Multi containerize application.
Combination of React, Redis, Postgres, Express and Node. Multi container app setup with docker and travis CI/CD pipeline. Using images on docker hub to deploy app directly into AWS and GCP
1.Make sure you have docker and docker compose installed in system
- Docker - Containerize app
- Docker Compose - Local development environment to run tests and builds by using volumes and networks
- Docker Hub - Convenient Images
- NGINX - Web Server
- Create React App - Bootstrapping
- Node - Backend
- Redis - Memcached
- PostgreSQL - Database
- Travis-ci - CI/CD Pipelines
Created using App Diagram
Run following command in your terminal
docker compose up --build
remove --build argument if you are rerunning the app witout making any change in dockerfile and docker-compose.yml file
and you are good to go visit http://localhost:3050
Note:- After each submission you have refresh the page
Created using App Diagram
Created using App Diagram
See the screenshots folder for detailed instructions.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.