As its name defines it, our robot is a basic representation of the spider movements but it will not perform exactly the same body moves since we are using only four legs instead of eight legs.
Quadruped Robot – It is a four-legged walking robot which is a bionic replica of spider (Arachnid species) that uses their legs for movement and can perform some tasks either by human interaction or by its own.
Nowadays there are many situations where human beings are unable to accomplish a certain task in the real life such as finding missing person in forest for more than 24 hours and exploring a cave with lack of oxygen. In order to accomplish these difficult tasks, human being will have to rely on mobile robots. The significant challenge is to develop a self adaptive system for the mobile robots in adapting towards uncertain changes in the environment.- 12 SG90 servo motors.
- 1 PCA9685 servo driver.
- Arduino Uno.
- Stm32F407G-DISC1.
- 3D printed chasis .
- Oled display (128x64).
- Capacitor (2200μF-6.3V).
- Power supply (5V-1.5A).
- AT09 Bluetooth Module.
- Arduino IDE
- STM32Cube IDE