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DialogSystem for Noita

An example mod that uses this library can be downloaded here:



Copy the files into your mod, so the structure looks like this: mods/yourmod/lib/DialogSystem/dialog_system.lua

Then in your mod's init.lua, initialize the library like this:


Passing in the path to to the folder containing dialog_system.lua.

Global config

You can also pass in a table with configuration options as the second parameter to the init function:

dofile_once("mods/yourmod/lib/DialogSystem/init.lua")("mods/yourmod/lib/DialogSystem", {
  disable_controls = true,
  images = {
    -- To be used with {@img something} in dialog text
    something = "mods/yourmod/files/dialog_images/something.png",
    something_else = "mods/yourmod/files/dialog_images/something_else.png",
  sounds = {
    -- Can then be specified as typing_sound = "new_sound"
    new_sound = { bank = "mods/yourmod/files/", event = "cool_new_sound" },
    new_sound_two = { bank = "mods/yourmod/files/", event = "cool_new_sound2" },

Quick start

Create a new entity with a LuaComponent as follows:

-- mods/yourmod/files/npc/interact.lua
local dialog_system = dofile_once("mods/yourmod/lib/DialogSystem/dialog_system.lua")

-- Make NPC stop walking while player is close
local entity_id = GetUpdatedEntityID()
local x, y = EntityGetTransform(entity_id)
local player = EntityGetInRadiusWithTag(x, y, 15, "player_unit")[1]
local character_platforming_component = EntityGetFirstComponentIncludingDisabled(entity_id, "CharacterPlatformingComponent")
if player then
  ComponentSetValue2(character_platforming_component, "run_velocity", 0)
  ComponentSetValue2(character_platforming_component, "run_velocity", 30)

function interacting(entity_who_interacted, entity_interacted, interactable_name)
    name = "Monkey",
    portrait = "mods/yourmod/files/npc/portraits/monkey.png",
    typing_sound = "one",
    text = "Hello, I am monkey! Would you like to buy a banana?",
    options = {
        text = "Oh yes please! (500 gold)",
        func = function(dialog)
          spawn_banana_at_player_position() -- You implement this yourself :)
          reduce_player_gold(500) -- You implement this yourself :)
            -- Options that are not specified will use the previous messages options
            text = "Thanks for the purchase buddy.",
        text = "Nah I'm not hungry.",
        -- If no func is specified, the option will close the dialog


-- Dofile-ing dialog_system.lua returns the dialog system
local dialog_system = dofile_once("mods/yourmod/lib/DialogSystem/dialog_system.lua")

It can either be configured locally by setting the following properties on it, or globally when initializing the library (see here). If nothing is configures, it will fall back to use the defaults.

-- To add new images/icons to be used in text, this one will be usable as {@img fish} = "mods/yourmod/files/dialog_images/fish.png"
-- To add new typing sounds, to use it specify typing_sound = "tick" after registering it like this
dialog_system.sounds.tick = { bank = "mods/yourmod/files/audio/", event = "sounds/my_cool_sound" }
 -- Distance from bottom of screen
dialog_system.dialog_box_y = 50
 -- How wide the dialog box is
dialog_system.dialog_box_width = 300
 -- How tall the dialog box is
dialog_system.dialog_box_height = 70
 -- How far the player has to move away from the point where it was opened for it to close automatically
 -- if not specified, uses the InteractableComponent:radius
dialog_system.distance_to_close = 15
-- Whether to disable the controls of the player while the dialog is open
dialog_system.disable_controls = false

function dialog_system.open_dialog(message : message) returns dialog

type dialog Contains functions relating to the whole dialog.

  • function dialog.close() Closes the dialog.
  • function dialog.back() Shows the previous message.
  • function Switch to the specified dialog.
  • function dialog.is_too_far() Returns boolean whether the player is too far from the point where the dialog was opened at.

type message Contains information what should be displayed in a dialog.

  • field name (string) Will be displayed in the nameplate, if nil won't display one.
  • field text (string) Text to display, whitespaces in front of each line will be trimmed, to make it easier to use multine strings.
  • field portrait (string) File path to the portait to use, can be PNG or an animation/spritesheet XML. (Dimensions should be 64x64)
  • field animation (string) When specifying an XML, specifies the animation to use.
  • field typing_sound (string) Can choose between built ins ("one", "two", "three", "four", "sans").
  • field options (table[option]) Table of items of type option
  • field on_closing (function) Will be called once the dialog starts closing.
  • field on_closed (function) Will be called after the dialog has been closed.

type option A clickable option at the end of a dialog.

  • field text (string) Will be displayed if the option is enabled.
  • field text_disabled (string) Will be displayed if the option is disabled, if not provided, uses the same as text.
  • field enabled (function|boolean) Function/boolean whether this option should be enabled. The function gets passed a table as it's first argument, which allows for convenient access to common stats of the player like gold, hp etc. See example. The function will run once every 30 frames. Arguments: (stats).
  • field func The function which will be called when selecting the option, if omitted, will default to dialog.close. Arguments: (dialog, stats).

Option enabled function example:

enabled = function(stats)
  return >= 100

Text Format

The text you can display is very dynamic, you can use a multitude of different effects and commands to change the text speed, color, etc.

The effects can be used like this:

  • *Text between asterisks will blink*
  • #Text between pound signs will shake#
  • ~Text between tildes will move in a wave pattern~
  • ^Text between carets will have rainbow colors^

Whereas commands are more elaborate and are used like this:

  • {@pause 60} Stops advancing the text for 60 frames.
  • {@delay 10} Sets the delay between typing of each character to 10 frames.
  • {@color FF0000} Sets the text color to red. Format is in RGB hexadecimal.
  • {@img banana} Display an icon/image registered on the dialog_system object.
  • {@sound tick} Sets the typing sound to the specified sound.

This library currently has no to very little error checking or reporting. So, uh just use it correctly!


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