This application helps user to maintain and keep track of their expenses. User can perform the following operations in the application.
1. Add daily expense
2. Set monthly budget limit
3. View expense by a particular date
4. View overall monthly expenses
5. View overall yearly expenses
REST API: Springboot v 2.1.4
- Springboot-Web
- Springboot-data
- Springboot-Devtools
- Swagger
Database: Mongo DB
User Interface: Angular v 7
Clone the repository
Open command prompt pointing to Expense-Manager-API directory
Run mvn clean install to build the project
Change the directory to target
Run java -jar Expense-Manager-API-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT to deploy the API in embedded tomcat
Open http://localhost:8089/ExpenseManager/swagger-ui.html for API documentation
Open command prompt pointing to Expense-Manager-UI directory
Run npm install to build the project
Run npm start to deploy the UI application
Open http://localhost:4200/ExpenseManager/ to launch the Application