Make sure to install the following packges:
pip install jupyterlab notebook matplotlib numpy opencv-python opencv-python-headless
Experiment 2 - Implementation & Verification of Linear Convolution
Experiment 3A & 3B - Implement Circular Convolution
Experiment 4 - Discrete Fourier Transform
Experiment 5 - DFT Properties
- Experiment 5A - Circular Convolution - DFT Properties
- Experiment 5B - Circular Timeshift - DFT Properties
- Experiment 5C - Linearity - DFT Properties
- Experiment 5D - Parsavel - DFT Properties
- Experiment 5A - Circular Convolution - DFT Properties
Experiment 6 - Determine Spectrum of a known siganl using DFT
Experiment 7 - Design a digital FIR LPF
- Experiment 7A - Blackman
- Experiment 7B - Hamming
- Experiment 7C - Hanning
- Experiment 7D - Rectangular
- Experiment 7A - Blackman
Experiment 8 - Design a digital FIR using Rectangular Window
- Experiment 8A - Low Pass Filter
- Experiment 8B - High Pass Filter
- Experiment 8C - Band Pass Filter
- Experiment 8D - Band Reject Filter
- Experiment 8A - Low Pass Filter
Experiment 9 - IIR Butterworth Filter using BLT
Experiment 10 - IIR Butterworth Filter using ChebyShev
Experiment 1 - Implementation of Information Theory Concepts
Experiment 2 - Linear Block Codes
Experiment 3 - Cyclic Codes
Experiment 4 - Convolution Codes
Experiment 5 - Implementation of Cyclic Redundancy Check codes
Experiment 6 - Implementation of Line Coding Techniques
Experiment 7 - Implementation of Digital Modulation Techniques
Experiment 8 - Implementation of Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
There are both txt and main cir file.
Experiment 1 - Output and Transfer Characteristics of NMOS and PMOS Transistor
Experiment 2 - Transfer Characteristic of CMOS Inverter
Experiment 3 - Transient Analysis of CMOS Inverter
Experiment 4 - Draw CMOS inverter
Experiment 5 - Design of 2-input NOR and NAND gate using static CMOS style
Experiment 6 - Draw a layout of 6T SRAM cell
Experiment 7 - 1- Bit Full Adder in Verilog HDL using data flow
Experiment 8 - Design 8:1 Multiplexer using structural and behavioral model