- f-string literal
- .. operator
- auto specifier after const/constexpr keyword
- #redefine
- #indefine
- @ operator
- #wdefine (weak define)
- ` ` string literal
- defs
- $rep, $rep[beg:end]
- safe macros ($macro)
- local macros
- {'label':value, ..} dictionary initilazer list
- @[ ] brackets, convert initializer list to vector
- removing parent bracket requiment
- => operator for lambda
- auto type declaration with := operator
- infile keyword
- $operator
- typespace
- : and . namespace operators (std:cout or std.cout)
- nested functions
- $try, $catch, $endtry
- function, variable aliasing
- #include "file" as nspace
hello = "Hello";
f"{hello}, World."
for (auto&& i : 2..10)
cout << i << '\n';
#define pi 4
#redefine pi 3
#redefine pi 3.14f
// no error
multi line
$nspace std
std.cout << 5;
std:vector<int> vec;
$nspace pmr
std::pmr.string str;
$rep 5 << __n__ << ", " // __n__ is order
// prints '0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5'
$rep[12:14] cout << "num: " << __n__;
// prints 'num: 12', 'num: 13' and 'num: 14'
#include "Utility.hpp" as UTX
// same as
namespace UTX {
#include "Utility.hpp"
- 9 brackets options '( ), [ ], < >, [[ ]], <[ ]>, <| |>, :> <:, :< >:, <: :>'
$def foo( /*args*/ ) { /*your code here*/ }
$def foo< > { } // accept
$def foo[ ] { } // accept
$def foo[[ ]] { } // accept
$def foo<[ ]> { } // accept
$def foo<| |> { } // accept
- 12 separator options ",", ":", ";", "=>", "~>", "?", "..", "<->", "<~>", "<=>", "=:=", "<$>"
$def bar(arg1,arg2:arg3) { }
$def bar<arg1:arg2> { }
$def bar[arg1;arg2?arg3,arg4] { }
$def bar[[arg1=>arg2]] { }
$def bar<[arg1..arg2:arg3]> { }
- you can create def separator
$sep in
$def For[i in List] {
for (auto&& i : List)
- string literal like ' ', " " and ` ` etc..
$def foo"arg" { "arg" } // same, $def foo"" { __arg__ }
$def foo'' { __arg__ } // accept
$def foo`` { } // accept
// some functions
$def foo"arg" { __arg_no_pp__ }
$def foo"arg" { __arg_eval__ }
- block style
$def once {
{ static const auto Once = [&]() { __arg__ return nullptr; }(); }
int i = 0;
while true {
once {
cout << i << '\n';
- strong names :: -> .
$def foo::bar() { } // accept
$def bar->foo[] { } // accept
$def boo.bom<> { } // accept
- overloadable
$def foo() { }
$def foo<> { }
$def foo[] { }
$def foo'' { }
$def foo"" { }
foo() // no error
$def foo(arg1,arg2) { }
$def foo(arg1:arg2) { }
$def foo(arg1=>arg2) { }
foo(1:2) // no error
$def foo[arg1;arg2] { }
$def foo[arg3;arg4] { }
foo[1;2] // error..
- variadic
$def bar(...) { [...] }
bar(1,2,3,4) // convert -> 1,2,3,4
$def bar(...) { [... sep] }
bar(1,2,3,4) // convert -> 1 sep 2 sep 3 sep 4
$def print(...) { cout [... << ' ' <<] }
print(3,"selam",5.7,true) // convert -> cout << 3 << ' ' << "selam" << ' ' << 5.7 << ' ' << true
// the final separator determines the separator of the variadics
$def foo(separator_comma,...) { }
$def foo(separator_colon:...) { }
$def foo(separator_semicolor;...) { }
$def log<err_type:first_arg,...> {
cerr << err_type << ':' << first_arg << ' ' << [... << ' ' <<]
log<log_type::warn:"this is warning", "line at:", 42>
$def mes[arg1,arg2:...] {
cout << "def name is: " << __def__ << '\n';
cout << "bracket type: " << __bracket_beg__ << __bracket_end__ << '\n';
cout << "arg count: " << __arg_count__ << '\n';
cout << "first arg: " << __arg_at 0 << '\n';
cout << "last arg: " << __arg_at (__arg_count__ - 1) << '\n';
mes[1, "sss":6.9:kk]
// prints
def name is: mes
bracket type: []
arg count: 4
first arg: 1
last arg: kk
- some examples
$def print[...] { cout << [... << ' ' <<] }
$def average(...) { (float([... +]) / (float)__arg_count__) }
$def err<err_type:first_mes,...> { cerr << err_type << ':' << first_mes << ' ' << [... << ' ' <<] }
$def for[it_name : list] { for(auto it_name = list.begin(); it_name != list.end(); it_name++) }
$def list.map(list : find => make) { for (auto& i : list) if i == find { i = make; } }
$def if<_if ? _con : _else> { ([&]() { if _con { return _if; } return _else; }()) }
$macro pi 3
$macro pi 3.14 // accept
$macro math.pi 3.1415 // also math::pi and math->pi accept
// const num = 52;
constexpr num = 52;
const* nptr = new int(2);
const[r,g,b] = rgb_color;
const&[key,val] = my_pair;
const func = [&](str) { /* falan filan */ };
if true or false {
while true {
// single line
if (true or false):
while (true or false): pass;
for (const& i : @[1,4,1,5,7])
echo i;
range_list := range[2 .. 5, 1];
// same as 'auto range_list = range[2 .. 5, 1];'
&ref_rlist := range_list;
&&move_rlist := range_list;
*ptr_rlist := &range_list;
&[key, value] := my_pair;
$operator echo
auto operator echo(auto&& any_thing) { cout << any_thing; }
echo "Heloo";
echo 74;
$operator sqr
auto operator sqr(int num) { return num * num; }
sqr sqr num; // works (operation priority right to left)
int main() {
fn my_priv_func() {
fn extra_private() {
fn yes_not_enough() {
// fn foo(); // not working function definition, only declaration
class myRule : public Rule {
myRule(const str& filename) {
utility_hxx = true;
parse(filename, Rule::from_file);
void user_init() {
// create a string literal
auto lit = lit_type(
"/+", "+/",
false, // back slash
false); // new line error
// create a operator
bool user_loop(list<Word>::iterator& it, list<Word>& code_split, list<Word>& new_split) {
auto& i = *it; // current word
if (i.starts_with("/+") and i.ends_with("+/")) {
const str s = str(i.begin() + 2, i.end() - 2);
cout << "$ its a comment!! '" << i << "'\n";
// const auto eval = Rule(s, this); eval with Rule features;
const auto eval = split_code(s);
new_split.insert(new_split.end(), eval.begin(), eval.end());
return true;
else if (i == "+++") {
const auto eval = split_code("+= 2");
new_split.insert(new_split.end(), eval.begin(), eval.end());
return true;
else return false;
auto main() -> int {
myRule cxx("test.vxx");
cout << cxx.afterCode;
return 0;
in test.vxx
int main() {
/+ "falanke filanke"; +/
int a = 1;
echo a;
$ its a comment!! '/+ "falanke filanke"; +/'
int main(){
"falanke filanke";
int a=1;
// test.cxx file
// $import __cxx_utility.hxx included automaticly
$operator falan
$operator filan
void operator falan(auto v) {
cout << "falanke filanke: " << v << '\n';
int operator filan(int v); // declaration
#redefine M_PI 3.14f
$macro math.pi 4 // also math::pi and math->pi accepted
$macro math.pi 3.14
$macro 42 "did you mean 'everthing'??"
$def log[type:message]{
std::cerr << f"{enum_name(type)}:{message}" << '\n';
$def log<mes> {
throw std::runtime_error(mes)
$def average(...) { (float([... +]) / (float)__arg_count__) }
$def err<err_type:first_mes, ...> {
cerr << err_type << ':' << first_mes << ' ' << [... << ' ' <<]
#define stringZ(arg) #arg
$def log'arg' { // that's signle line, log` ` support multi line
cout << stringZ(__arg_no_pp__) << '\n'
const func() -> bool {
return true;
$sep in
$def For[i in l] {
for (auto&& i : l)
#include "Game.hpp" as xs
const main() -> int {
std.size_t i = 0;
if<"selm" ? true or false : "mrb">;
// comment
list<int> l{ 1,1,1,5,6,1,8 };
list.map(l : 1 => 31);
For[i in l] {
echo i;
print[1, selam, "meaba"];
average(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
r_list := range[2 .. 5, 1];
&ref_list := r_list;
[r,g,b] := my_color;
for (const& i : @[1,4,1,5,7])
echo i;
err<"error" : "check this after", "line:", 5>;
str hello = "Hello";
enum class log_type { info, error, warning };
log[log_type::error : "oops.."];
log'`hata` "falan"';
std::cout << f"{hello+f`wow {math.pi}.`}, World." << '\n';
str falanke = `C:\wow\amazing`;
int beg = 10, end = 21;
for(let i : beg..end) {
echo f"-_- {i}";
falan filan (i + 1);
if 2 + 2 == 4 { // require curly brackets
echo "evet.";
if (2 + 2 == 5):
echo "hayir";
/* amazing comment */
fn func(int wow) {
if true or false {
cout << `falanke filanke\n`;
fn func() -> int {
$rep 3 "wow";
return 31;
// const num = 52;
const* nptr = new int(2);
const[r,g,b] = rgb_color;
const&[key,val] = my_pair;
constexpr num = 52;
const func = [&](str) { /* falan filan */ };
$rep[31:30 + math.pi] func(__n__);
return 0;
int operator filan(int v) {
cout << "oyle iste: " << v << '\n';
return v + 42;
// in main.cpp
#include <Rule.hpp>
auto main() -> int {
Rule cxx("test.cxx", Rule::from_file);
cout << cxx.afterCode;
return 0;
#include <utility>
#include <string>
using std::string;
using std::to_string;
using std::wstring;
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::cerr;
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <array>
using std::array;
#include <deque>
#include <bitset>
#include <tuple>
using std::tuple;
#include <typeinfo>
#include <format>
#include <algorithm>
#include <execution>
#include <concepts>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <memory>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std::string_literals;
namespace __cxx_rule{
inline auto __operator_echo(auto v){
return cout<<v<<'\n';
inline const auto if_else(bool con,auto _if,auto _else){
return _if;
return _else;
inline auto range_fn(start,end,step){
for(auto i=start;
return v;
namespace __cxx_rule{
void __operator_falan(auto v){
cout<<"falanke filanke: "<<v<<'\n';
namespace __cxx_rule{
int __operator_filan(int v);
#ifdef M_PI
#undef M_PI
#define M_PI 3.14
#define stringZ(arg) #arg
const auto func()->bool{
return true;
namespace xs{
#include "Game.hpp"
const auto main()->int{
std::size_t i=0;
if_else(true or false,"selm","mrb");
1,1,1,5,6,1,8 };
cout<<1<<' '<<selam<<' '<<"meaba";
auto r_list=range_fn(2,5,1);
auto &ref_list=r_list;
auto [r,g,b]=my_color;
for(const auto &i:(std::vector{
1,3.14,1,5, }
cerr<<"error"<<':'<<"check this after"<<' '<<"line:"<<' '<<5;
std::string hello="Hello";
enum class log_type{
info,error,warning };
cout<<stringZ(`hata` "falan")<<'\n';
std::cout<<format("{}, World.",hello+format(R"__cxx_rule(wow {}.)__cxx_rule",4))<<'\n';
std::string falanke=R"__cxx_rule(C:\wow\amazing)__cxx_rule";
int beg=10,end=21;
for(const auto i:__cxx_rule::__dotdot_op(beg,end)){
static const auto Once=[&](){
__cxx_rule::__operator_echo(f"-_- {i}");
return nullptr;
const auto func=[&](int wow)->auto{
if(true or false){
cout<<R"__cxx_rule(falanke filanke\n)__cxx_rule";
const auto func=[&]()->int{
return 31;
const auto *nptr=new int(2);
const auto [r,g,b]=rgb_color;
const auto &[key,val]=my_pair;
constexpr auto num=52;
const auto func=[&](std::string){
return 0;
namespace __cxx_rule{
int __operator_filan(int v){
cout<<"oyle iste: "<<v<<'\n';
return v+"did you mean 'everthing'??";