This is a repository that I've created in order to learn and practice using the Spring Framework.
- General Info
- Technologies Used
- Features
- Screenshots
- Setup
- Usage
- Project Status
- Room for Improvement
- Acknowledgements
- Contact
- This is a personal study of a book "Spring in Action" by Craig Walls;
- This repository aims to help me learn the Spring Framework;
- I decided to create this repository because I like to practice using the tools and technologies that I am learning.
- Java 20;
- Spring 6.0.10;
- Thymeleaf 3.1.2;
- PostgreSQL 15;
- IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2023.2.1.
- Use MVC design pattern;
- Use Thymeleaf;
- Use various Spring modules.
- Install IntelliJ IDEA 2023.2.1;
- Install openjdk-20.0.2;
- Install PostgreSQL 15.
- Clone this repo;
- Open the project;
- Choose a module that you'd like to run;
- In that module find the corresponding pom.xml file (this is the file with the project dependencies);
- By using the corresponding button reload the maven project;
- If the module uses a database, find the corresponding application.yaml file in that module;
- Enter the appropriate name, username, password and url;
- Run the main application class (the class annotated with @SpringBootApplication);
- If the module starts a web MVC application, you can access the application at localhost:8080;
- If the module starts a RESTful service, you can try using the request files in the resources folder.
The project is in progress.
Room for improvement:
- Could add docker files for each module;
- Could add JUnit tests for each module.
To do:
- Start using Spring Security;
- Start using MongoDB;
- Start using Angular.
- This repository is inspired by my desire to learn the Spring Framework;
- The repository is based on the book "Spring in Action";
- Many thanks to @habuma for writing such a wonderful book!
Created by @NikitaKolychev - feel free to contact me!