ChatGPT clone in htmx, Python, and SQLite
- HTMX + Tailwind
- LangUI
- Python
- SQLite
- Create a ChatGPT like chat interface using HTMX and Tailwind
- Use Python to interact with the ChatGPT API
- Use SQLite to store the chat history
- Be able to view and select from multiple chat histories
Minimize the amount of JavaScript usedNO JAVASCRIPT. Use Hyperscript.
- Disable button and input when waiting for response from API
- prevent HTML from being rendered if returned by the LLM
- Add loading display when waiting for response from API
- Add ability to use multiple LLMs
- Add ability to select LLM when creating a new chat
- Dockerize the application
- User accounts & authentication
- Move to a more robust database
- Chat history search via vectors