This is a library to provide the permission control on resources in serverless environment.
When implementing applications using existing frameworks, you can manage permissions on resources using the module they provide, but they are not available when you implement applications using serverless computing like AWS Lambda.
This is a very simple RBAC (Role Based Access Controller) library to manage permissions based on their privileges.
NOTE: Python 2.7
pip install porper
Database Initialization
$ mysql -h <db_host> -u <db_user> -p <db_name> < porper_initial.sql
If you plan to use Google+ and/or GitHub authentications, set related values either as an environment variables or in a config.json. (Please see next section, 'How to provide related info')
Please see these 2 sites to find out how to setup OpenID connect
Google+ :
GitHut :
There are 2 ways to set necessary information
Using Environment Variables
export MYSQL_HOST=<db_host>
export MYSQL_USER=<db_user>
export MYSQL_PASSWORD=<db_password>
export MYSQL_DATABASE=<db_name>
export GITHUB_CLIENT_ID=<client_id>
export GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET=<secret_id>
Using 'config.json' that needs to be placed in the root of porper library
"mysql": {
"host": "<db_host>",
"username": "<db_user>",
"password": "<db_password>",
"database": "<db_name>"
"google": {
"tokeninfo_endpoint": ""
"github": {
"auth_endpoint": "",
"api_endpoint": "",
"client_id": "<client_id>",
"client_secret": "<secret_id>"
from porper.models.connection import mysql_connection
connection = mysql_connection()
# For Google+ Auth
from porper.controllers.google_auth_controller import GoogleAuthController
googleAuthController = GoogleAuthController(connection)
user_info = googleAuthController.authenticate(id_token)
# For GitHub Auth
from porper.controllers.github_auth_controller import GithubAuthController
githubAuthController = GithubAuthController(connection)
user_info = githubAuthController.authenticate(code, state)
# 'access_token' is used when sending following requests
access_token = user_info['access_token']
You must be the admin.
params = {
"name": "<name_of_the_role>"
from porper.controllers.role_controller import RoleController
roleController = RoleController(connection)
roleController.create(access_token, params)
if you're the admin, it will return all roles
otherwise, return all roles where you're belong
The first user logging into the system will be added as an admin automatically
You have to invite them first and you must be either the admin or the role admin of the role where the new user will belong
params = {
"email": "<email_address>",
"role_id": "<role_id>",
"is_admin": "<0_or_1>"
from porper.controllers.invited_user_controller import InvitedUserController
invited_user_controller = InvitedUserController(connection)
invited_user_controller.create(access_token, params)
params = {}
invited_user_controller.find_all(access_token, params)
if you're the admin, it will return all invited users
if you're the role admin of one or more roles, it will return all invited users of the roles where you're the role admin
otherwise, it will raise an exception of 'not permitted'
params = {
"role_id": "<role_id>"
invited_user_controller.find_all(access_token, params)
if you're the admin or a role admin of the given role, it will return all invited users of the given role
otherwise, it will raise an exception of 'not permitted'
Once the invited users log in successfully for the first time, they will be automatically registered and added to the roles specified during invitation
params = {}
from porper.controllers.user_controller import UserController
userController = UserController(connection)
userController.find_all(access_token, params)
if you're the admin, it will return all users
if you're the role admin of one or more roles, it will return all users of the roles where you're the role admin
otherwise, it will return yourself
params = {
"role_id": "<role_id>"
userController.find_all(access_token, params)
if you're the admin or a member of the given role, it will return all users of the given role
otherwise, it will raise an exception of 'not permitted'
params = {
"id": "<id>",
"email": "<email_address>"
userController.find_all(access_token, params)
It will return a specific user with the given id or email address
You must be either the admin or the role admin.
params = {
"user_id": "<user_id>",
"role_id": "<role_id>",
"is_admin": "<0 or 1>"
from porper.controllers.user_controller import UserController
userController = UserController(connection)
userController.create(access_token, params)
from porper.controllers.resource_controller import ResourceController
class DemoController(ResourceController):
def __init__(self, permission_connection):
ResourceController.__init__(self, None, None, permission_connection)
self.resource = 'demo'
from demo import Demo
self.model = Demo(permission_connection)
# redefine this method if necessary
def create(self, access_token, params):
return ResourceController.create(self, access_token, params)
# redefine this method if necessary
def update(self, access_token, params):
return ResourceController.update(self, access_token, params)
# redefine this method if necessary
def delete(self, access_token, params):
return ResourceController.delete(self, access_token, params)
# redefine this method if necessary
def find_all(self, access_token, params):
return ResourceController.find_all(self, access_token, params)
# redefine this method if necessary
def find_one(self, access_token, params):
return ResourceController.find_one(self, access_token, params)
class Demo:
def __init__(self, connection):
self.connection = connection
# implement how to create a new instance
def create(self, params):
# implement how to update an instance
def update(self, params):
# implement how to delete an instance
def delete(self, params):
# implement how to find a specific instance(s)
def find(self, params):
from porper.controllers.permission_controller import PermissionController
permission_controller = PermissionController(connection)
permitted_user_id = "<admin or user_id_who_has_create_permission_on_the_target_resource>"
# by user_id
permission_params = {
"user_id": "<user_id>",
"resource": "<resource_name>",
"value": "<* or resource_id>",
"action": "<create|read|update|delete>"
permission_controller.create(None, permission_params, permitted_user_id)
# by role_id
permission_params = {
"role_id": "<role_id>",
"resource": "<resource_name>",
"value": "<* or resource_id>",
"action": "<create|read|update|delete>"
permission_controller.create(None, permission_params, permitted_user_id)
from porper.controllers.permission_controller import PermissionController
permission_controller = PermissionController(connection)
permitted_user_id = "<admin or user_id_who_has_create_permission_on_the_target_resource>"
# by permission id
permission_params_by_id = {
"id": "<permission_id>"
permission_controller.delete(None, permission_params, permitted_user_id)
# by user_id
permission_params_by_user_id = {
"user_id": "<user_id>",
"resource": "<resource_name>",
"value": "<* or resource_id>",
"action": "<create|read|update|delete>"
permission_controller.delete(None, permission_params, permitted_user_id)
# by role_id
permission_params_by_user_id = {
"role_id": "<role_id>",
"resource": "<resource_name>",
"value": "<* or resource_id>",
"action": "<create|read|update|delete>"
permission_controller.delete(None, permission_params, permitted_user_id)
This project is maintained by the Labs team at Sungard Availability Services