This is a repository for the Computer Architecture assembly project.
- Read N lines from stdin until EOF appears (maximum 10000 lines). Lines are separated EITHER by the sequence of bytes 0x0D and 0x0A (CR LF), or by a single character - 0x0D or 0x0A. Each line is a pair " " (separated by a space), where the key is a text identifier with a maximum of 16 characters (any characters except white space chars - space or newline), and the value is a decimal integer in the range [-10000, 10000].
- Perform grouping: fill two arrays (or an array of structures with 2 values) to store the pair and , which will include only unique values of , and is the average value calculated for all corresponding to a specific .
- Sort using the merge sort algorithm by , and output the key values to stdout from larger to smaller (average desc), each key on a separate line.