An app to check the weather
- ReactJS UI library
- Redux toolkit state management library
- Jest for unit testing
- Enzyme for react components testing
- React testing library for react components and hooks testing
- MUI component library
- Recharts data visualization framework
- D3 date formating library
- A loading screen is shown when loading the application
- A weather dashboard that includes a 5 days weather forecast and,
- Temperature scale switch to switch between Fahrenheit and Celcius
- Refresh button to reload the weather forecast data
- Weather cards to display weather forecast information
- Temperature
- Weather icon
- Weather description
- Forecast time
- Forecast day
- A slider for the weather cards
- The slider progress indicator
- A home button to slide to the first card
- A bar chart for temperature data visualization. The barchart is shown once a card has been selected
- Uses git version control
- Hosted on netlify
- React:
- Error boundaries to handle any runtime errors
- React hooks
- Single responsibility principle
- React memoization
- Redux:
- Uses redux toolkit framework for state management
- Uses RTK Query for data fetching, which has been configured to store data to Redux
- Responsivity
- Uses Javascript hence the rensposivity is adjusted when loading the application
- Shows 3 weather cards when on desktop and 1 card when on mobile
- Uses material design
- UI Accessibility
- Proper data values formatting