Simple SSL is a lightweight library to easily create SSLContext instances from KeyStore and PEM files with different formats. Similar to how the native HttpClient works, the library makes use of the builder pattern to expose optional methods that can be used to customize a context without having to constantly rewrite the same blocks of code that would otherwise be required to do the same for many projects. With the resulting context, a secure connection can be established between a client and a server with or without mutual authentication (mTLS) to safeguard sensitive information.
- Load KeyStores/TrustStores in PKCS#12 and JKS formats (*.p12, *.pfx, *.jks, *.ks).
- Load Base64 encoded X.509 certificates and certificate chains (*.pem, *.crt, *.cer, *.pub).
- Load Base64 encoded encrypted/unencrypted private keys in PKCS#1 and PKCS#8 formats (*.pem, *.key).
- Certificate utilities for common tasks.
- Support for overriding to provide different implementations.
- Java 17+ (Temurin/Adopt) OpenJDK.
- Optional: Maven 3.8.4+ CLI for compiling.
The following shows you how to set up a maven project to make use of this library for both releases and snapshots.
Add the dependency to the project's pom.xml
file like in any other maven project.
By default, releases are downloaded from the Maven Central Repository except for snapshots. To download snapshots, see Enable OSSRH Nexus Repository Snapshots.
Snapshot releases like 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
are managed in a separate repository, and therefore, are not synced to the Maven Central Repository. To enable access to snapshot releases, add the following repository
section to the project's pom.xml
<!-- [...] -->
<name>OSSRH Nexus Repository Snapshots</name>
<!-- [...] -->
Alternatively, add the below profile
section to your global settings.xml
file located in the %USERPROFILE%\.m2\
folder on Windows and in the ~/.m2/
directory on Linux if you do not want to define this repository in the pom.xml
file. However, the disadvantage here is that this won't be committed to your repo, so other contributors will have to do the same.
<!-- [...] -->
<name>OSSRH Nexus Repository Snapshots</name>
<!-- [...] -->
Remember, snapshots are a development build that will likely change from one day to the next despite keeping the same version number. They should not be used in production code, and they should be treated as a preview release that is buggy with partially implemented features that can break at any time.
The library can also be downloaded from GitHub's package registry as an alternative to the Maven Central Repository by specifying it in the repository
section of the project's pom.xml
<!-- [...] -->
<name>StevenJDH's GitHub Apache Maven Packages</name>
<!-- [...] -->
Access to the registry requires authentication to download the publicly available library. To set up the required access, add the following server
section to your global settings.xml
file located in the %USERPROFILE%\.m2\
folder on Windows and in the ~/.m2/
directory on Linux.
<!-- [...] -->
<!-- [...] -->
with your GitHub login name, and replace YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN
with a GitHub generated personal access token from GitHub > Settings > Developer Settings > Personal access tokens and by clicking on the Generate new token
button. The token needs to have at least read:packages
scope or you will get a Not authorized
exception. For more information, see Working with the Apache Maven registry. Also, see the Password Encryption guide to better secure any passwords defined in the settings.xml
As the name implies, the use of the library is simple. See a few examples below to get started.
Generating the default SSLContext:
var ctx = SimpleSSLContext.newSSLContext();
Creating an SSLContext from an existing keystore and or truststore using the default PKCS12 format:
var ctx = SimpleSSLContext.newBuilder()
.withKeyStore(path, "password")
.withTrustStore(path, "password")
Creating an SSLContext from a PEM file while changing the default format to JKS, and saving the result:
var ctx = SimpleSSLContext.newPEMContextBuilder()
.saveTrustStore(path, "password", KeyStoreType.JKS)
Get a certificate's thumbprint in SHA-1 using one of the certificate utilities:
String sha1 = CertUtil.getThumbprint(certificate, ":", HashType.SHA_1);
Programmatically access different git properties from when the library was built:
String buildVersion = SimpleSSLContext.getBuildInfo().getGitBuildVersion();
This example creates a custom SSLContext with a truststore for
and applies it to a native HttpClient instance. To begin, download the certificate to trust with the following command as one approach:
openssl s_client -connect >
Create a maven project with the simple-ssl library added to it, and configure the main
method with the following statements:
public static void main(String[] args)
var ctx = SimpleSSLContext.newPEMContextBuilder()
var client = HttpClient.newBuilder()
.sslContext(ctx) // Comment this out to see it fail.
var request = HttpRequest.newBuilder()
var response = client.send(request, BodyHandlers.ofString());
If all goes well, the connection should succeed since the untrusted certificate has been trusted in the truststore that was dynamically created from the supplied PEM formatted certificate. For more ideas around usage, have a look at the different unit and integration tests available in this repository.
Review Simple SSL's API documentation for technical content containing details about methods, classes, return types, arguments, and more to effectively use and integrate the library as part of a solution. This is a work in progress (WIP), so more content will be added slowly as time permits.
I have digitally signed all releases and associated artifacts as required by the Maven Central Repository. To make use of this for integrity checks, download my public key from the Ubuntu Key Server into your keyring using the following command:
gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 2631EDD2F6035B6B03A590147C7EF877C4E5B44E
Then, download the associated *.asc file of the package you want to verify, and issue the following command to perform the check:
gpg --verify simple-ssl-1.0.0.jar.asc simple-ssl-1.0.0.jar
There should be a good signature response in the output if the integrity check passed. For more information, see Verify dependencies using PGP, and if not already installed, see GnuPG Binary Releases for the needed OS.
Thanks for your interest in contributing! There are many ways to contribute to this project. Get started here.
Many commonly asked questions are answered in the FAQ:
Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have, and I'll make sure to answer them as soon as possible!
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// Steven Jenkins De Haro ("StevenJDH" on GitHub)