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Resolve issue with "All nests scenario" coding in PVA.
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BrianRolek committed Oct 10, 2024
1 parent 03ea3e2 commit b4ebc7a
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Showing 11 changed files with 2,369 additions and 1,298 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion R/01-data-manipulation.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -730,7 +730,6 @@ inits.func1 <- function (){
r = mean(outp$r),
N = outp$N[1:7,1:13,1:2,
sample(seq(1, 5200, by=400), 1, replace = F)] # sample from inits of chains that worked


Expand Down
194 changes: 44 additions & 150 deletions R/06-ipm-simp.R → R/02-ipm-simp.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
## ---- ipm1 --------
## ---- ipm-simp --------
library ('coda')

# The model
#* Parameter descriptions
# Mark-resight-recovery data
# Observations (po) = y
# 1 seen first-year (age=0, just before 1st b-day)
Expand All @@ -33,13 +32,27 @@ load("/bsuscratch/brianrolek/riha_ipm/data.rdata")
# pFY: resight probability first-years
# pA: resight probability nonbreeders
# pB: resight probability breeders
# mean productivity (males and females) per territory on the log scale
# sds: standard deviations for multivariate normal random effects for time and site
# R: correlation coefficients for multivariate normal random effects for time and site
# lambda: population growth rate (derived)
# extinct: binary indicator of extirpation at a site
# gamma: coefficient of effect from nest treatments
# betas: coefficient of effect from translocations
# deltas: coefficient of effect from survey effort
# mus: overall means for survival, recruitment, and detections
# r and rr: "r" parameter for negative binomial distribution
# also described as omega in manuscript

#* Model code
mycode <- nimbleCode(
# Priors and constraints
# survival, recruitment, and detection can be correlated
# Survival, recruitment, and detection can be correlated
for (k in 1:8){
betas[k] ~ dunif(-20, 20) # prior for coefficients
} # k
Expand All @@ -49,51 +62,40 @@ mycode <- nimbleCode(
mus[j,s] ~ dbeta(1,1) # prior for means
}} # m population #s sex #h hacked

# Temporal random effects and correlations among all sites
for (j in 1:p){ sds[j] ~ dexp(1) }# prior for temporal variation
# estimated using the multivariate normal distribution
# Temporal random effects and correlations among all sites, synchrony
for (j in 1:p){ sds[j] ~ dexp(1) }# prior for temporal variation estimated using the multivariate normal distribution
R[1:p,1:p] <- t(Ustar[1:p,1:p]) %*% Ustar[1:p,1:p] # calculate rhos, correlation coefficients
Ustar[1:p,1:p] ~ dlkj_corr_cholesky(eta=1.1, p=p) # Ustar is the Cholesky decomposition of the correlation matrix
U[1:p,1:p] <- uppertri_mult_diag(Ustar[1:p, 1:p], sds[1:p])
# multivariate normal for temporal variance
for (t in 1:nyr){ # survival params only have nyr-1, no problem to simulate from however
# Multivariate normal for temporal variance
for (t in 1:nyr){
eps[1:p,t] ~ dmnorm(mu.zeroes[1:p],
cholesky = U[1:p, 1:p], prec_param = 0)

# Temporal random effects and correlations between sites
for (jj in 1:p2){ sds2[jj] ~ dexp(1) }# prior for temporal variation
# estimated using the multivariate normal distribution
for (jj in 1:p2){ sds2[jj] ~ dexp(1) }# prior for temporal variation estimated using the multivariate normal distribution
R2[1:p2,1:p2] <- t(Ustar2[1:p2,1:p2]) %*% Ustar2[1:p2,1:p2] # calculate rhos, correlation coefficients
Ustar2[1:p2,1:p2] ~ dlkj_corr_cholesky(eta=1.1, p=p2) # Ustar is the Cholesky decomposition of the correlation matrix
U2[1:p2,1:p2] <- uppertri_mult_diag(Ustar2[1:p2, 1:p2], sds2[1:p2])
# multivariate normal for temporal variance
for (t in 1:nyr){ # survival params only have nyr-1, no problem to simulate from however
# multivariate normal for temporal and site variance
for (t in 1:nyr){
for (s in 1:nsite){
eta[1:p2,s,t] ~ dmnorm(mu.zeroes2[1:p2],
cholesky = U2[1:p2, 1:p2], prec_param = 0)
} } # s t
# Derived params
# for (s in 1:nsite){
# for (t in 1:(nyr-1)){
# lambda[t, s] <- Ntot[t+1, s]/(Ntot[t, s])
# loglambda[t, s] <- log(lambda[t, s])
# }} #t

# Likelihood for fecundity
# Likelihood for productivity
# Priors for number of fledglings
# and nest success
# Priors for productivity
for (s in 1:nsite){
lmu.f[s] ~ dnorm(0, sd=5)
} # s
gamma ~ dunif(-20, 20)
rr ~ dexp(0.05)

# Fecundity
# Productivity likelihood
for (k in 1:nnest){
f[k] ~ dnegbin(ppp[k], rr)
ppp[k] <- rr/(rr+mu.f[k])
Expand All @@ -102,7 +104,10 @@ mycode <- nimbleCode(
eps[9, year.nest[k] ] +
eta[9, site.nest[k], year.nest[k] ]
} # k
# derive yearly brood size for population model
# Derive yearly brood size for population model
# Need to reorder because nimble doesn't
# handle nonconsecutive indices
# yrind.nest is a matrix of indices for each site
for (t in 1:nyr){
for (s in 1:nsite){
for (xxx in 1:nest.end[t,s]){
Expand All @@ -127,132 +132,16 @@ mycode <- nimbleCode(
# Likelihood for counts
# # Abundance for year=1
# for (v in 1:7){
# for (s in 1:nsite){
# # subtract one because to allow dcat to include zero
# N[v, 1, s] <- N2[v, 1, s] - 1
# N2[v, 1, s] ~ dcat(pPrior[1:s.end[s], s])
# }} # s t
# # Abundance for years > 1
# for (t in 1:(nyr-1)){
# for (s in 1:nsite){
# # Number of wild born juvs
# N[1, t+1, s] ~ dpois( (NFY[t, s]*mn.phiFY[t, s]*mn.psiFYB[t, s] + # first year breeders
# NF[t, s]*mn.phiA[t, s]*mn.psiAB[t, s] + # nonbreeders to breeders
# NB[t, s]*mn.phiB[t, s]*(1-mn.psiBA[t, s])) # breeders remaining
# *mn.f[t+1, s] ) # end Poisson
# # Abundance of nonbreeders
# ## Second year nonbreeders
# N[2, t+1, s] ~ dbin(mn.phiFY[t, s]*(1-mn.psiFYB[t, s]), NFY[t, s]) # Nestlings to second year nonbreeders
# ## Adult nonbreeders
# N[3, t+1, s] ~ dbin(mn.phiA[t, s]*(1-mn.psiAB[t, s]), NF[t, s]) # Nonbreeders to nonbreeders
# N[4, t+1, s] ~ dbin(mn.phiB[t, s]*mn.psiBA[t, s], NB[t, s]) # Breeders to nonbreeders
# # Abundance of breeders
# ## Second year breeders
# N[5, t+1, s] ~ dbin(mn.phiFY[t, s]*mn.psiFYB[t, s], NFY[t, s]) # Nestlings to second year breeders
# ## Adult breeders
# N[6, t+1, s] ~ dbin(mn.phiA[t, s]*mn.psiAB[t, s], NF[t, s]) # Nonbreeder to breeder
# N[7, t+1, s] ~ dbin(mn.phiB[t, s]*(1-mn.psiBA[t, s]), NB[t, s]) # Breeder to breeder
# }} # s t
# # Observation process
# for (t in 1:nyr){
# for (s in 1:nsite){
# counts[2, t, s] ~ dpois(NF[t, s]) # nonbreeding adult females
# counts[3, t, s] ~ dpois(NB[t, s]) # breeding females
# # constrain N1+hacked.counts to be >=0
# constraint_data[t, s] ~ dconstraint( (N[1, t, s] + hacked.counts[t, s]) >= 0 ) # Transfers translocated first-year females
# NFY[t, s] <- N[1, t, s] + hacked.counts[t, s] # Transfers translocated first-year females
# NF[t, s] <- sum(N[2:4, t, s]) # number of adult nonbreeder females
# NB[t, s] <- sum(N[5:7, t, s]) # number of adult breeder females
# Ntot[t, s] <- sum(N[1:7, t, s]) # total number of females
# }# s
# # First-years at different sites have different distributions
# # for better model fit
# counts[1, t, 1] ~ dpois(N[1, t, 1]) # doesn't have any zeroes so poisson
# counts[1, t, 2] ~ dnegbin(pp[t], r) # first year females, includes translocated/hacked
# pp[t] <- r/(r+N[1, t, 2])
# } # t
# r ~ dexp(0.05)
# ###################
# # Assess GOF of the state-space models for counts
# # Step 1: Compute statistic for observed data
# # Step 2: Use discrepancy measure: mean absolute error
# # Step 3: Use test statistic: number of turns
# ###################
# for (t in 1:nyr){
# c.repFY[t, 1] ~ dpois( N[1, t, 1] )
# c.repFY[t, 2] ~ dnegbin( pp[t], r )
# for (s in 1:nsite){
# c.expB[t, s] <- NB[t, s] # expected counts adult breeder
# c.expA[t, s] <- NF[t, s] # nonbreeder
# c.expFY[t, s] <- N[1, t, s]
# c.obsB[t, s] <- counts[3, t, s]
# c.obsA[t, s] <- counts[2, t, s]
# c.obsFY[t, s] <- counts[1, t, s] # first year
# c.repB[t, s] ~ dpois(NB[t,s] ) # simulated counts
# c.repA[t, s] ~ dpois(NF[t,s] )
# dssm.obsB[t, s] <- abs( ( (c.obsB[t, s]) - (c.expB[t, s]) ) / (c.obsB[t, s]+0.001) )
# dssm.obsA[t, s] <- abs( ( (c.obsA[t, s]) - (c.expA[t, s]) ) / (c.obsA[t, s]+0.001) )
# dssm.obsFY[t, s] <- abs( ( (c.obsFY[t, s]) - (c.expFY[t, s]) ) / (c.obsFY[t, s]+0.001) )
# dssm.repB[t, s] <- abs( ( (c.repB[t, s]) - (c.expB[t, s]) ) / (c.repB[t, s]+0.001) )
# dssm.repA[t, s] <- abs( ( (c.repA[t, s]) - (c.expA[t, s]) ) / (c.repA[t, s]+0.001) )
# dssm.repFY[t, s] <- abs( ( (c.repFY[t, s]) - (c.expFY[t, s]) ) / (c.repFY[t, s]+0.001) )
# }} # t
# dmape.obs[1] <- sum(dssm.obsB[1:nyr, 1:nsite])
# dmape.obs[2] <- sum(dssm.obsA[1:nyr, 1:nsite])
# dmape.obs[3] <- sum(dssm.obsFY[1:nyr, 1:nsite])
# dmape.rep[1] <- sum(dssm.repB[1:nyr, 1:nsite])
# dmape.rep[2] <- sum(dssm.repA[1:nyr, 1:nsite])
# dmape.rep[3] <- sum(dssm.repFY[1:nyr, 1:nsite])
# tvm.obs[1] <- sd(c.obsB[1:nyr, 1:nsite])^2/mean(c.obsB[1:nyr, 1:nsite])
# tvm.obs[2] <- sd(c.obsA[1:nyr, 1:nsite])^2/mean(c.obsA[1:nyr, 1:nsite])
# tvm.obs[3] <- sd(c.obsFY[1:nyr, 1:nsite])^2/mean(c.obsFY[1:nyr, 1:nsite])
# tvm.rep[1] <- sd(c.repB[1:nyr, 1:nsite])^2/mean(c.repB[1:nyr, 1:nsite])
# tvm.rep[2] <- sd(c.repA[1:nyr, 1:nsite])^2/mean(c.repA[1:nyr, 1:nsite])
# tvm.rep[3] <- sd(c.repFY[1:nyr, 1:nsite])^2/mean(c.repFY[1:nyr, 1:nsite])
# # # Test statistic for number of turns
# for (s in 1:nsite){
# for (t in 1:(nyr-2)){
# tt1.obsB[t, s] <- step(c.obsB[t+2, s] - c.obsB[t+1, s])
# tt2.obsB[t, s] <- step(c.obsB[t+1, s] - c.obsB[t, s])
# tt3.obsB[t, s] <- equals(tt1.obsB[t, s] + tt2.obsB[t, s], 1)
# tt1.obsA[t, s] <- step(c.obsA[t+2, s] - c.obsA[t+1, s])
# tt2.obsA[t, s] <- step(c.obsA[t+1, s] - c.obsA[t, s])
# tt3.obsA[t, s] <- equals(tt1.obsA[t, s] + tt2.obsA[t, s], 1)
# tt1.obsFY[t, s] <- step(c.obsFY[t+2, s] - c.obsFY[t+1, s])
# tt2.obsFY[t, s] <- step(c.obsFY[t+1, s] - c.obsFY[t, s])
# tt3.obsFY[t, s] <- equals(tt1.obsFY[t, s] + tt2.obsFY[t, s], 1)
# }} # t
# tturn.obs[1] <- sum(tt3.obsB[1:(nyr-2), 1:nsite])
# tturn.obs[2] <- sum(tt3.obsA[1:(nyr-2), 1:nsite])
# tturn.obs[3] <- sum(tt3.obsFY[1:(nyr-2), 1:nsite])
# for (s in 1:nsite){
# for (t in 1:(nyr-2)){
# tt1.repB[t, s] <- step(c.repB[t+2, s] - c.repB[t+1, s])
# tt2.repB[t, s] <- step(c.repB[t+1, s] - c.repB[t, s])
# tt3.repB[t, s] <- equals(tt1.repB[t, s] + tt2.repB[t, s], 1)
# tt1.repA[t, s] <- step(c.repA[t+2, s] - c.repA[t+1, s])
# tt3.repA[t, s] <- equals(tt1.repA[t, s] + tt2.repA[t, s], 1)
# tt2.repA[t, s] <- step(c.repA[t+1, s] - c.repA[t, s])
# tt1.repFY[t, s] <- step(c.repFY[t+2, s] - c.repFY[t+1, s])
# tt2.repFY[t, s] <- step(c.repFY[t+1, s] - c.repFY[t, s])
# tt3.repFY[t, s] <- equals(tt1.repFY[t, s] + tt2.repFY[t, s], 1)
# }} # t
# tturn.rep[1] <- sum(tt3.repB[1:(nyr-2), 1:nsite])
# tturn.rep[2] <- sum(tt3.repA[1:(nyr-2), 1:nsite])
# tturn.rep[3] <- sum(tt3.repFY[1:(nyr-2), 1:nsite])
# Omitted. See IPM or PVA.

# Likelihood for survival
# Calculate an averages for sites
# each year for integration
# Calculate yearly averages for sites for integration
for (t in 1:nyr){
for (s in 1:nsite){
for (xxxx in 1:surv.end[t,s]){
# need to reorder because nimble doesn't
# Need to reorder because nimble doesn't
# handle nonconsecutive indices
# yrind.surv is a matrix of indices for each site
phiFY2[ t, s, xxxx] <- phiFY[ yrind.surv[xxxx,t,s], t]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -358,6 +247,9 @@ mycode <- nimbleCode(
} #i
} )

#* Function to run model in NIMBLE
run_ipm <- function(info, datl, constl, code){
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -431,7 +323,9 @@ run_ipm <- function(info, datl, constl, code){
} # run_ipm function end

#* Run chains in parallel
this_cluster <- makeCluster(10)
post <- parLapply(cl = this_cluster,
X = par_info,
Expand Down

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