargeable Items.
-Fixed: Hazmat Suit components were messed up with where you can place it.
-Fixed: Model Textures for all Armors were broken...
-Added: A missing Tester
-Fixed: RubberTrees generate now properly
-Fixed: RubberLeaves decay now Properly.
-Added: Missing Localisation for the Loudness Upgrade
-Fixed: Bronze Axe has now a proper entityDamage value
-Fixed: Dynamite Drops now itself instead of a broken model.
-Fixed: Sticky Dynamite has now the right texture when thrown
-Fixed: Canner Gui ProgressBar was offset
-Fixed: Canner no longer shiftclick items into the wrong slot
-Fixed: ChargePad names are no longer broken
-Fixed: Electrolyzer is no longer called Recycler in JEI Plugin
-Fixed: Iron Horse Armor recipe no longer returns Iron Axes
-Fixed: Nano Saber Had wrong damage values
-Fixed: Added Recipes for Tin & Copper Ingots & Ores
-Fixed: DisplayIcons have now a localized Name
-Fixed: Cable Models could caused in foamed state a crash..
-Fixed: BatteryRecipes of any kind
-Fixed: Lappacks are no longer renderered as Batpacks. (Baubles included)
-Fixed: ChargePads, Basic Machines, AdvMachines, Vacuum Canner (seperate advmachine) can no longer be to far upgraded with transformer upgrades
-Fixed: Vacuum Canner gui had offsets...
-Fixed: Centrifugal Extractor gui had a offset.
-Fixed: Generator produced 4x more then usual
-Fixed: Steam Turbine is crashing
-Fixed: BlockElectric drops now the right Items
-Fixed: MV Machines dropping now the right Items
-Fixed: BoundingBox of Full Block Explosive are fixed now
-Fixed: Electric Enchanter works now properly
-Fixed: Cable Renderer
-Fixed: RotationHandler in Inventory Handler was working Inproperly. Its fixed now.
-Changed: Reduced the Entraince cost for the Machine Tool. It was way to high.
-Fixed: Water&Lava Gen accept now FluidContainers properly now again.
-Fixed: Water gen updates production now properly.
-Fixed: GuiOffset of the Watergenerator.
-Added: ToolTip for Electric Sprayer so you know how often you can spray
-Fixed: Achievements can be collected again. (Really Stupid Derp bug) but i do not know which achievement are not gainable..
-Fixed: Sticky Situation achievement is now achieveable again
-Fixed: Personal Blocks throw now players out if view get dissabled & someone who does not own it clicks on it.
-Fixed: Generator has weird Gui Renderring (But only on servers)
-Fixed: EnergyNet Crash in certan really rare cases
-Fixed: A EnergyNet Grid Spamming problem...
-Fixed: Silver ore has now a Harvest Level
-Fixed: Generator keeps now track of last fuel (even during unload) & does update on game load properly
-Added: Missing Coin Recipes
-Fixed: Painters tried to paint air.
-Fixed: Nano Armor can be placed now into the right slots
-Checkt: Silver ore gen. Its using Vanilla ore gen and why its going wrong no clue
-Fixed: Electrolyzer & Charged Electrolyzer can be wrenched now.
-Patch: Added a isValid check to the EnergyNet
-Change: Uran spawns 250% more in dead biome Types
-Fixed: Leaves should be now updating properly when you change graphics settings
-Fixed: Gui Localization for the Crop Harvester.
-Fixed: Machines save now the name to the items when wrenched.
-Fixed: Pumps consume Items when pumped again.
-Fixed: Painter do not search for the wrong sound folder anymore..
-Added: A lot of documentation to the API (not finished but most of it)
-Added: Updated 1.7.10 ReactorPlanner API (Some new features)
-Added: All missing Documentation for the API
-Added: Super Circuit Maker support
-Added: Small Improvement for Source Path generator. Takes care of the energyLoss limit to make calculations faster
-Fixed: Cables pick now no longer gets a stack with 0 stacksize
-Changed: Axe uses now a proper tool material system
-Fixed: Armor Material has no longer mixed up values
-Fixed: Pump wasnt able to pump lava
-Added: Stone Brick to Gravel recipe
-Added: Some Blade use Recipes
-Added: TickRate limiter on the Book of the Electric Enchanter (so that it is bound to the TPS instead of FPS)
-Added: A ton of Forestry tools to the Boxable Items (Tool Box)
-Added: Some new testers
-Added: Armor slots to Electric Blocks
-Added: Event for the wireregistry so core addons can add cables to the same block
-Added: Rotation Support For Machine Textures. So rotation a machine the top & Bottom will rotate too
-Added: Heat Comparing to reactor Chamber
-Fixed: Texture Rotations no longer fuck up stuff.
-Fixed: Machines with some exclusions can no longer be rotated Verticaly
-Added: Teleporter supports now Rotation. Rotation Teleporter = Detecting point gets rotated too
-Changed: Some Inventory Upgrade Names did change
-Fixed: Transformer drops itself.
-Fixed: Scrapbox chances were shown 100% to low.
-Fixed: V1Encoder saves Plan names again (the other do not but that can not be changed)
-Changed: Active Info shows steam per tick production instead of Total Steam Produced in the ReactorPlanner
-Fixed: Steam Per Tick was always 0 in the ReactorPlanner.
-Fixed: Explosion Power gets now caclulated properly and synced.
-Fixed: ReactorPLanner had a funky desync when you made stuff it didnt expect xD
-Fixed: Pump no longer pumps non fluid sources. (Flowing water & flowing lava)
-Fixed: Reflectors show now their durability
-Added: A lot of tooltips to scanners
-Added: Fluid Scanner
-Fixed: Plating did apply stuff twice
-Fixed: Reactor Explosion Effect updates now in the ReactorPlanner properly
-Fixed: Creative Electric Storage does not drop anything anymore
-Added: Reactor Chamber Expansion in a Steam Reactor expands the Tanks in the Steam Reactor, (Water + 1 Bucket, Steam + 5 Buckets per chamber)
-Fixed: Steam Vents did mix up variables which caused it to produce less steam
-Fixed: In Void worlds Rubber Tree gens would go infinitly down...
-Added: Scrapmetal recipes are no visible
-Changed: Oredictionaryed a lot of recipes
-Fixed: Depleted cells are now EU Reactor Only.
-Added: FuelCell is now declared as ReactorComponent
-Fixed: Steam Turbine can not overcharge
-Added: A lot of tooltips. (Require the EU reader in the hotbar)
-Changed: Moved EU Reader to a global playerCheck so that it gets only checkt once per tick.
-Fixed: Extractor Accepted 43 EU instead of 32
-Added: More ToolTips.
-Added: MiningDrill API & Scanner API is now expanded
-Fixed: Miner... (Took way to long)
-Added: Fluid Miner. (Put a FluidScanner into a miner)
-Changed: Made the Pipe drawing back 4 times faster. (before every 20 ticks now every 5 ticks)
-Fixed: Some Blocks had render issues when you walked into them
-Added: Slowdown Upgrade. (Makes machines slower but also less powerconsuming)
-Fixed: Induction Furnace causes a Infinite Loop crash
-Fixed: Uran Ore drops now Uranium Drop.
-Fixed: Uran Ore supports now fortune.
-Added: tooltips for compacted gens
-Fixed: Scanners were stackable
-Fixed: UUMatter recipe overlap.
-Added: A lot of UUMatter Recipes
-Added: Added OreDictionary Recipe Detection for macerator
-Fixed: Loading Crash with Macerator
-Fixed: Crash with The One Probe
-Fixed: Chocohead owned all Trade-O-Mats
-Added: Item AutoTrader.
-Fixed: InventoryUpgrades do drop now when you break or wrench a machine
-Fixed: ItemAutoTrader losing its inventory because of forgetting to save data
-Added: Fluid AutoTrader
-Fixed: AutoTraders can be wrenched now.
-Fixed: Audio issues with machines/advMachines
-Added: New CFFoam Type which leads to reinforced stone
-Fixed: CFPack shows now uses left.
-Fixed: Canner processes food now properly
-Fixed: Vacuum Canner slot order was 100% messed up.
-Fixed: Electric Enchanter crash. (Sublists are something differend then lists)
-Added: Personal Chest can now items be injected if the owner allows it.
-Changed: IRecipeMachine is now split from IMachine because not all IRecipeMachines use EU
-Added: Stone Macerator + its textures
-Fixed: Macerator Particals
-Changed: Texture Sprite names for machines
-Added: Stone Macerator has now Inventory & Comparator & Info tags
-Added: WoodGlasser
-Added: Wood-Gas
-Added: WoodGas Cell
-Added: Electric WoodGasser.
-Added: ForgeEnergy can no longer be applyied to any IC2Classic machine/TileEntity
-Added: Bio Materials
-Added: Missing recipes
-Added: Missing lang
-Fixed: Realistic WindSimulation calls a clientsided function.
-Added: Random stuff (fixes etc)
-Fixed: Tried to fix a cable networking bug.
-Fixed: Stacksize Crafting no longer causes crash.
-Fixed: Stone Macerator loses now progress when no items inside of the machine & out of fuel
-Fixed: Cable sycning was not properly loaded when created in certan cases
-Fixed: Armor slots are no longer reversed
-Fixed: CropBreeding no longer causes crashes
-Fixed: Cacti Crops crash on tick.
-Fixed: Cacti Crops do no longer destryo items
-Added: New hopper recipe
-Fixed: Personal Blocks should no longer crash you
-Fixed: LV Transformer dropped batboxes.
-Fixed: MV Transformer dropped A LV Machine
-Added: Chainsaw damage back
-Fixed: Electric Tools have always a durability bar shown
-Fixed: Batteries show now proper texture on charge.
-Fixed: RE-Battery is stackable when empty
-Fixed: BronzeTools, TreeTaps, Armor is fixed
-Fixed: EnergyStorage slots are fixed now.
-Added: Personal Storage shows the Armor slots now too
-Fixed: FuelCan was totally broken
-Fixed/Removed: No longer offline stats.
-Fixed: Generators reduce stacksize on container Items.
-Fixed: (Hopefully) Toolclasses on tools
-Fixed: Redstone is worth 500000 EU instead of 500 EU in the Energy Storages
-Fixed: You can no longer overcharge energy storages
-Fixed: Solar Panels can not transfer to a wire.
-Fixed: Chainsaws imitates now a iron pickaxe
-Added: SneakClicking alows you to remove a personalTank evenso there is a fluid stored. (But not if items are inside)
-Fixed: Personal Energy Storage is rotateable now
-Fixed: Cells can pick now fluids properly
-Fixed: Slots of energy storages
-Fixed: Advanced machines accept now items when is no items are inside of a machine
-Added: The basement of a Thermal Generator
-Fixed: Lang Issue with CropAnalyzer
-Added: Crops can be readed when they are fully grown. like if they would be fully scanned.
-Fixed: Crops crasing (Cacti the 4th)
-Fixed: Miner was crashing.
-Fixed: Miner was creating pipes out of nothing
-Fixed: Machine Stacksize recipes work now properly.
-Fixed: IC2Furnaces fire now the proper events
-Fixed: Crop Harvester runs now properly.
-Fixed: Chainsaw works now properly the 5th
-Changed: Increased the fluidScanner range to 20 (from 6)
-Fixed: Electric Wrench shows now durability.
-Fixed: Electric Tools show now proper EU durability
-Changed: Crop Analyzer stores now EU.
-Changed: Inventory Battery charges now cropanalyzer
-Added: Scaning crops shows now colors.
-Added: If Crops are fully grown they count as scanned.
-Added: SneakClick a Crop with a CropScanner will now increase the scanlevel of a Crop (Uses the same amount of EU)
-Added: Crop Scanner now searches in a Cube instead of the same Y Level. Means slower processing (if more crops were found)
-Fixed: Potential Crash with the OreScanner block since not all blocks have a ItemBlock
-Added: Some basics.
-Fixed: ItemInventories beeing saved now properly. (Ty to IC2Exp)
-Fixed: Crop Scanner inventory actually scanns stuff
-Fixed: A lot more Crop API crashes...
-Fixed: Miner did not allow energy crystals inserted. Even so config was enabled
-Fixed: Log Recipes.
-Added: StickResin recipes
-Fixed: EnergyNet Easy mode was broken.
-Fixed: Battbox stores now 40k EU
-Changed: Rewrited the Path Calculation part to be a bit more flexible on path generation
-Added: Electric TreeTap does auto Add to the inventory (for now. Until i decide that it will be changed back)
-Fixed: Miner removing pipes inproperly
-Added: Charcoal dust + uses
-Added: Textures from Razzokk
-Fixed: All Durability bars of all Tools & Armor pieces.
-Fixed: All Data that has to do with Durability.
-Fixed: LapPack recipe
-Fixed: Some more Electric Tools recipes
-Added: Scanner Converting recipes. (Only OV to OD and back)
-Added: Personal Tank can be filled now from rightclicking. Also if allow external filling is allowed then everyone can fill it.
-Fixed: Cells
-Added: Personal Tank raintains now fluids properly.
-Fixed: Tank slots shiftclick works properly.
-Fixed: Compressor has now the proper gui
-Fixed: AdvMachine Automation. It was a derp bug
-Added: Profiler for lag searching
-Fixed: Sounds getting louder when upgrades installed. (Setting default values properly now)
-Fixed: Personal Tank allow viewing works now properly
-Fixed: Inventory upgrades work now properly
-Fixed: Miner needed a little fix
-Fixed: Reactor Chamber did not output comparator values
-Fixed: Rewrited the adding & removeing code of the EnergyNet... Was a lot of work
-Fixed: Electric Enchanter should no longer cause a crash
-Fixed: Derp with EnergyNets
-Fixed: The Enet issue with directly connecting blocks.
-Added: ChargePads can now Baubles slots
-Fixed: EnergyNet path building failed still sometimes.
-Fixed: Rewrote the whole sound Engine.
-Fixed: Miner/Pump combo no longer spawns fluids out of no where
-Fixed: Networking errors
-Added: Netherquarz recipes
-Fixed: Wrench shows now durability
-Fixed: How damage is handled in ReactorVents. (Should fix the forestry issue)
-Fixed: Localization of CropScanner
-Fixed: Missing Localization of Steamvents in the Reactorplanner
-Fixed: CropHarvester upgrade slots only accept a stacksize of 1
-Fixed: Chargepads do now support overclockers
-Fixed: NanoSaber bug
-Fixed: Detector cable update connectivity now properly
-Fixed: Forestry farms with rubber trees
-Removed: Joke Recipe
-Added: Crop info to the One Probe
-Fixed: CropMatron allows now cells in them
-Fixed: StatAcievements were reversed. (the did took stats instead of giving them)
-Removed: EnergyProduced stat.
-Fixed: Generators no longer spam stats
-Added: Compacted generators give now the compacted amount of the stat (HV solar panel gives 512 Clean Energy Stat Points)
-Fixed: ChargePads no longer can charge Nuclear Jetpacks
-Added: CleanVsDirty Stat wipeout. Because it was 100% bugged out
-Fixed: Quantum Armor Achievement
-Fixed: Stat boosts on crafting stuff
-Fixed: Cropmatron uses items now properly
-Fixed: CropScanner did not expand the box properly
-Fixed: CropScanner speedupgrades were useless. (Was already at max speed)
-Fixed: Shiftclicking bugs in Rare cases would destory items
-Fixed: Lappack recipe was broken.
-Fixed: Electric Hoe does now work properly
-Fixed: Jetplate recipe is fixed
-Added: personal Chest can be pickt up with items in it.
-Updated: To IC2Exps fixed crop api. Yell at them if crops are broken again
-Changed: Rewrote Trade-O-Mat
-Fixed: Bug with trades when subtrades got deleted crashes could appear
-Fixed: Fluid Trade having the same bug.
-Added: Energy SubTrades can be now deleted
-Fixed: Energy-O-Mat
-Fixed: Fluid-O-Mat
-Added: When sideInventory key is pressed then trade-o-mats can be used even by owners (aka owners can buy stuff too)
-Fixed: TradeMarkets sync now properly.
-Fixed: TradeMarkets do no longer cause crashes...
-Fixed: Global Market is now in sync with all others.
-Added: Markets can now be viewed by anyone. But they can only look and not modify if they are not the owner
-Fixed: CropHarvester saves now the upgrade Slot
-Fixed/Added: Shapless symbol in IC2C Shapeless recipes in JEI
-Fixed: Durability bar in Electric Sprayer
-Added: Drills efficency & Unbreaking Enchantment have now a impact on the miner.
-Fixed: A lot of sound providers.
-Fixed: Battery Sounds are now running properly.
-Added: Jetpacks (Electric Only at the moment) can be put into baubles slots
-Fixed: Tradeing Bug
-Fixed: Scrapbox drops are no longer bugged
-Fixed: Electric Enchanter bug
-Fixed: Tank Gauge is fixed
-Fixed: Reactor can be wrenched now from any side
-Fixed: Detector cables do now emit a redstone signal
-Fixed: Baubles bug with Jetpacks
-Fixed: Probe max value on CropSticks
-Fixed: Reinforced Stone bug
-Changed: Miner has now 10x More energy storage (10000 eu instead of 1000)
-Fixed: Mining bug
-Fixed: Boundingbox calculator was broken because of missunderstanding stuff.
-Added: Nuclear Jetpack baubles
-Fixed: Nuclear Jetpacks had no Armor property boost
-Added: Electric jetpacks can be now charged from armor pieces
-Added: Metal Blocks are now beacon base
-Fixed: Obscurator had a layer issue
-Fixed: Langtypos
-Fixed: Cable + CF Crash
-Fixed: CropScanner crashing
-Fixed: CropScanner not using any energy
-Added: Cropscanner has now upgradeSlots.
-Added: Textures from Princess
-Added: Thermal Generator
-Added: New Model Feature into classic which was needed to add the new generator.
-Changed: The size of the Generator sheet.
-Added: Solar Turbine Basement
-Fixed: Electric WoodGasser infos/comparator/inventory wasnt setup
-Fixed: Probe does no longer see stuff that shouldnt be seen
-Fixed: EnergyNet removed paths completly when sources got removed from 1 grid instead of removeing only grid paths
-Added: Jetplate has now toggleable jetpack. Its dissabled by default. (Mode + Alt key)
-Added: Poisenes Potato Recipe
-Added: Scrapbox achievement no longer checks for chance. Its checking for rawchance. (Chance = all drops, rawchance = registry)
-Updated: To forge version 2185. But its backwards compatible.
-Fixed: Canning machine had not slot types registered
-Changed: How recipe handlers electric items
-Added: Thermometer
-Fixed: EnergyNet caused a crash because i forgot to add a != null check
-Changed: Doubled the Electric boats max speed
-Fixed: (Hopefully) Electric boat desync issue. In common/Uncommon cases
-Added: Solar Turbine
-Added: Enet Path Calculation helper to ThermalGenerator & SolarTurbine.
-Added: Missing Localization
-Added: Missing Recipes for the new stuff.
-Added: External Capabilities are banned now.
-Added: AudioTest so i can track the crashing sounds
-Added: First fix implementation with the audiosource crashspamming
-Fixed: Sound System no longer throws errors on weird cases
-Fixed: CF Sprayer caused crashes
-Fixed: Nano Saber causing sound bugs.
-Fixed: Nano saber not working.
-Fixed: Utility block was still not fixed completly
-Fixed: Miner Caused crashes
-Added: Tooltip to uran enricher
-Fixed: Miner was eating mining pipes because of the meta change of Mining Pipes
-Fixed: Nukes/ITnt does entity damage now.
-Fixed: Miner produced reinforced stone when drawing up pipes.
-Fixed: Miner ate 1 Mining pipe on draw
-Fixed: Stone Macerator & Basic & Adv Machines had some shiftclicking bugs
-Fixed: Achievement to nuke yourself is added now
-Added: Nuke a Wither achievement
-Changed: Nerfed the steam turbine recipe
-Changed: Rewrote luminator multipart TileEntity logic
-Added: Fancy renderer to allow to see which seed is which type.
-Added: The basement for a new generator
-Fixed: Electric Jetpacks had a meta override which wasnt supposed to be there. (Doesnt fix already created items)
-Fixed: Personal blocks drop now properly
-Fixed: Repair Recipes.
-Added: Repair Recipe JEI Hanlder
-Added: Clicking blocks with CF allows you to foam them without CF Sprayer
-Added: Chorus Fruit Effect to canned food
-Fixed: Solar Turbine is now sending the starting packet
-Fixed: Stacksize issues with Machines are fixed now
-Fixed: EnderDragon Achievement
-Added: Build Recycler Achievement
-Changed: Started reworking Achievements
-Added: Some new achievments
-Added: Missing Localization
-Added: Liquid Fuel Generator
-Added: Overclockt pump
-Added: Recipes & Textures for the new Blocks
-Added: Transformer upgrades can be only taken out the machine is not processing or you press Alt Key
-Added: SoundFile Liquid Fuel generator
-Added: Slag generator.
-Changed: the EV transformer recipe
-Fixed: Jetplate Turn on and off has now a message
-Fixed: Electric Treetap did had some bugs with offhand.
-Changed: Electric Treetap you can upgrade to import the items to your inventory instead of default.
-Fixed: Using wrong parameter for detecing if the Adv Machine is running.
-Added: Exp Collector Upgrade supports Mending Repair Now. (it repairs only 1 item)
-Fixed: Just with magic the sound systems audio not changing bug
-Fixed: TinCans didnt apply Effects.
-Changed: TinCans are now always eatable
-Fixed: ItemInventories no longer have the drop bug
-Fixed: AdvMachine Bug
-Fixed: SoundEngine bug
-Fixed: JEI iterating through all item types
-Removed: Unwanted Pixels
-Fixed: Horizontal Mode is now working properly now
-Fixed: Offhand issues with the MiningLaser
-Fixed: Crop Lightning issues
-Fixed: Redwheat emits a redstone signal now properly
-Added: New Achievement
-Fixed: Shapeless Recipes work now too with electric items in JEI
-Fixed: Thermal Generator -0EU bug
-Fixed: Trades dissapear after watched at them when doing trade Limit
-Added: Updated Textures from Razzokk
-Removed: Some logging code
-Fixed: Induction furnace had a double sound call.
-Fixed: Some misstypos with the syncing
-Fixed: Vacuum Canner shows Speed Info now
-Fixed: Vacuum Canner updates redstone now.
-Fixed: Reactor Saves heat now.
-Fixed: Tin Cells no longer calling offhand rightclick anymore.
-Added: new Testers
-Fixed: A Rare Case senario in the Energynet. (I think the bug became selfaware because it worked with 1 extra bug together)
-Added: Extra Enet improvement on the Average Tick basis
-Added: Filter for possible Names in the Scanner
-Fixed: Crash with mining laser
-Fixed: Crash with miner when got stuck
-Fixed: Cleaned up the Comparator makers to use less repeating code.
-Fixed: Vacuum Canner default Slot rules are now done properly
-Added: Registry for sounds & Gui Texture Paths. To reduce Garbage creation. (at the moment completly useless)
-Changed: Config classes to a better place
-Changed: Moved some inventory related classes so that its a bit more organized
-Changed: Moved a lot of Filter Classes to the Inventory classes getting a more cleaned up invioment.
-Changed: Moved a lot block related classes to a better package that is related to block insteadof utility area
-Changed: Moved container/gui/inventory Base classes to the new folder
-Removed: 2 Useless functions from all container classes. (Over 50 off them)
-Added: Basement gui class (Useless at the moment)
-Added: Gui Components base class (Useless for now).
-Added: Machine Progress & Charge Components.
-Added: TileEntityBlock uses now the LocaleComp class
-Changed: Moved Basic Electric Machines to the new Gui System.
-Changed: Moved the Canner to the new Gui System
-Fixed: Crash with modular Gui Classes. Now the gui System creats the gui with the first constructor
-Changed: Cropanalyzer to the new Gui System
-Changed: Cropmatron to the new Gui System.
-Changed: BasicMachines use now the new sound storage. (Less garbage creation)
-Added: pump chargebar component.
-Changed: Pump to the new system
-Changed: Moved Electric WoodGasser & WoodGasser to the new System
-Fixed: WoodGasser keept burning no matter what
-Fixed: Fuel Component was to fast down at 0 (Renderring dissable itself to early)
-Added: New Container BaseClass just for TileEntities so less repeating code appears
-Added: New Helper functions for the new gui system.
-Added: New Component function to expand usage
-Changed: Sound Beacon & Stone Macerator to the new system.
-Fixed: Stone Macerator Gui Bug
-Changed: All LV Machines use now the new gui system
-Fixed: Boats have now the correct entity name.
-Changed: Boats use now the new localization system & gui system
-Changed: Moved all Upgrade Items into the new Localization system.
-Fixed: Small Localization issues
-Changed: All Crafting items (basicly items that have no functionality) are moved to the new LangSystem
-Changed: All Tools & Electric Tools use the new LangSystem
-Fixed: Terraform End Achievement
-Changed: TFBP use now the new Lang System.
-Changed: Moved a Big Chunk of Reactor Components to the New Lang System.
-Changed: Split Item / Block / Gui Names into 3 classes to prevent Class Field Overload
-Changed: Crops show their kind only if you scanned them at least once
-Changed: Moved Barrels back to Metadata instead of NBTData. (Using a ByteShifter helper)
-Changed: Reworked the Beer Translation Components
-Changed: Moved all items to the new Localization system
-Changed: Moved a big chunk of the Machines to the New Localization system
-Changed: Moved All Blocks & All Items (Naming only) to the new Localization system
-Fixed: Started a new Localization file which is sorted properly. And to remove duplicated Lang.
-Fixed: SoundEngine Causes a crash on Resource Reload.
-Fixed: Block ID for the Utility Blocks. Will delete some blocks
-Fixed: Some basic bugs i made with the new system
-Fixed: OreScanner is now working properly again
-Changed: Moved ReactorPlanner to the new GuiSystem.
-Fixed: A couple small improvements on the Reactorplanner. Also code Cleanup
-Changed: Electric Enchanter uses the new Gui & Lang system.
-Fixed: Bugs with some buttons disapearing when gui reopened.
-Changed: MassFab is updated to the new Gui & Lang System. And Massfab shows % now with a float number
-Changed: Moved all HV Machines to the new Gui & Lang System.
-Fixed: A but with the playerhandler could cause a memory leak.
-Changed: Energy Storages now use the new Gui & Lang system.
-Added: EnergyStorage button shows now the current mode.
-Changed: Moved All Generators to the new Gui & Lang system
-Fixed: BatteryStation had a bug at packet mode
-Changed: Moved All EnergyStorage blocks to the new Gui & Lang System
-Fixed: Personal Storage didnt create like 500k EU per redstone
-Changed: Moved all Personal Storages to the new Gui & Lang system
-Fixed: Trade-O-Mat had a NBT Issue with Owners
-Fixed: Some issues with trade-o-mats
-Changed: Moved all Trade-o-Mats over to the new Lang & Gui System
-Changed: Moved TradeMarkets over to the new Lang & Gui System.
-Fixed: A bug with TradeMarkets
-Removed: AutoTraders
-Changed: All Item Guis to the new Gui & Lang System
-Added: Void & Extract Button for the personal Blocks
-Changed: Cleaned up some classes about localization and moved them to a static class. Basicly less repeating code
-Changed: Everything that can use the new lang system now uses it.
-Fixed: Reworket the whole loclaization system. And made a giant cleanup
-Fixed: Moved the Sounds to the finalized Sound Positions.
-Added: Upgrade Container shows contents now.
-Fixed: Small Improvement on the PlayerHandler for the EUReader Helper
-Fixed: Rubberwood was silktouchable and caused some issues
-Fixed: Electric Armor is no longer Enchantable
-Fixed: Luminator could not show EU Info
-Fixed/Added: Explosive can now be ignited via Flint and steel. Achievements about nukes are now achieveable
-Fixed: EntityAlive Check in nuke Explosion was wrong.
-Fixed: Batteries had some stacksize issues.
-Fixed: EUReader Mode had some issues
-Fixed: Export Upgrade Does nothing when the result list is empty
-Fixed: Electric Enchanter duped XP
-Fixed: Miner / Pump combo had big issues pumping fluids
-Fixed: Vacuum Canner was at 100% Speed when the speedup was at 90%
-Added: A lot of Recipes for the Recycler making more Options to recycle Resources.
-Added/Fixed: Made Construction Foam spraying a Uniformed thing. So you have not weird values 1 CF Pellet = 26 Foam Blocks
-Fixed: Creative Upgrade works also now on Recipe Modifers. (When Machine Recipes make the progress longer the creative Upgrade make them still instant)
-Added: Upgrade Base which you can make almost every upgrade out of
-Changed: Balanced Some Recipes that were basicly to hard. (GT Level)
-Fixed: Iron Furnace caused some issues
-Added: FuelCan shows how much fuel is in it.
-Added: A lot of new Recipes
-Fixed: Sound Path issues.
-Fixed: Reinforced stone no longer counts as translucent block
-Fixed: Overclocker Upgrade Recipe bug.
-Fixed: CFPack had some bugs with Max Damage increase
-Fixed: Vacuum Canner didnt support the new Standart (CF)
-Added: Gregs UUMatter Recipes (Wood, Cobble & Dirt)
-Changed: WoodGas BurnTime halfed but powerproduction doubled
-Fixed: Tried to fix the Cable Renderer Crash
-Fixed: Crash with audioSource
-Removed: AudioManager Crashing when sorting Active sounds. (Not Fixed but its no longer sorting so no longer a crash)
-Fixed: Cables turned into a Missing Models. And tried to fix the crash that it was bound to.
-Changed: Scrapbox packing time is now 50% of it was. But only for the Compacting Recycler
-Fixed: Active Audio Sounds sorting is now done properly. So if you have to many sounds only the loudest will be hearable
-Removed: Removed the stacking feature from repair Recipes.
-Fixed: Crash with dynamite exploding each other.
-Fixed: CropMatron charge bar is no longer offset.
-Fixed: Crop Analyzer (Item) gui text is no longer offset
-Fixed: Localization issues.
-Dissabled: Lang Exporter (Oops)
-Fixed: Iron Cables (insulating from ingot) had the wrong amount of output.
-Added: Rare Earth & Rare Earth Extractor
-Changed: Reduced some Scrap box drop chances
-Added: Rare Earth Chunk, Dead Magnet & Magnet & their recipes.
-Added: Plasma Cell
-Added: Plasmafire and its fancy Renderer xD Shit ton of work but works without much extra lag
-Fixed: CF does no longer allow you to place torches on (Wet CF)
-Added: Iridium Stone
-Fixed: CFSprayer should no longer allow offhand triggers
-Fixed: Cable renderring was broken
-Added: missing Recipes
-Fixed: CFSprayer did spray 1 block to less
-Changed: Changed Trade-o-Mat Buttons to make more sense. (Thanks to greg)
-Added: PESU & IV Transformer
-Fixed: EnergyStorage inventory name offset
-Fixed: Multipart Luminator did not clear its cache on Resource Reload
-Added: PESD & Base Items & Recipes
-Added: InventoryHandler API allows now to block Strong signals.
-Added: Redstone Deconductor Upgrade which prevents Strong signals go through Blocks
-Fixed: Removed logger code in the inventoryHandler code
-Fixed: Mobs no longer can spawn on Solar Panels
-Fixed: issue with the Machine API causing crashes with the implemented logging code for testing stuff.
-Added: Wave Generator.
-Added: A code that allows gui blocks to actually say that they dont have a gui...
-Fixed: Crash with keybindings
-Added: Recipes minecart recycling Recipe
-Added: Ocean Generator.
-Fixed: Performance issues with Ocean generator. (Still not good for mass usage)
-Fixed: AnythingFilter (used for ExportUpgrades) no longer support nullstacks
-Added: Carbon & Iridium ToolBox
-Fixed: ItemInventory had a outside click bug
-Added: Upgrade Slot background
-Added: CropDifficulty to the Game. That effects crop growth. How likely Crops breed and what the new stats are when breeding is done. (It does not effect Breeding Results)
-Fixed: Canner JEI Plugin.
-Added: JEI Plugin for Liquid Fuel Generator
-Added: JEI Plugin for Rare Earth Extractor
-Added: 2 new Batteries
-Fixed: CFSpayer is had a looping issue placing less blocks
-Fixed: Upgrades no longer have RightClick issues
-Fixed: Plasmafire was haunted
-Changed: PlasmaFire to Plasmafier. (TileEntityData gets deleted)
-Fixed: Jetpacks didnt work properly
-Added: EU Tier for Items is now shown..
-Added: More Baubles Items
-Added: Quantum Pack
-Added: Some Rarities to some items.
-Changed: Plasma Cable Loss reduced by 50%
-Added: Industrial Belt.
-Added: Quantum Pack fully
-Fixed: New Batteries didnt provide Energy
-Fixed: Chargepad Charge Bar
-Fixed: EnergyStorage tooltip shows correct numbers now
-Fixed: EnergyNet info collector was overflown caused funky things
-Fixed: Foam Sprayer shouldnt now lose total Spraying
-Changed: Scrapbox manager is now not allowing Duplicates anymore
-Fixed: Steam Turbine had no Enet call
-Fixed: Painter no longer allows offhand
-Fixed: Fuel can no longer can be eaten
-Added: Fuel Boiler
-Fixed: Basic SteamTurbine
-Fixed: Charged pump name
-Added: Ranged Pump
-Added: FluidScanner now counts as a fluid scanner
-Added: Filtered FluidScanner.
-Added: Filtered ItemScanner.
-Fixed: Lightning renderring to find a bug.
-Added: Personal Storages (Except Electric) Save now their Button Settings
-Added: Razzokks new Textures for the Scanners
-Fixed: Boiler heat up was speed up 50 times (fuel consumtion inclueded)
-Fixed: Small Loclaiziation bugs
-Fixed: Offhand had issues with guis
-Fixed: Filters got created when Import Upgrades didnt know if they have a target
-Fixed: Removed some logging in export Upgrades
-Added: Filtered (Basic/Normal) Import & Export Upgrades
-Fixed: Inverter Button in Filtered Upgrades works now properly
-Fixed: Filtered Upgrades didnt support Items only blocks.
-Nerfed: Flowing Lava in the thermal generator is now less valueable for power production
-Added: Magma Blocks do have now a better value then Obsidian in the Thermal Generator
-Fixed: Slot type Upgrade is no longer Blank
-Changed: Recipe for the Thermal generator. Just to make the gimic more visible in the recipe
-Added: Missing Quantum Pack recipes
-Added: RareEarth Extractor cases
-Added: Basement of a Seed Manager (Not working and unlisted)
-Fixed: Keyboard updates
-Fixed: EU Reader offhand issues
-Fixed: Nano Toolbox offset
-Fixed: CropTier wasnt shown in the scanner
-Added: CropLibary
-Changed: IC2s base gui no longer forces in GuiComponents. The component gui handles that now
-Fixed: Cell Sounds
-Added: Scanned CropSeeds are now Stackable
-Added: Iridium Neutron Plate. (Unbreakable. Just looses its effect when empty)
-Fixed: Localization bug with Barrels
-Fixed: CropLibrary had no WorldAccess Logic
-Fixed: CropLibrary Container had no filter
-Fixed: Teleporter having 2 TargetWorld variables (how the heck did that happen)
-Changed: Moved the whole Teleporter Target system to the API
-Fixed: Teleporter sound was broken
-Added: Teleporter Hub
-Fixed: Teleporter Textures support now Rotation
-Added: Missing Localization
-Added: Personal Tanks are supported at the teleporter emitter
-Fixed: Multipart Luminator cables no longer look funny
-Fixed: Luminator Multiparts no longer connect to cables if their sides have lamps (Cable connect through the lamp)
-Fixed: Improved cable Caching
-Added: Hit component to the SpecialWrench API
-Fixed: Barrel Block has now a proper block to pick from. (getPickItem function in block)
-Fixed: Barrel Model would turn into Missing moddel block when meta was changed
-Fixed: Barrel uses water out of a water bucket now
-Fixed: SolarPanel can no longer be rotated vertically anymore
-Fixed: Plasmafier input slot is now no longer offset
-Fixed: ReactorChambers are wrenchable now
-Fixed: Chambers can be now placed on reactors without triggering the gui
-Fixed: Export Upgrade has now a name.
-Fixed: Keybinding names when bound to mouse were broken
-Fixed: Jetpack sounds for all jetpacks
-Added: Advanced Comparator
-Moved: Textures for 3D TileEntityModels to their new area
-Added: Expanded ComparatorAPI
-Added: Comparator API to the IC2 Machines
-Added: FailSafty for TileEntities if a crash accures xD
-Added: Infos for Barrels
-Changed: Increased Beer Effect time.
-Fixed: Terrawart no longer goes down on stacksize
-Added: Terrawart cures now all Potions. Even modded ones (if they are bad)
-Fixed: Some small bugs in beer
-Fixed: Barrels had syncing issues.
-Fixed: Barrel Sneakclick with mugs wasnt working
-Fixed: Vacuum Canner achievement info
-Added: AdvComparator Recipe
-Added: Mowing Tool
-Added: Nuclear QuantumSuit BodyJetplate
-Added: Lightning causes a huge effect with electric armor
-Changed: Iridium Reflector needs now coal dust to be repaired
-Fixed: Inactive fuelcell is no longer stackable
-Added: More Boxable Items
-Changed: Teleporter API expanded on names & TargetInfo
-Added: Button for custom TargetNames to prevent overrides.
-Added: Teleporter Hubs now force names in
-Fixed: JEI Recipes with some cases didnt work
-Added: A rename button into the Teleporter hub
-Added: Scroll feature to the hub
-Fixed: SteamTurbine is wrenchable now
-Fixed: Nameable Blocks are now saving names on picking blocks
-Fixed: Teleporter is wrenchable now
-Fixed: Compacted Generator drop now themselves
-Fixed: Keybinding no longer causes crashes
-Fixed: Mowing Tool only works when in hand
-Added: ExtraUtils Drums are supported in The Teleporter Registry
-Changed: The way how Ticks are handled
-Fixed: A bug on the Hardest difficulty with crop growth
-Fixed: Beer when detailed will no longer try to brew when replaced
-Fixed: Nuclear Jetplate shows now infos
-Changed: Boiler stores 128 Buckets of steam now.
-Fixed: Shift info removes itself when shift is pressed
-Fixed: Removed a lot of unessesary NBTCreation methode calls. It will only create now NBT when writing is needed
-Fixed: Rounding issue with the renderer
-Fixed: Quantum Suit had some client calls which should be ignored
-Fixed: Luminators get 10000 EU storage when manually adding Energy (via battery right click)
-Added: Crops Can be copied now by using only 1 Crop to breed. (if more then 1 possible breeding crop is there it wont work)
-Added: When Painter in offhand all cables will be colored in that color which are placed by main hand
-Fixed: Magnetizer did not update properly for the enet when upgraded
-Fixed: Creative EnergyStorage gui.
-Fixed: Tooltip for EnergyStorage.
-Fixed: MissSpelling things in the config
-Changed: OreScanner to OreProbe
-Fixed: OreProbe respects Advanced Scanner now.
-Fixed: OVDScanner shows now level based information what its targeteting
-Added: Tool Tip for Personal EnergyStorage
-Fixed: SU Batteries did not check the items properly.
-Fixed: Creative Storage texts were reversed
-Fixed: Gui of the Battery Station
-Added: Tooltip for Jetplates.
-Fixed: Cable Placement did crash
-Fixed: Plasma Cables had 1 EU to less
-Fixed: Nuclear Jetplate no longer drains from other EnergyProviders
-Fixed: Fuel Cells no longer drop out of a reactor.
-Nerfed: Fuel Cells only provide 70% instead of 100% fuel multiplier.
-Nerfed: Vacuum canner is now to 10 items limited instead of 15. It was to OP
-Fixed: ChargePads drop their inventory on wrenching.
-Fixed: ItemInventories delete NBT when on closing there is a empty tag
-Fixed: Repair Recipes had a Dupe Bug...
-Fixed: Nukes are now longer laggy at all xD (No longer servercrashing)
-Fixed: MiningLaser has now access to Shooter Info
-Fixed: Boiler can be wrenched
-Changed: Difficulty also changes a weed spawn chance
-Fixed: Frequency Transmitter did not work properly
-Fixed: MiningLaser Explosion works now properly
-Fixed: Trampoline & Sticky Resin
-Fixed: EnergyNet renderer was broken do to a fix
-Fixed: Obscurator works now. (Hate these ASM Mods)
-Fixed: ChargeBar on Rocket mode is shown even when in baubles slots
-Added: Tracking Mode to the MiningLaser (look at a EntityTarget & Shoot it will follow it)
-Nerfed: Teleporter Distance cost.
-Added: EU Reader Tells cost for each Teleporter Target inside the Teleporter Hub (which it already does with the Teleporter)
-Fixed: Mowing Tool now attacks also entities.
-Added: More Buttons to the Filtered Upgrades
-Worked: Worked more on Rubber Sheets since they are broken as hell...
-Fixed: Mining Laser no longer counts as Projectile when hitting endermens. (In other words it can kill Endermen)
-Fixed: Hazmat Suit no longer Stack to 64 & has now 64 Durability
-Fixed: Foam Sprayer Spray logic works now fine
-Fixed: Capabilities for sound items only get created if needed
-Added: Fix for FoamFix xD
-Changed: AltKey while wrenching will Rotate the machine Clockwise or counterclockwise if you sneak. (Side does not matter)
-Changed: Electric wrench has only 15 Lossless uses.
-Added: Wrench Drop Rate is shown in Waila/Top
-Fixed: Some NBTOutput issues with Basic Machines
-Added: 2 New Canner Modes
-Added: Upgrade Slots into the Canner
-Added: A lot of backgrounds for Upgrade Slots
-Added: Updated textures
-Nerfed: Wrench Fortune effect is reduced to 3% instead of 10%
-Added: New OnFinished call for Upgrades
-Added: More Canning Machine Recipes
-Fixed: Teleporters & Teleporter register their name faster now in the name registry.
-Fixed: Teleporter hub checks on link creation for names
-Added: Teleporter Hub is now rotateable
-Fixed: Vacuum canner had code missing (with the new mode)
-Added: Machine did a thing mode API
-Added: Electric Machines notify now when they processed something (not all)
-Added: Buffer Notify Info.
-Fixed: EU Reader has special info when sneak clicking on a Teleporter hub
-Fixed: Electric Hoe
-Fixed: Drops from the IV/LuV Tier
-Added: Machine Buffer.
-Added: A Side info when you have a Upgrade in the hand that uses SideClicking
-Fixed: Some precision issues with doubles when longs were fine there (effected a lot of machines)
-Added: Basement for Machine Tanks & Fluid Upgrades. But its not done yet.
-Added: Missing Recipe for Buffer
-Fixed: Major Fixes to any Movement Upgrade.
-Added: Machine Tank, Basic/Normal Fluid Import/Export Upgrades
-Fixed: Small things in the Tank renderring
-Added: Ghoest Slots to filters
-Fixed: Redstone Deconductor Upgrades effect didnt get removed from the machine when upgrade was taken out (but when tile did reload it got updated)
-Fixed: A bug with FluidScanners
-Added: Rotation Support for Teleporter hubs
-Fixed: Weight is now correctly included in teleporter hub info
-Added: Filtered Fluid Upgrades
-Added: Slot Diversity Upgrade and Stack Diversity Upgrade
-Added: A lot of Recipes.
-Changed: Changed some texture compression
-Added: Validation function into my Inventory class (for a later change)
-Fixed: Trade-O-Mats no longer showed coin cost in trades
-Fixed: Solar Turbine outputs energy Properly now
-Changed: Moved Over the Grave to flint recipe to the Extractor
-Fixed: Xp Stuff with Electric Enchanter
-Fixed: Crops no longer can have to high Stats anymore
-Changed: Pumps by itself no longer drop items when it pumped
-Fixed: Canner JEI Plugin is now fixed
-Added: Logger And Potential Fix to the Foam Sprayer
-Fixed: Wrench Offhand Issues
-Fixed: EU Reader and hoes can be put into the Toolbox
-Changed: Rewrote the whole Transportation system to be more efficient lag wise
-Fixed: A big Networking leak in 1.10.2. Offline machines caused a big amount of networking traffic
-Added: New Fancy textures from Razzokk
-Fixed: Added Proper Slot Sorting to the Transporter (so that it takes the always lowest slots)
-Changed: Small Steps for metadamage items to be usable by other crafters
-Fixed: Added Transporter deleter if it is not used for about 20 seconds so no memory/cpu leak creates
-Changed: Removed new system exchanged it with a faster system that has not the refill feature.
-Fixed: Foam Sprayer should now work properly
-Changed: ItemDamage/EU% are no longer readable that easly. Also meta damage items their damage cant be readed anymore by other mods
-Fixed: Teleporter rotation is now applied to energy teleportation.
-Fixed: Creative Energy Storage can no longer in negative energy
-Fixed: Sounds spammed packets
-Fixed: Improved the electric Item Manager caluclation speed to be less slow
-Removed: Tiny Iron Dust
-Changed: Crops drop now Actual Dusts
-Changed: Moved some Textures around.
-Added: Some new textures for the Filtered Upgrades thanks to Razzokk
-Added: Electric Item repair Recipe (Fixes metadata issues on electric items)
-Fixed: Some Cable Connectivity was broken.
-Fixed: Total EU Reader Packet Mode
-Changed: Foam is no longer Silktouchable
-Fixed: CFPack is no longer gets created full
-TryFix: Another Fix attempt on Fixing Foam Sprayer Spraying Behavior
-Added: Missing JEI Canner Plugin
-Added: Recipes for CF
-Fixed: Stackablilty of the FuelCan
-Fixed: CFPacks work now in Offhand
-Changed: Reduced Aurelia Drop Chance by 50%
-Added: Tin, Copper & Silver Crops
-Fixed: Filtered Export Upgrade did void Items
-Fixed: Upgrade Localization
-Fixed: Treetap no longer calls offhand
-Fixed: MFSU Upgrade Kit calls the Craft MFSU Achievement
-Fixed: Filtered Upgrades set the stacksize to the slotID
-Added: Stacksize support for Import & Export Upgrades
-Fixed: Foam Dry recipe
-Fixed: Lightning Bolt caused issues when kill a player
-Fixed: Machine Breaking was broken
-Fixed: Teleporter & Hub Fire the Achievement now
-Fixed: Canners work now properly with the new modes and fixed some old modes
-Added: PESU Achievement
-Added: Precision wrench Lossless Recipe (Useless in Ic2C)
-Fixed: Client function calls on servers
-Fixed: Adjustable Transformer is now wrenchable & Recipe Got modified
-Added: Inventory Modifier code
-Added: DirtMode (slowmining Dirt)
-Fixed: Filtered Scanner now works properly
-Added: Item Limiter & StackLimiter Upgrade
-Added: Extra Upgrade Upgrade Recipes
-Changed: Solar Panels have no longer a Energy Storage and provide energy as long the sun is up. (less lag)
-Fixed: Energy-O-Mat caused a crash on loading custom Trades
-Fixed: Terraformer sound crash
-Fixed: Basic Steam Turbine needs now 64mB to run fastest speed
-Fixed: PESU Acheivement is now gainable
-Fixed: MiningLaser no longer counts height of a Entity to track it.
-Fixed: Tracking Mode can now hit endCrystals and Dragons.
-Changed: Increased the minium range to 60 Blocks (from 40 Blocks)
-Fixed: Achievement for dragon killing is fixed
-Fixed: Canner now fills CF stuff and puts it into the output slot when it can no longer be filled (doesnt mean that its 100% full but maybe 98%)
-Fixed: Trade-O-Mat drops items if overbuying
-Fixed: Trade-O-Mats no longer creates fake items when shiftclicking
-Fixed: Fluid-O-Mat fills now containers now properly
-Fixed: Armored Jetpack recipe is now no longer broken
-Fixed: Quantum Nuclear Jetplate had a bug where it drained from other sources
-Fixed: All Upgrade Stacking was changed from 1 type only increased to iterators (tries how often it tries to remove items)
-Fixed: ReactorComponents in Reactorplanner gave wrong infos because of the Damage Hiding
-Changed: Solar Panels have now a 512EU Buffer just to prevent a dupe bug. (Energy Dupe Bug)
-Fixed: Crash bug with Arrays.asList (Scala lib i hate you so much)
-Added: Razzokks new upgrade Textures
-Fixed: FuelCans will be consumed in a Recipe
-Fixed: Extraction Setting in personal Save was backwards
-Fixed: Inventory Insertion now works properly
-Fixed: MC support on Merging items
-Fixed: Reactor Slots work properly now
-Fixed: Inventory allows now properly limitations
-Fixed: Solar Panels are wrenchable now
-Changed: How Teleporter Hubs try to get the names
-Added: Drill Probe Mode to the dia drill. (Alt Key + Right Click with Scanner in the Hotbar)
-Changed: Rewrote Crop Library
-Fixed: Hydration cell gets consumed now
-Changed: HeatPacks only Charge the reactor now.
-Fixed: SneakClick with Painters on cables work now properly
-Fixed: Chainsaw Speed is now working properly.
-Added: Click on Cauldrens removes the colors.
-Added: A lot of boxable items
-Changed: Wavegenerator generator calculation
-Fixed: Quantum Jetplate drains now from baubles
-Fixed: A bug with HeatPacks and the reactorplanner
-Added: Breeder Upgrade
-Added: Reactor Refill Upgrade.
-Added: Memory Stick
-Added: Alt + Mode Swtich Key adds now a Range to painters.
-Added: Foam Wool.
-Added: Daenaras new CFoam Block Textures.
-Added: Portable Teleporter.
-Added: Infos about Crop Boost stats to the cropstick item.
-Fixed: Small Bug with nutrient calculation
-Changed: Replacement system has now 1 folder per texture file
-Changed: CropMatron has 16 Buckets tank it auto refills hydrationcells
-Changed: Solar Turbine uses 4x less water per tick.
-Removed: Reactor Breeder & Reactor Refill Upgrade
-Fixed: A small bug inside the Item/StackLimiter Upgrade
-Fixed: Uranium Enricher lost his data on chunkReload
-Fixed: Some stuff related for Facing/Direction Stuff
-Added: Some Missing Recipes and randomness to Wavegen output
-Fixed: Container allows to fill already filled slots (even if they are not valid). But only when shift clicking
-Fixed: Painters drain more paint then they actually have
-Fixed: Cables of all types (including MLuminators) support now partically pixeld textures
-Fixed: Luminator can be placed on multipart Luminators
-Fixed: Down and Up button on the Crop Library. (Scroling included)
-Added: Some Basement to the new Networking
-Added: Some CFoam Textures from Greg
-Fixed: MassFabricator Updates comparator all the time not only when running
-Added: New Memory Card Texture & Replaced some CFFoam Textures.
-Fixed: Painters can be washed out.
-Added: Stone Macerator to macerator recipe
-Fixed: Memory Stick Texture beeing loaded.
-Added: Ocean Generator logic Debug
-Fixed: Chainsaw Mines Leaves now faster
-Fixed: Reactors Drop now items when chambers get smaller
-Fixed: Jetpack Armor Durability is now shown properly
-Fixed: Mininglaser crashing when mining a Block with no Item.
-Added: Tooltips to the Reactor Track Upgrade
-Fixed: Portable Teleporter Target Set Message
-Fixed: Portable Teleporter showed cost and Actual Cost are now synced. (It was way higher actual cost then it showed)
-Added: Sponge UUMatter recipe
-Changed: WaveGenerators only check 50 blocks now. But has higher chance to produce less
-Fixed: Ocean Generator is now 15x15x15 Range and works now properly.
-Added: SneakPainting TexturedWalls turns them back into Construction Foam Walls
-Fixed: Reactor Upgrade doesnt tick.
-Fixed: Teleporter Hub uses the Registry as backup.
-Added: RightClick Sapling Seeds
-Added: Textures from NanoHeart
-Added: Disabled PVP support to MiningLaser
-Added: Redwheat quires now a lightlvl between 5-12 instead of 5-10
-Fixed: Small issue with Texture Replacement.
-Added: Basement for Crop JEI plugin Intigration
Version (Broken)
-Changed: Networking. Installed a new System. Requires new Version ID to prevent Huge issues.
-Fixed: Crop Breeding
-Fixed: Packets from Clients send over to server contain now a Player Validation code that prevents wrong person from getting called in a packet
-Added: Holo Coins for trades.
-Added: Redstone Check delay to reduce Redstone Checks. Makes Fast Pulses now no longer possible but reduces lag
-Added: IC2Explosions Fire Cancable MC Event
-Fixed: Foam Sprayer replacing Blocks & Shooting wrong
-Fixed: Network. (Reseted it)
-Removed: Fixes for Player teleportation
-Fixed: Enet crash
-Added: Internal Inventory is now supported
-Added: ShockDamage is now Possible to do playerDamage
-Changed: TeslaCoil does now do Player Damage
-Fixed: Tooltip for Ocean Generator
-Nerfed: Wave Gen produces without effects at best 30 EU/t insteadof 50 EU/t
-Fixed: Quantum Jetplate uses now from Baubles Energy
-Fixed: Rewrote Boxable Items Registry. New Items should work now in the Tool Box.
-Added: JEI Recipe Gui Buttons.
-Fixed: If IC2C Guis draw a tooltip then all other things will now get canceld out.
-Fixed: IC2 Fluids are localized Properly Now.
-Fixed: Toolbox Derp Bug not registerring stuff properly
-Added: First Step of the new Networking (this time working)
-Added: First 25% of the Networking.
-Fixed: Reactor Crashing bug
-Changed: HV Solar Panel Recipe
-Added: Installed a Override to NetworkField
-Added: BitLevel to the Encoder/Decoder Class
-Changed: NetworkClasses to addapt to the new system.
-Fixed: Teleporter doesnt know what it can receive
-Added: NetworkCompression to all TileEntities
-Added: TileEntityBlock saves now active state
-Changed: Tier 2 Export/Import Upgrades are no longer sending items instantly They wait 20 ticks until they send items out or take items in. Unless the recipeInput consumes more then 3 items or the output produces more then 4 items. To keep a steady flow.
-Added: canInsertFunction to the IHasInventory class. Defaults to true.
-Added: InputInventory for special MachineAPI.
-Changed: Adjusted Machines to the InputInventory
-Fixed: Small Bug with PlayerFields not working
-Fixed: Double data request for new loaded tiles
-Fixed: CrashBug with null Inventories.
-Added: Cobble Gen Upgrade & Recipe.
-Changed: Recipe for Field Expansion.
-Added: New Toolbox things
-Fixed: Some Bugs with the Crops Point Calculation
-Added: Dirt as possible soil for crops. (Gives 1 nutrients. GravelDirt gives -4 Nutrients.). But you lose the humidity boost from the farmland.
-Changed: Redwheat gets a boost the lower the air Quality is. Math:(10 - airQuality). Also when air quality is below 2 you get double air points boost. Also nutrients has a 20% increase effect on needs
-Added: Cobble Gen Texture from Nano Heart
-Fixed: Hate you forge-gradlew
-Added: A couple Helper Commands
-Added: Crop Breeding Calculator to the CropAnalyzer
-Added: FailCheck to EnergyNet for the NullPointer fix and also for not allowing invalid things
-Fixed: Machines caused lag with some recipe situations
-Removed: Recipe Overleaps from Machines.
-Added: Personal Storage should be able now to transmit energy
-Added: CropMatron automaticly Fills farmlands with water if a IC2Crop ontop of them and if the watertank has 1 Bucket of water.
-Added: CropMatron range is now 9x5x9 (22 seconds to get a full round)
-Changed: CropAnalyzer got some love
-Fixed: Cobble gen upgrade recipe uses now water containers instead of water buckets
-Changed: Started Reworking of the Terraformer. (Biome Blueprints work but not normal TFBP)
-Fixed: Server Side Issue with crop breeding Calcualtor
Version (Broken)
-Changed: CropBreeder Helper shows crops as ResultItems.
-Fixed: RecipeLists for machines are a tiny bit faster then normal
-Added: CropLibrary now shows only inserted tabs (so no longer alll. Only what you have).
-Fixed: CropScanner Breeding Mode Buttons.
-Fixed: CropLibrary desync issues when more then 1 person lookt into gui
-Fixed: Broken RecipeList
-Added: Up and down in Hover&Extreme hovermode cancle now each other out.
-Added: Pressing Alt key while jetpack eqqupied and enabled. Turns hover & extreme hover into no hover mode and no hovermode into hovermode. Temporary. Until you let loose of the altkey
-Fixed: TileEntitys request Initial Data again
-Fixed: ReactorPlanner is now working properly on Resizing stuff
-Fixed: EnergyStorage updates tooltip button correct now
-Fixed: Issues with container notify Slots even if only NBTData Changed or gui got opened.
-Fixed: Special Transporter did eat items.
-Added: Crafting Upgrade
-Added: 5 tick delay to networking. (Giving average networking less lag)
-Added: OreDict support to crafting Upgrades
-Fixed: Issues with the cropLibrary
-Added: Press Alt Key with the Obscurator and all sides get textured at once
-Fixed: Chisel Support for CFoam Copying.
-Fixed: MiningPipes did cause RenderIssues on other Blocks. (They Got now Seperated)
-Fixed: Miner supports new Pipes.
-Fixed: Recipes for Furnaces didnt work for some of them.
-Added: Pixel Foam
-Added: Quantum Overclocker Upgrade (60% Speed & 30% Energy Cost increase)
-Added: Recipe to convert old MiningPipes to new Ones
-Added: Some Pixel Foams have a effect
-Fixed: Quarry Scanner is now Tier 2
-Fixed: Networking issues with bridges between old and new System. (Just did a bit extra work to convert it back)
-Added: Industrial Worktable basement.
-Added: Industrial Worktable
-Fixed: Machines not really syncing active state properly
-Changed: CraftingUpgrade is now a Processing Upgrade
-Added: Tooltips for a lot of base Upgrades that effect: EnergyStorage, EnergyConsumtion, Recipe Length, Machine Speed, Energy Tier
-Fixed: Networking Takes now care that the packets land where they should be
-Added: Textures from Nano Heart & Princess Trunks
-Fixed: Rotation Helper class is now properly done since its no longer in the IC2Exp API
-Changed: Updated to Exps latest API. Still stuff missing but to tired to continue
-Fixed: Possible Double output from a trade-o-Mat. (The trade o mat thought it got double amount what it actually got)
-Added: Tooltips to upgrades when they are supported in current machines gui (requires EUReader)
-Fixed: Electrolyzer filter works als now in the gui
-Fixed: CropAnalyzer (Block) does only fire the onFinished Event when the seed is finished.
-Added: Upgrade RecipeAPI. Because that was missing.
-Fixed: Terraformer BluePrints
-Fixed: Terraformer no longer eats Blueprints in creative Mode
-Added: 2 Terraformer Bihaviors to the Terraformer. 1: Default logic for running. 2: A Final Logic that ends after doing its AreaOfEffect
-Changed: Terraformer No longer has a InWorld Accessability of the Blueprint. (forced Manual Insertion)
-Added: Terraformer Notifies clients about BiomeUpdates. (When to fast it can cause renderIssues because of to many chunkRenderUpdates, but unlikely)
-Added: WorldInventory Access to the Industrial Worktable
-Fixed: Worktable no longer has issues with doubleshiftclick
-Fixed: Overlaying Machine Recipes.
-Added: Sawmill.
-Added: Saw Mill Recipe AutoDetection
-Added: EU => RF Converter Block. Other ones are maybe comming but for now. EU=>RF is the only we need.
-Changed: Reworked the Config code a tiny bit so i have less repeating code.
-Changed: Miner no longer does BlockUpdates for fluids so WaterPools can be fully Drained with it.
-Changed: Upgrading Recipes moved to the New Upgrade Crafting system.
-Fixed: Industrial Worktable didnt work properly with taking out items. (Some Important events didnt get fired)
-Fixed: Inventory Name was offset in none Offcenter mode
-Added: A lot of Error Messages to the Industrial Crafting Table so people know why the craft isnt happening
-Added: Export/Import Upgrades (Filtered/NoneFiltered) have now a StackSize Upgrade where they shift only a certain amount.
-Added: Textures from Daenara
-Added: Watery Wheat (Drops Lapis)
-Added: Missing Recipes.
-Changed: Some Upgrade Recipes are a bit more Balanced.
-Added: Sawmill Upgrades. For now final update before server reset.
-Changed: All TileEntity IDs are now with a PreFix. Old Ids are still registered for a couple versions. Keep sure you use this version
-Added: RottenFlesh randomly gives out Fertilizer when used in a Recycler.
-Added: Sawmill cuts also rubberwood now.
-Fixed: Industrial Worktable Crafts Fine now. (Crafting did spam chat, consumed more items then it should and also had 1 rare case to cause a client crash)
-Fixed: JEI Plugin for the Workstation
-Fixed: Issues with Wrench and Industrial Worktable
-Fixed: Base Seed issues with stacksize. (Fuck IC2Exp)
-Added: Once Seeds are fully grown they get the scan status 1
-Fixed: SawMill Upgrade
-Fixed: Personal Storages have now Optiona Team Member options
-Added: TeamManager
-Fixed: PersonalTank saves its itemInventory
-Fixed: SolarPanel has now a 90% WrenchDropRate chance
-Added: Logger for NoUse. Lets see what shit RC is doing
-Fixed: Durability for SawmillUpgrades
-Added: Support for a Outdated Function for XNet
-Fixed: LiquidFuel Generator Updates now the GuiFuel Value
-Fixed: Progressbar in a CropScanner resets now when you take a crop out
-Fixed: Some Toolbox Items work now again. And sorted some other small things out
-Added: Already unlockt achievements even if requirement missing will be now unlockt
-Fixed: DoublePlants are placed now properly with the Terraformer
-Added: A lot of Tooltips for Terraformer Blueprints
-Fixed: Scrapbox triggers offhand
-Fixed: Mowing tool should work now in the offhand
-Added: Current WrenchMode is now displayed in Tooltip
-Fixed: TreeTaps double spawned resin on fully tapping out Resin
-Fixed: BlueWheat no longer infinitly Grows
-Added: More Sanity Checks into CropGrowth
-Added: When Crop scan Level is 1 it shows the crop Name
-Added: Rightclick with a fluid Container on to the Geothermal/Thermal Generator drains the fluid inside of the tank
-Fixed: Beetroot is now a Seed Crop
-Fixed: SeedDrop Localization was missing
-Added: Leather Recycler Recipe
-Added: 100% Chance ScrapMetal Recipe in
-Fixed: Recycler ignores scrapping recipes for items that have a different type of recipe
-Fixed: Sanity Check of the RecipeOutputs so no recipe fuckups are happening
-Fixed: Duping Items no longer possible
-Added: A couple more Plantball Recipes
-Fixed: Macerator Ore autoDetection
-Fixed: Tools are now shown offhand properly
-Fixed: String Configs were turned into Boolean Configs
-NotFixed: Industrial Worktable giving out wrong information
-Fixed: Small Bug with crop size not beeing updated.
-Added: Crops have a 200 Tick counter to receive data if thats not happening it requests data again. (just once)
-Added: Upgrades for Drills + Their Recipes
-Fixed: Mining Pipes (old) are no longer shown in JEI
-Added: Charcoal Blocks
-Fixed: Industrial Worktable shows now no longer EU requirement
-Added: Sanity Check for Railcraft because those guys dont know what they are doing with IC2
-Fixed: Quarry Scanner is fixed.
-Fixed: Charcoal Block has a fuel
-Added: IEUReader API.
-Added: Cables can be now blocked with MiningPipes.
-Added: New Obsidian Recipe
-Added: Sawblade Repair Recipes.
-Fixed: CraftingUpgrade fits into the Buffers again
-Fixed: broken recipes
-Fixed: Recursive Button updates now properly in the reopening of the gui
-Fixed: Team Button works now.
-Added: Personal Blocks can be now viewed by Ops
-Changed: ItemLimiter & StackLimiter can be now changed to 0 Stacksize
-Fixed: Crops can be now filled with Nutriens up to 200 instead of 199
-Fixed: CropScanner No longer Duplicates Items
-Added: Sponge & Soulsand as farmland
-Fixed: CropScanner shows crop type now at lvl 1 Scanlevel
-Fixed: Hydration Cell will be now consumed from crops
-Fixed: Import&Export Upgrades show now their filter
-Fixed: Shiftclick no longer causes isssues with transfers in the crafting table (was a display issue)
-Changed: Geo&LiquidGen update their activity now only every 60 ticks
-Fixed: (Hopefully) Fixed Recipe should now show what item is missing properly
-Fixed: Some tiny lang things
-Fixed: RecipeAPI
-Added: Charcoal Block to charcoalDust recipe
-Changed: Machines can be inserted from anything but the bottom. And extracted by anything but the top
-Changed: Generator Slot Access also changed (improved)
-Fixed: Pixel Foam drops properly now.
-Changed: CropMatron keeps now track of the farmlands it finds and tries to keep them hydrated
-Fixed: lava cells in a geo gen get used up even if you rightclick them
-Added: LiquidFuel gen can be drained of fuel now. And rightclick with buckets works now too
-Fixed: HyperSwitch jetpack mode can no longer toggle modeswitch key
-Fixed: Bluewheat texture.
-Added: Textures from Razzokk and Daenara
-Fixed: Upgrade Recipes
-Fixed: Quarry Scanner.
-Changed: Scrapboxes no longer throw sounds at the Dispenser
-Fixed: Miner not dropping items when no inventory provided
-Fixed: Team Button gets synced now when gui opened
-Fixed: (HopeFully the Team logic)
-Removed: Local & Global Market
-Fixed: Trades round the coin need now properly (Coins get consumed now properly)
-Fixed: Industrial Workbench updates filters now properly (it didnt before)
-Fixed: Filters get cleared when a recipe change was made
-Fixed: Recipe Slots get synced when gui is opened
-Changed: Miner Logic improved. Initial Lag higher but after that almost no lag anymore after the initial scan
-Fixed: Bio Coal Chunk is now triggering the diamond Achievement
-Fixed: Achievement Tracker
-Fixed: KeyBindings get detected not different
-Added: A lot of Tags for the ToolBox. So more tools can be added. (including Forestry bees)
-Fixed: IC2 Key support, the Ctrl+(ExtraKey) and Alt & Shift feature from forge now. And hopefully fixed the mouse issues it had
-Added: Config for Massfabricator energy requirement & optional Scrap requirement. (Note Scrap amount needs to be higher or equal to inejcted power)
-Added: More Stuff to the toolbox
-Fixed: Tiny fixes for the worktable again. (Just some error infos)
-Fixed: Probe throwed spamming stuff when sneak look at the Personal tank
-Fixed: Teams get now saved when the server is stopped so that people dont have to relog
-Changed: Miner & Ranged Pump no longer trigger BlockUpdates to fluid Blocks. (Thats intendet)
-Fixed: Treetap is no longer reversed
-Added: Shield Baseclass
-Changed: 1 Rottenflesh for 1 Fertilizer
-Added: A lot of recipe Information
-Added: Hydrated Charcoal Dust to Charcoal Dust recipe
-Changed: Windturbine no longer can break. Wind turbine produces now 4x more power.
-Added: Food can be put into a toolbox. (Its technically something you need to take with you)
-Fixed: Crafting Upgrade should support now Dragging
-Fixed: A small issue with a miner doing weird things when running out of Miningpipes
-Fixed: Forge bug with keybindings not reacting properly anymore
-Fixed: Gui issues with Chargepads.
-Added: Range Upgrade the quarry scanner. Needs a rewrite. Don't suggest using it right now.
-Fixed: MiningLaser has max stacksize of 1
-Added: Dispenser Turret Mode with mininglaser. Only attacks Monsters
-Added: SawMill Upgrades have now a effect on the machine. +1EU consumtion +2 Extra Tick Speed
-Added: DirtMode is now speed devided by 8
-Fixed: RockCutter should be fixed
-Fixed: MassFabricator no longer eats Energy when scrap is required And no Scrap is inside the massfab
-Fixed: Scrap gets now consumed even so no energy is inside a massfab
-Added: Scrapbox unpackaging recipe for the Extractor
-Fixed: Mining Pipe issues with miner & pump
-Fixed: Hopefully fixed all dupe & Rounding Issues in the Trade-O-Mat
-Fixed: Trades no longer support the owner with special treatment when the owner decides to buy at his own shop
-Added: Config Syncer from server to client. (Only Important configs get synced)
-Added: TestShield. Found errors and removed it again. Waiting on textures to continue.
-Changed: Rewrote all Scanners. Because that was a junkClass.
-Added: Hemp Crop and some Hemp Recipes
-Added: Glowstone Flower
-Fixed: Crash bug with crops
-Added: Jetpack toggle button (alt + mode)
-Added: Alloy Shield. For testing purpose (Uncraftable)
-Fixed: Crop Copying copies now the scanlevel
-Fixed: Crops cause waila to crash because of client only info.
-Added: Cropstat info is now shown in the CropScanner
-Changed: XP collector Upgrade now has a 50% decrease instead of 90%
-Changed: XP Upgrade Buffer is now 5000 XP
-Added: Prepaired Glowshrooms :3
-Disabled sounds for adv machines. Temporary
-Added: Some logging to some packets
-Added: Bronze, Plated, Nano Shield.
-Fixed: MiningPipe dupe (again) fixed.
-Fixed: IC2 Shapeless recipes no longer eats items
-Changed: Manual Fertilizing & Hydration forces stat updates
-Fixed: Crops that can't grow where you breed can't spawn there anymore
-Fixed: Farmland can no longer break with cropsticks
-Fixed: Internal Inventory is now properly readed.
-Added: (LV, MV, HV) text to fitting machines.
-Added: A lot of recipes
-Fixed: Some internal Inventory access.
-Added: Inventory access (via Personal Access) to the Personal Tank.
-Fixed: Some Wrench Drop Chances were wrong.
-Fixed: Quarry Scanner upgrade change was reversed
-Fixed: Water&Lava cells can be received back if the recipe contains more then 1 possible other water/lava variant in the same slot.
-Fixed: JackHammer OreDict Collection should work now properly.
-Added: Obsidian to the Jackhammer list
-Added: Melon to Melon Slice Recipe
-Changed: How transformer Upgrades & Tier Upgrades being blocked
-Fixed: BasicExport Upgrade Stacking works now
-Changed: CropSorting gets activated when you put crops in & take them out
-Fixed: Industrial worktable eats items with shift craft
-Changed: EnergyStorage no longer names the current redstone mode in chat
-Fixed: You can now insert energy items into energyStorages (redstone, BatterySU, Redstone Block)
-Fixed: Batteries & Redstone goes into machines now to (inworld)
-Fixed: Recycler slot insertion is reversed.
-Added: Restore Fertilizer + Its effect
-Fixed: EnergyNet issue with pathSelection (Not path building)
-Fixed: Hazmat suit gives now the proper effects
-Added: Sounds are now hearable by other players or entities
-Added: InductionFurnace processes now 2 items at all times
-Fixed: Networking Distance for TileEntity Packets was to big and calculated wrong
-Fixed: Sounds for adv&Basic machines should play properly now and also cause no realy netwokring lag anymore
-Fixed: Networking is no longer to fast.
-Fixed: Ghoestslots should no longer be an issue
-Added: Recipes for dyes in the extractor
-Fixed: Tracking Mining Laser targets now the middle of an Entity
-Fixed: Localization Issues
-Fixed: Delay Trades no longer can be done infinitly at once.
-Fixed: FluxGenerators are now supporting xRotation Placement
-Fixed: CropStats are shown properly with the Proble Plugin
-Fixed: Upgrade Stacking for Import/Export are working now properly
-Fixed: Bronze Cable Recipe Crafting
-Fixed: Removed Santity Checks from the Upgrade and Fixed a Timer bug with the upgrade
-Added: DyeRecipes for Quantum Suit
-Fixed: Electric Enchanter is now validating mcs XP level
-Changed: Redstone Checking is being done
-Fixed: UUID Reading can be null and caused issues.
-Fixed: Adv Import Upgrades no longer have issues with the importing tick
-Fixed: A tiny Recipe bug
-Added: Texture from Daenara
-Fixed: StockCount also updates with the delay trade so you can see if you can perform the trade again
-Changed: Crafting Upgrade shows now the Output Item they craft. For old Upgrades: You need to revalidate the Recipe
-Fixed: HV Machines read Redstone again
-Fixed: Filtered Import Upgrade Now works while processing
-Fixed: Filtered Import Upgrade (Upgraded) Now imports only items with exact amount properly and no longer gets stuck on none matching items.
-Changed: Filtered Import Upgrade (Upgraded) No longer inserts items if the inventory has not enough room in the area where it tries to import to.
-Changed: Filtered Import upgrade (Upgraded) looses is "Exact" Stacksize ability when inverted mode is enabled
-Changed: Filtered Export Upgrade (Upgraded) No longer inserts items if the inventory has not enough room in the area where it tries to export to.
-Changed: Filtered Export upgrade (Upgraded) looses is "Exact" Stacksize ability when inverted mode is enabled
-Fixed: Went through all blocks to find BlockUpdate overrides and redstone checks to find issues
-Added: Recipe to copy Crafting Upgrades data to over crafting Upgrades. (First Upgrade found will be the source any others get overriden). Also hidden recipe
-Fixed: Armor Renderer for Dyed Quantum Armor. (Not Upgraded version yet).
-Added: Better Quantum Suit Dye Recipe. (Old recipes are deleted and the dye recipe is invisible)
-Changed: Sawmill Upgrades got a bit of a balance
-Fixed: Electric Enchanter XP Duplication Bug
-Added: Quantum Jetplate Coloring and textures from Daenara
-Fixed: Sound Packets were send into a to Short Radius when a larger Radius was needed.
-Changed: Default Sound Options were reduced to 100% instead of 120%
-Changed: Upgraded Import/Export Upgrades no longer have the exact feature.
-Changed: Upgrade Filtered Import/Export Upgrades no longer have inverted feature
-Added: new Keybinding (Toggle Key, (V))
-Changed: MassFabricator is using now 5 times more energy
-Added: New way of adding tooltips.
-Added: A lot of new Tooltips
-Changed: Probe Info needs now Certain Items to get infos. Same with Waila. Also waila can not see Brewing things.
-Fixed: Fuelboiler heat changes now properly between colors
-Added: Audio Modifier system into the Audio System.
-Changed: Sound Beacons use now the new audio Modifier System instead of the old one
-Fixed: Sound Beacons have now better effect type now.
-Added: More Tooltips.
-Changed: Plasmafier uses now 20x more Energy
-Fixed: Basic Export Upgrade & Basic Filtered Export Upgrade support now stacking
-Fixed: ReactorPlanner now allows proper RightClick action to the MemoryStick
-Changed: Plasma Core recipes a tiny bit
-Fixed: Some Tooltip infos with a double "To".
-Added: Recursive Achievement system tells you now when a achievement was been saved
-Added: New ToolTips to Upgrades & InvUpgrades
-Changed: PlasmaFier is now tier 4
-Fixed: A bug in the fuelboiler that was leftover for testing things
-Changed: Made some upgrade recipes cheaper (Drill Upgrades)
-Added: More Upgrades for Quantum & Nano Helmet
-Changed: MassFab EnergyRequirement increased by 40%.
-Changed: MassFab now autorefills scrap on EnergyTick too. But only if energy got through
-Fixed: Sound beacon turning off by themselves since energy was consumed on both sides
-Fixed: Fluid Inventories caused crashes
-Fixed: Miner will now clear Current Cache when it withdraw the pipes
-Changed: Miner now Destroyes fluids that it finds when no Pump is connected. Making these things much easier. (But only if they are in the way)
-Fixed: Miner no longer can crash when the target was exchanged while it mined it.
-Fixed: Iron Scaffolds no longer drop when CFoam Sprayed
-Fixed: Toggle Key gets synced now
-Fixed: Jetpack auto turns off when you are riding something if it can be disabled
-Fixed: Trade-O-Mat no longer allow Overstacking.
-Fixed: O-Mats no longer drops items if they dont fit in the output trade inventory. They get added now to your inventory and then drop if there is no room
-Fixed: Energy & Fluid o mat no longer waste coins on a trade being done
-Fixed: Personal Save has no longer issues with changing data
-Fixed: Centrifugal Extractor is now having a proper position for the "Recipes Button"
-Fixed: WorkTable puts the Items got back now into the Inventory area instead of the players inventory
-Fixed: Saving Achievement spaming removed.
-Fixed: Saving Achievement Localization Fixed
-Fixed: Battery Station Gui For packets is no longer wrong.
-Fixed: All the issues with the Battery Station
-Fixed: A couple recipes
-Fixed: Version issues
-Added: AA support
-Added: Latest IC2Exp API
-Added: ToolTips for Filters in the Filtered Upgrades + Inverted Information
-Removed: Markets from the Creative list since they dont do shit
-Fixed: Broken Rubber boat name & Textures fixed
-Fixed: Removed duplicated UU to wood recipe
-Fixed: Auto Filling of WaterMills is now working Properly. But you need a Automation Upgrade And SlotAccess Upgrade
-Fixed: Sound Beacon Slot was fuckt up
-Fixed: Issues with the sound Beacon & Sound System. Even removed a tiny memory leak (we talk about 20 bytes when a certain scenario was given)
-Fixed: Dynamite & Sticky Dynamite
-Added: Enchantments to shields (Unbreaking, Mending (Not for Nano), and thorns(Not for Nano))
-Fixed: Energy/Fluid-o-Mat crashing when clicking on Custom Trade Button
-Fixed: Iridium Stone is now Wither & Dragon Proof
-Fixed: Luminator would not render Reinforced & Chiseled Glass
-Fixed: Multipart Luminators Didnt accept BlockUpdates Causing Cable Connection issues
-Fixed: Mowing Tool can now handle also Double Plants. But only if you look at their stem or when a block is directly above it. (Yeah it cant target the top. Thats minecraft not me)
-Changed: Scaffolds can be now placed on anything that provides a solid Surface instead of just to be a full cube
-Added: Round Robin Upgrade shows now all Slots with their respective Side
-Added: Crafting Ugprade shows why the Crafting Delay is -1
-Added: Tooltip for Drills with their DirtMode & OreProbing
-Fixed: Turrets target entities randomly if there more then 1 provided
-Added: ToolTips for Inventory Upgrades
-Fixed: Critical bugs with Inventory Upgrades
-Fixed: Windmills a Tiny Bit.
-Fixed: Adjusted Windmill EU tooltip a tiny bit
-Fixed: Bugs with the Adjustable Transformer/Creative Energy Storage.
-Added: Textures from Nano Heart.
-Removed: Fixes for the Classic TestServer to fix fixed bugs for those who still had them.
-New Version for the Mod.
-Release Version