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Git Commands



Github is an open-source code platform that allows us to collaborate with others developers through Git, the most popular decentralized VCS (Version Control System), *although, there are other VCS like Subversion for a more centralized approach.

This repository aims to be a complete guide of Git & 3°-party-tools that users should consider carrying on a daily basis, made by human-like systems completely in order to avoid misinformation and substantial errors. It pretends to be a reference for most git commands, illustrating some of the most used options & args. for basic/other commands meant to be used on a git terminal.
While not so user friendly, using terminals allows us to use more commands, to modify their syntax and to provide commands with many different
*options, arguments or objects, as well as to chain several commands successively or even make scripts written in git through unix-like systems.
The most popular ones are MAC OS and Linux, but Windows users can also use the Gitbash emulator provided by Git with its download.

Fork vs Clone:


  • Fork: Merge with original repo is possible with a pull request.
  • Clone: Merge with original repo is only achieved by pushing to fork and then a pull request.

Note: It is better to fork a repository before cloning it due to copyrights when the user is NOT declared as a contributor.

General steps:

  1. Fork repository.
  2. Clone forked repository.
  3. Make Changes in Local.
  4. Push to Personal Remote.
  5. Pull Request to Original Remote.

Note: It is a faster option to clone the original repository without a previous fork of the project if the user IS declared as a contributor.

General steps:

  1. Clone
  2. Make Changes in Local.
  3. Push to Personal Remote.

Refer to Github official documentation for more information related to contributions.

Git Basic Commands


The following is a list of common git commands based on the Git Documentation.
Note: if you don't understand a term, check out the definitons section below.

Basic Command Description
1. help
  1. git help
  2. git help <command>
  3. git help -a
  1. List common commands.
  2. Display help on git command.
  3. List all available commands.
2. init
  1. git init
  2. git init -b <branch>
  3. git init <subdir.>
  4. git init --bare <subdir.>
  5. git init --template=<template-dir.>
  6. git init --shared[=(-options)]
  1. Initialize git repo in folder.
  2. Override branch name (config. default set if none).
  3. Initialize a git repo inside a new subdir.
  4. Initialize a git bare repo inside new subdir.
  5. Specify dir. from which templates will be used.
  6. Make git readable/writable by users (see options).
3. clone
  1. git clone <URL>
  2. git clone --no-hardlinks <dir.>
  3. git clone <URL> <dir.>
  4. git clone <URL> --branch <branch> --single-branch
  5. git clone --bare
  6. git clone --mirror
  7. git clone --template=<temp_dir.> <dir.>
  8. git clone --depth=<depth>
  1. Clone remote default branch with URL .
  2. Clone local repo for backup purposes.
  3. Clone remote default branch in dir.
  4. Clone remote single branch with repo URL.
  5. Clone remote with no remote-tracking & config.
  6. Clone --bare with remote tracking & config..
  7. Clone set template in dir. (see 2.git init).
  8. Clone truncated to a number of revisions.
4. config
  1. git config
  2. git config --global pull.rebase true
  3. git config --global ff no
  4. git config ff no
  5. git config remote.origin.prune true
  6. git config --global fetch.prune true
  7. git config --global <username>
  8. git config --global <e-mail>
  9. git config --system <project>
  10. git config --get
  11. git config -l
  12. git config -e
  1. Display git global config (create if none).
  2. Set the pull command as rebase globally.
  3. Disable fast-forward merge for local repos.
  4. Disable fast-forward merge in local repo.
  5. Set auto-prune with fetch & pull.
  6. Set auto-prune w/ fetch for local repos.
  7. Set author to commits for local repos.
  8. Set email to commits for local repos.
  9. Set author for all git users.
  10. Get author/email from global/system.
  11. List all variables set in config. file.
  12. Edit config files from global/system
5. checkout
  1. git checkout <branch>
  2. git checkout -b <feature>
  3. git checkout -b <branch> <origin/branch>
  4. git checkout -- <file>
  5. git checkout -
  6. git checkout <branch>~n <file>
  1. Switch to branch in working tree.
  2. Create and switch to feature (or any) branch.
  3. Clone remote branch and switch.
  4. Discard changes in file to match current branch.
  5. Switch to last checkout.
  6. Reverts local file in branch n commits (e.g. n=2).
6. fetch
  1. git fetch <origin>
  2. git fetch <origin> <branch>
  3. git fetch --all
  4. git fetch --dry-run
  5. git fetch --append
  6. git fetch --depth=<depth>
  7. git fetch -f
  8. git fetch --prune
  1. Fetch all.
  2. Fetch branch.
  3. Fetch all branches in repo.
  4. Show output but without fetching.
  5. Fetch without overwriting (.git/FETCH_HEAD).
  6. Limit fetching to n depth commits (e.g. n=3).
  7. Fetch even if it's not descendant of remote branch.
  8. Remove unexistant remote-tracking branches.
  1. git merge <branch>
  2. git merge <branch> <target_branch>
  3. git merge --no-ff <branch>
  4. git merge --continue
  5. git merge --allow-unrelated-histories
  6. git merge -base [-a] <commit_id> <commit_id>
  7. git merge -s resolve <branch-1> <branch-2>
  8. git merge -s recursive -X ours OR theirs <branch>
  9. git merge -s octopus <branch-1> <branch-n>
  10. git merge -s ours <branch-1> <branch-n>
  11. git merge -s subtree <branch-1> <branch-2>
  1. Fast-forward merge branch with HEAD (linear).
  2. Fast-forward merge branch to tip of target.
  3. Maintain commit history, may not fast-fwd.
  4. Conclude conflicting merge.
  5. Merge indep. projects by overriding safeties.
  6. Find ancestor on n commits for a 3-way merge.
  7. 3-way merge 2 branch HEADs.
  8. 3-way merge >1 common ancestors for tree.
  9. Merges more than 2 branch HEADs.
  10. Merges multiple branches tip in HEAD.
  11. Reflect B tree structure as subtree of A.
8. rebase
  1. git rebase <base>
  2. git rebase -i <base>
  3. git rebase --continue
  4. git rebase --abort
  5. git rebase -i HEAD~n
  6. git rebase --onto <newbase>
  7. git rebase --allow-empty
  8. git rebase --edit-todo
  9. git rebase --stat
  10. git rebase -p
  11. git rebase <branch> -s <strategy>
  12. git rebase <branch> -s <recursive> -X <option>
  1. Rebase branch into base.
  2. Rebase branch interactively on base.
  3. Continue rebase after resolving merge conflict.
  4. Abort & return HEAD to original position.
  5. Interactive rebase of last n commits.
  6. Rebase branch into base other than upstream.
  7. Allow empty msg commits to be created.
  8. Edit the list of commits to be rebased.
  9. Show diffstat of what changed upstream.
  10. Recreate commits instead of flattening.
  11. Use the given merge strategy.
  12. Use recursive merge with a valid option.
9. pull
  1. git pull
  2. git pull <URL>
  3. git pull <origin> <branch>
  4. git pull --rebase <origin> <branch>
  5. git pull --ff-only
  6. git pull --no-ff
  7. git pull -s <strategy> -X <option>
  1. Fetch & merge remote-tracking with local.
  2. Clone, fetch & merge remote's URL with local.
  3. Fetch & merge remote branch with local.
  4. Fetch & rebase branch.
  5. Update branch without a merge commit.
  6. Pull & commit even for fast-forwards (linear).
  7. Same strategies and options as for merge last 5.
10. add
  1. git add -A
  2. git add .
  3. git add <file>
  4. git add -n <file>
  5. git add --v
  6. git add -force
  7. git add -p
  8. git add -i
  9. git add -e
  1. Add all changes in files to stage.
  2. Add changes without deletions for stage.
  3. Add file to stage.
  4. Show if file is unexistant.
  5. Ignore indexing errors for git add.
  6. Allows to add ignored files.
  7. Patch hunks interactively from index to tree¹.
  8. Patch changes interactively from index to tree.
  9. Interactive patch mode vs diff editor.
11. commit
  1. git commit -m <msg>
  2. git commit --date=<date>
  3. commit -i <msg>
  4. git commit --dry-run
  5. git commit -v
  6. git commit --amend
  7. git commit -s
  1. Overwrite commit msg .
  2. Override author's date in commit.
  3. Commit changes & unstaged content.
  4. List only commited, uncommited & untracked paths.
  5. Show differences between HEAD and commit.
  6. Modify the most recent commit msg.
  7. Add author signature at the end of commit msg.
  1. git push
  2. git push -u <origin> <branch>
  3. git push --all
  4. git push <origin> --delete <branch>
  5. git push --force
  6. git push --force-with-lease
  7. git push --prune <origin refs/heads/*>
  8. git push --mirror
  1. Push commits.
  2. Push commits and set as upstream.
  3. Push all commits.
  4. Delete remote-tracking branch.
  5. Push commits and destroy all unmerged changes.
  6. Push and destroy personal unmerged changes.
  7. Remove remote without local counterpart.
  8. Overwrite remote with local branches.
13.pull request
  1. git request-pull <branch> <URL> <feature>
  1. Pull request for changes between tag and feature.
14. branch
  1. git branch
  2. git branch -r
  3. git branch -a
  4. git branch <branch>
  5. git branch -d <branch>
  6. git branch -D <branch>
  7. git branch -f <branch> <feature>
  8. git branch --show-current
  9. git branch --set-upstream-to
  10. git branch / grep -v <branch(es)> / xargs git branch -D
  1. See local branches.
  2. See remote branches.
  3. See local and remote branches.
  4. Create branch and name it.
  5. Delete unmerged branch.
  6. Delete merged & unmerged branches.
  7. Rewrite local branch with feature branch.
  8. Show current branch in local.
  9. Make an existing git branch track a remote.
  10. Delete all branches excepting selected.
15. diff
  1. git diff
  2. git diff --staged
  3. git diff HEAD
  4. git diff --color-words
  5. git diff <branch> <feature> <file>
  6. git diff <commit_id> <commit_id> <file>
  7. git diff --stats
  8. git diff-files
  9. git diff stash@{n} <branch>
  1. Check for differences in local & remote-tracking.
  2. Check for differences in local & staged changes.
  3. Check for differences in work dir. & last commit.
  4. Highlight changes with color granularity.
  5. Check for differences in a file between two branches.
  6. Check for differences in a file between two commits.
  7. Show insertions & deletions in staged and local.
  8. Compare files in the working tree².
  9. Compare stash n with branch.
16. log
  1. git log -n
  2. git log --oneline
  3. git log -p --follow -- <file>
  4. git log --oneline --decorate
  5. git log --stats
  6. git shortlog
  7. git log --pretty=format:"%cn committed %h on %cd"
  8. git log --after=<yyyy-m-d> --before=<yyyy-m-d>
  9. git log --author=<username>
  1. Display logs from last 1,2,..n commits.
  2. Show IDs from commits.
  3. Show commits on a file.
  4. Display commits~branches.
  5. Show insertions & deletions.
  6. Display commits first coding line by author.
  7. Customized log (show author, hash & date).
  8. Search for commits in range.
  9. Search for commits by author.
17. revert
  1. git revert <commit_id>
  2. git revert <commit_id> --no-edit
  3. git revert -n <commit_id>
  4. git revert -n <HEAD>~n
  5. git revert -n <HEAD>~n..<HEAD>~m
  1. Invert commit & commit undone changes.
  2. Reverts without a new commit msg.
  3. Invert changes & stage only.
  4. Revert n commits.
  5. Revert from n→m commits [n,m].
18. reset
  1. git reset <file>
  2. git reset --mixed <HEAD>~n
  3. git reset --mixed <commit-id>
  4. git reset --hard <HEAD>~n
  5. git reset --soft <HEAD>~n
  6. git reset -p
  1. Untrack file.
  2. Unmerge & uncommit but don't unstage (default).
  3. Mixed with commit hash (default).
  4. Undo all n changes.
  5. Hard reset but able to recover changes with git commit.
  6. Patch interactively (git add -p inverse).
19. stash
  1. git stash
  2. git stash push -m <msg>
  3. git stash list
  4. git stash list --stat
  5. git stash apply
  6. git stash pop -n
  7. git stash drop -n
  1. Saves work dir. from local & hard reset.
  2. Saves work dir. from local with msg & hard reset.
  3. List stashed changes as an index [n]
  4. Show summary of changes in stash list
  5. Recover stash[0] from work dir.
  6. Recover stash n & delete it from stash list.
  7. Delete stash n from stash list.
20. status
  1. git status
  2. git status -s
  3. git status -b
  1. List (un)staged, (un)tracked changes (work dir.,stage & modif.).
  2. Status in short format.
  3. Status on a branch.
21. touch
  1. git touch <name.ext>
  1. Create file with extension (e.g test.txt).
22. switch
  1. git switch <branch>
  2. git switch -c <branch>
  3. git switch -c <branch> <commit_id>
  1. Switch to branch.
  2. Create a new branch and switch.
  3. Grow branch from commit.
23. cd
  1. cd ~/<home>
  2. cd ~/<home>/<dir.>
  3. cd ~/<home>/<dir.>/<subdir.>
  1. Change dir. to home (e.g ~/Desktop)
  2. Change dir. to a folder in home.
  3. Change dir. to n sub-folders in home.
24. ls
  1. ls
  2. ls -la
  1. List subfolders in dir.
  2. List subfolders in dir with hidden files.
25. rm
  1. git rm <file>
  2. git rm -r <dir.>
  3. rm <file>
  1. Remove file from git tracking & local.
  2. Remove dir from git tracking & local
    Remove file from local only.
26. mv
  1. git mv <file.ext> <new-filename.ext>
  2. git mv <file.ext> ~/<home>/<dir.1>/<subdir.>
  1. Rename file with the same extension.
  2. Move file from dir.1 to subdir. (inside dir.1)
27. mkdir
  1. mkdir ~/<home>/<dir.>/<subdir.>/<new_dir.>
  1. Create dir. in path.
28. remote
  1. git remote
  2. git remote -v
  3. git remote rename <old-name> <new-name>
  4. git remote add <URL>
  1. List remote branches.
  2. List remote branches with URL.
  3. Rename remote.
  4. Connection with repo with URL.
29. gitk
  1. gitk
  2. gitk HEAD...FETCH_HEAD
  1. Show Git GUI for commits.
  2. Show Git GUI for all users since last push.

Third-party pkgs / tools:

Examples of third-party pkgs installation and usage is illustrated are illustrated by the following:

Basic Command Description
Installation with: pip/conda
  1. !pip install <pkg>
  2. %pip install <pkg>
  3. !conda install -c conda-forge <pkg>
  1. pkg installation in local driver.
  2. Installation isolated from pkgs/users (venv setup).
  3. Installation in conda (≈ 22k pkgs).
30. grip
  1. !pip install grip
  2. grip --export
  3. grip --export <file-name>.ipynb  <file-name>.html
  4. grip --export <name>.ipynb  <name>.pdf
  1. Install grip
  2. Export to README.html.
  3. Export file.ipynb to file.html.
  4. Export file.ext to file.ext2 Web Visualization:

bash.script can be executed in pwd to display

./ <username> <repo> <branch> <file>

Note: Its usage is intended to view &/or extract changes by users in specific files with web scraping techniques & libraries.
See more here:
BeautifulSoup, Scrapy for Python or Puppeteer & Cheerio in JavaScript .



  • Origin: Primary working dir. of remote repositories by default.
  • Fetch: Fetch is a safe pull version because local files aren't merged until they are reviewed, checked out & merged.
  • Revert: Revert is safer than reset, checkout to discard (see 5.4 checkout), etc., because commit history isn't erased but an inverted commit is appended.
  • Feature: Feature represents a branch of developments in progress with their descriptions.
  • Rebase: Rebase is a rewritten branch from another but keep in mind it is not a good practice to rewrite public commits history (remote repositories).
    Creating a backup branch is a good idea. This would allow us to perform a hard reset if the resulting rebase is unexpected.
  • Base: It is a commit id, branch, tag, or a relative reference to HEAD (e.g. HEAD~3).

Note: Branches should be called by their names even if they weren't specified (see 14. branch).
Tip: <main> is the default name for remote repositories as <master> is for local.

See Also:

Other Commands:

  • git am ~ Splits patches from a mailbox into commit msg, author and patches to apply them to branch.
    e.g: git am --keep-cr --signoff < a_file.patch to apply patch as commit.
  • git apply ~ Apply a patch to files and add them to the index.
    e.g: git apply < a_file.patch to apply patch to files.
  • git archive ~ Combine multiple files in a single file but removes git data.
    e.g: git archive --format=zip HEAD to create a zip file with all files in HEAD.
  • git bisect ~ Binary search algorithm to find commit in project history which caused a bug.
    e.g: git bisect start to start the search.
  • git blame ~ Show what revision and author last modified each line of a file.
    e.g: git blame <file> to show the last author of each line in file.
  • git bugreport ~ Create a report to send to git mailing list.
    e.g: git bugreport -o report.txt to create a report and save it to report.txt.
  • git bundle ~ Move objects and refs by archive.
    e.g: git bundle create <file> <branch> to create a bundle with branch.
  • git cat-file ~ Provide content or type and size information for repository objects.
    e.g: git cat-file -p <commit> to show the content of commit.
  • git check-attr ~ Display git attributes.
    e.g: git ls-files | xargs git check-attr myAttr to show if an attribute is set for all the files in repo & overcome limit of 1024 files.
  • git check-mailmap ~ Show canonical names and email addresses of contacts.
    e.g: git check-mailmap user1 <> to show the canonical name and email address of user1.
  • git check-ref-format ~ Ensure that a reference name is well formed.
    e.g: git check-ref-format --branch @{-1} print the name of the previous branch.
  • git check-ignore ~ Debug gitignore files.
    e.g: git check-ignore -v <file> to show the gitignore file that ignores file.
  • git cherry ~ Find commits not merged upstream.
    e.g: git cherry -v <branch> to show the commits not merged in branch.
  • git cherry-pick ~ Apply the changes introduced by some existing commits.
    e.g: git cherry-pick <commit_id> to apply the changes of commit to current branch.
  • git citool ~ Graphical alternative to git-commit.
    e.g: git citool to open the graphical commit tool.
  • git clean ~ Remove untracked files from the working tree.
    e.g: git clean -i to interactively remove untracked files.
  • git clone ~ Clone a repository into a new directory.
    e.g: git clone <URL> <dir.> to clone a repo with URL into directory.
  • git column ~ Display data in columns.
    e.g: git column --mode=html <file> to display file in html columns.
  • git commit ~ Record changes to the repository.
    e.g: git commit -m <msg> to commit with msg.
  • git commit-graph ~ Write and verify a commit-graph file.
    e.g: git show-ref -s | git commit-graph write --stdin-commits to write a commit-graph file for reachable commits.
  • git commit-tree ~ Create a new commit object.
    e.g: git commit-tree <tree> -m <msg> to create a commit with tree and msg.
  • git config ~ Get and set repository or global options.
    e.g: git config --global <name> to set the global user name.
  • git count-objects ~ Count unpacked number of objects and their disk consumption.
    e.g: git count-objects -v to show the number of objects and their size.
  • git credential ~ Retrieve and store user credentials.
    e.g: git credential fill attempt to add "username" and "password" attributes by reading config credential helpers.
  • git credential-cache ~ Helper to temporarily store passwords in memory.
    e.g: git config credential.helper cache to set credentials automatic authentication & returns username/password blanks to fill.
  • git credential-store ~ Helper to store credentials on disk to reduce time to fill.
    e.g: git config --global credential.helper store to save credentials in plaintext PC disk, everyone in PC can read it (warning).
  • git cvsexportcommit ~ Export a single commit to a CVS checkout.
    e.g: git cvsexportcommit <commit_id> to export commit to a CVS directory.
  • git cvsimport ~ Create a new git repository from a CVS checkout.
    e.g: git cvsimport -v -d <cvsroot> <module> <project> to create a new git repository from a CVS checkout.
  • git cvsserver ~ Server for CVS clients to connect to and use Git repositories.
    e.g git cvsserver --base-path=<path> <repo> to start the git cvsserver.
  • git daemon ~ A really simple server for Git repositories.
    e.g: git daemon --reuseaddr --base-path=<dir.> --export-all to restart server & look for repos in dir. to export.
  • git describe ~ Describe specific commits with their hash.
    e.g: git describe <commit_id> to describe commit (HEAD by default).
  • git diff ~ Show changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc.
    e.g: git diff --stat to show the summary of the changed files.
  • git diff-files ~ Show changes between index and working tree.
    e.g: --diff-algorithm={minimal}to include the smallest possible diff are included.
  • git diff-index ~ Compare a tree to the working tree or index.
    e.g: git diff-index --compact-summary HEAD to show the summary of the changed files in HEAD.
  • git diff-tree ~ Compares the content and mode of the blobs found via two tree objects.
    e.g: git diff-tree --s7hortstat HEAD to show the summary of the changed files in HEAD.
  • git difftool ~ Show changes using common diff tools.
    e.g: git difftool --tool-help to show the list of available tools.
  • git fast-export ~ Dumps the given revisions in a form suitable to be piped with fast-import.
    e.g: git fast-export --all to export all data.
  • git fast-import ~ Reads data stream from std. input and writes it into one or more packfiles.
    e.g: git fast-import --max-pack-size=1G to import data into a packfile of size 1G (default is unlimited)
  • git fetch ~ Download objects and refs from another repository.
    e.g: git fetch --dry-run to show output without making any changes.
  • git fetch-pack ~ Receive missing objects from another repository.
    e.g: git fetch-pack --prune --all to fetch all objects and prune refs that are missing on the remote.
  • git filter-branch ~ Rewrite branches.
    e.g: git filter-branch --tree-filter 'rm -f *.txt' HEAD to remove all .txt files.
  • git filter-repo ~ Quickly rewrite Git repository history.
    \ e.g: git filter-repo --invert-paths --path '' to remove all files except
  • git fmt-merge-msg ~ Produce a merge commit message.
    e.g: git fmt-merge-msg -m Use msg instead of branch names for the first line of the log message.
  • git for-each-ref ~ Iterate over references.
    e.g: git for-each-ref --format='%(refname)' refs/heads to list all branches.
  • git format-patch ~ Prepare patches for e-mail submission.
    e.g: git format-patch -root <commit> to format everything up from start until commit.
  • git fsck ~ Verifies the connectivity and validity of the objects in the database.
    e.g: git fsck --cache to check the connectivity and validity of the objects in the cache.
  • git gc ~ Cleanup unnecessary files and optimize the local repository.
    e.g: git gc --force to force garbage collection.
  • git get-tar-commit-id ~ Extract commit ID from an archive created using git-archive.
    e.g: git get-tar-commit-id <file> to extract most recent commit ID from file.
  • git grep ~ Print lines matching a pattern.
    e.g: git grep -n 'print' <file> to print lines containing 'print' and their line numbers.
  • git gui ~ A portable graphical interface to Git.
    e.g: git gui citool --nocommit Checks for unmerged entries on index and exits gui without committing.
  • git hash-object ~ Compute object ID and optionally creates a blob from a file.
    e.g: git hash-object -w --path <file> to write the blob to the object database and print its hash.
  • git help ~ Display help information about Git.
    e.g: git help -all to display all git commands.
  • git http-fetch ~ Download objects and refs from another repository via HTTP.
    e.g: git http-fetch -v <[URL]/refs> to report all refs downloaded in repo with URL.
  • git http-backend ~ Server side implementation of Git over HTTP.
    e.g: git http-backend --help to display help for http-backend.
  • git imap-send ~ Send a collection of patches from stdin to an IMAP folder.
    e.g: git imap-send git format-patch --cover-letter -M --stdout origin/master | git imap-send to send patches from origin/master to IMAP folder once the commits are ready to send.
  • git index-pack ~ Build pack index file for an existing packed archive.
    e.g: git index-pack --max-input-size=1G to build pack index file and die if the pack is larger than 1G (or any).
  • git init ~ Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing one.
    e.g: git init -b <branch-name> to create an empty local Git repository with given branch name.
  • git init-db ~ Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing one.
    e.g: git init-db --config <config-file> to create an empty local Git repository with given config file.
  • git instaweb ~ Instantly browse your working repository in gitweb.
    e.g: git instaweb --httpd=python --port=8080 to start a python web server on port 8080.
  • git interpret-trailers ~ Parse trailer lines from text.
    e.g: git interpret-trailers --check <file> to check if file contains trailer lines (similar to RFC 822 e-mail headers)
  • git log ~ Show commit logs.
    e.g: git log --oneline --decorate --graph --all to display all commits in a nice format.
  • git ls-files ~ Show information about files in the index and the working tree.
    e.g: git ls-files -u to show unmerged files.
  • git ls-remote ~ List references in a remote repository.
    e.g: git ls-remote <[URL]/refs> to display references in a remote repository URL associated with commits IDs.
  • git ls-tree ~ List the contents of a tree object.
    e.g: git ls-tree -d <tree> to list the named tree only, without its children.
  • git mailinfo ~ Extracts patch and authorship from a single e-mail message.
    e.g: git mailinfo -k <msg> <patch> Removes unnecessary headers from msg and writes the result to patch.
  • git mailsplit ~ Splits a single mailbox into a list of files.
    e.g: git mailsplit -o<directory> <mbox> to split given mbox file in directory as individual msg files.
  • git merge ~ Join two or more development histories together.
    e.g: git merge --allow-unrelated-histories <branch> override the check for unrelated histories with common ancestors and merge.
  • git merge-base ~ Find as good common ancestors as possible for a merge.
    e.g: git merge-base --is-ancestor <commit_id> <commit_id> to check if first commit_id is an ancestor of the second and return 0 if true and 1 if not.*
  • git merge-file ~ Run a three-way file merge.
    e.g: git merge-file <current_file> <base_file> <other_file> incorporate changes from other_file into current_file, using base_file as common base
  • git merge-index ~ Run a merge for files in the index.
    e.g: git merge-index -o -a <file> to run a merge for all files in index that need it & write result to file.
  • git merge-tree ~ Show three-way merge without touching index.
    e.g: git merge-tree <base-tree> <branch1> <branch2> Reads the trees & outputs the result of merge without storing results in index.*
  • git mergetool ~ Run merge conflict resolution tools to resolve merge conflicts.
    e.g: git mergetool --tool-help to list available tools.
  • merge-index ~ Run a merge for files in the index.
    e.g: git merge-index -o <file> to run a merge for files in the index that need merging and write the result to file.
  • git mktag ~ Create a tag object.
    e.g: git mktag <mytag> *to create a tag object with given tag name and die if the connection to the object store fails.
  • git mktree ~ Build a tree-object from ls-tree formatted text.
    e.g: git mktree --batch <file> to create more than one tree object from a file.
  • git mv ~ Move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlink.
    e.g: git mv -v <source> <destination> to move source to destination and display the result of the move.
  • git name-rev ~ Find symbolic names for given revs.
    e.g: git log | git name-rev --annotate-stdin to retrieve author, date and commit hash from the logs.
  • git notes ~ Add or inspect object notes.
    e.g: git notes add -m <msg> <commit> to add a note/msg to commit.
  • git pack-objects ~ Create a packed set of objects from one or more packed archives compressed
    . e.g: git pack-object --all-progress-implied to create a packed set of objects from one or more packed archives compressed.
  • git pack-redundant ~ Find redundant pack files for piping to xargs rm.
    e.g: git pack-redundant --all --i-still-use-this to find all redundant pack files in repo (nominated for removal).
  • git pack-refs ~ Pack heads and tags for efficient repository access.
    e.g: git pack-refs --all to pack heads and tags that are already packed
  • git patch-id ~ Compute unique ID for a patch.
    e.g: git patch-id <file> to compute unique ID for a patch.
  • git prune ~ Prune all unreachable objects from the object database.
    e.g: git prune --expire <time> to prune all unreachable objects from the object database that are older than time.
  • git prune-packed ~ Prune loose objects that are already in pack files.
    e.g: git prune-packed -n to prune loose objects that are already in pack files and display what would be done.
  • git pull ~ Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a local branch.
    e.g: git pull <remote> <local> to fetch from and integrate with local branch.
  • git push ~ Update remote refs along with associated objects.
    e.g: git push to update remote refs along with associated objects.
  • git range-diff ~ Show changes between two commit ranges.
    e.g: git range-diff <commit_1> <commit_2> to show changes between two commit ranges
  • git read-tree ~ Reads tree information into the index.
    e.g: git read-tree -m <tree-ish1> <tree-ish2> <tree/ish3> to read tree information into the index and merge the trees.
  • git rebase ~ Reapply commits on top of another base tip.
    e.g: git rebase -i <base> <branch> to rebase interactively a branch on base.
  • git receive-pack ~ Receive what is pushed into the repository.
    Note: This command is not meant to be invoked directly.
  • git reflog ~ Manage reflog information.
    e.g: git reflog show to show the reflog for the current branch like log.
  • git remote ~ Manage set of tracked repositories.
    e.g: git remote add <remote> <URL> to add a remote named remote with URL.
  • git remote-ext ~ External helper to communicate with a remote, used by default with clone, push, remote add & where.
    Note: This command is not used normally by end users but it is instead invoked when interacting with remote repos.
  • git remote-fd ~ Helper to communicate with a remote repository when calling git fetch, push or archive.
    Note: This command is not invoked by end users but scripts calling commands to setup a bidirectional socket with remotes.
  • git repack ~ Pack unpacked objects in a repository or for pack reorganization.
    e.g: git repack -a -d -f --depth=250 --window=250 Single pack repo by removing reduntant packs & reusing existing deltas. Set up 250mb depth and window (default=10,50).
  • git replace ~ Create, list, delete refs to replace objects.
    e.g: git replace --graft <commit_id> <new-parent> to create a new commit with commit content but by replacing its parent with new-parent.
  • git request-pull ~ Request upstream to pull changes into their tree.
    e.g: git request-pull <upstream_commit-id> <URL> to make a pull-request starting from commit to repo URL to be pulled from.
  • git rerere ~ Reuse recorded resolution of conflicting merges.
    e.g: git rerere diff to show the recorded state of resolution, what you've started with and what you've ended up with.
  • git reset ~ Reset current HEAD to the specified state.
    e.g: git reset --soft HEAD~n *to make a hard reset n commits back but able to recover changes with git commit.
  • git rev-list ~ Lists commits by building commit ancestry graphs. e.g: git rev-list <commit_id > ^ HEAD --count to count the number of commits between commit_id and HEAD.
  • git rev-parse ~ Ancillary plumbing command for parameters.
    e.g: git rev-parse --short HEAD to get the short version hash of HEAD.
  • git revert ~ Revert some existing commits.
    e.g: git revert HEAD~n to revert the last n commits.
  • git rm ~ Remove files from the working tree and from the index.
    e.g: git rm <file> to remove file from remote and local.
  • git send-email ~ Send a collection of patches as emails.
    e.g: git send-email --from=<sender> --to=<recipient> --compose to send email from sender adress to recipient by invoking a text editor.
  • git shortlog ~ Summarize 'git log' output.
    e.g: git shortlog -s -n to show the number of commits per author.
  • git show ~ Show various types of objects.
    e.g: git show --expand-tabs=n to show repository with tabs expanded to n.
  • git show-branch ~ Show branches and their commits.
    e.g: git show-branch--all to show all branches and their commits.
  • git stage ~ Stage file contents for the next commit.
    e.g: git stage--clear to clear the staging area.
  • git stash ~ Stash the changes in a dirty working directory away.
    e.g: git stash--keep-index to stash the changes in a dirty working directory away but keep the index.
  • git status ~ Show the working tree status.
    e.g: git status--short to show the working tree status in short format.
  • git stripspace ~ Remove unnecessary whitespace.
    e.g: git stripspace--comment-lines to remove unnecessary whitespace from comment lines.
  • git submodule ~ Initialize, update or inspect submodules.
    e.g: git submodule--depth=1 to initialize, update or inspect submodules with depth 1.
  • git tag ~ Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG.
    e.g: git tag --annotate to create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG.
  • git unpack-file ~ Unpack a packed archive.
    e.g: git unpack-file --list to list the contents of a packed archive.
  • git unpack-objects ~ Unpack objects from a packed archive.
    e.g: git unpack-objects --all to unpack all objects from a packed archive.
  • git update-index ~ Register file contents in the working tree to the index.
    e.g: git update-index--refresh to register file contents in the working tree to the index.
  • git update-ref ~ Update the object name stored in a ref safely.
    e.g: git update-ref--no-deref to update the object name stored in a ref safely.
  • git update-server-info ~ Update auxiliary info file to help dumb servers.
    e.g: git update-server-info--force to update the file even if it is not necessary.
  • git upload-archive ~ Send archive back to git-upload-archive on the other end.
    e.g: git upload-archive to send archive back to git-upload-archive on the other end.
  • git upload-pack ~ Send objects packed back to git-upload-pack on the other end.
    e.g: git upload-pack to send objects packed back to git-upload-pack on the other end.
  • git var ~ Show a Git logical variable.
    e.g: git var -l to show a Git logical variable.
  • git verify-commit ~ Check the GPG signature of commits.
    e.g: git verify-commit <commit> to check the GPG signature of commits.
  • git verify-pack ~ Check the GPG signature of packed objects.
    e.g: git verify-pack to check the GPG signature of packed objects.
  • git verify-tag ~ Check the GPG signature of tags.
    e.g: git verify-tag <tag> to check the GPG signature of tags.
  • git web--browse ~ Show a file or directory from web browser.
    e.g: git web--browse <URL> to show a file or directory from a web browser.
  • git whatchanged ~ Show logs with difference each commit introduces.
    e.g: git whatchanged --stat to show logs with difference each commit introduces.
  • git write-tree ~ Create a tree object from the current index.
    e.g: git write-tree --missing-ok to create a tree object from the current index.


Third-party pkgs:



For quick changes proposed via web you can follow these steps:

  1. Fork repo.
  2. Open and select Open Repository
  3. Paste the forked repo URL or select it manually.
  4. Make changes, stage, commit and create a pull request.

Or you can use the Codespaces feature:


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