TracingContextDecorator is a component that enriches logs with opentelemetry tracing context e.g. traceid, spanid, parentspanid into log messsage. Implementation of required abstractions for specific libraries lives inside src subdirectory. All examples are inside examples subdirectory.
There are four supported libraries. Each of them uses different abstractions to achieve the goal.
- Log4net
- Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
- NLog
- Serilog
Log4net requires PatternLayoutConverter
implementation and its configuration in the context of specific appender.
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging requires specific implementation of formatter. This package contains implementation of console formatter.
NLog requires implementation of LayoutRenderer
Serilog requires implementation of ILogEventEnricher
Above components can be configured via code or config file. Examples for Log4net and NLog show how to do that via configuration.
Using TracingContextDecorator
requires addition of dependencies. Dependendencies can be added via
dotnet add package
or dotnet add reference
. You can learn what's needed looking into examples or
reading documentation for specific log library. Below dependencies excerpt from serilog example:
<PackageReference Include="Serilog.Sinks.Console" Version="5.0.1" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\src\TracingContextDecorator.csproj" />