This application helps users to add their daily routines which they want to accomplish. This app gamifies this process by maintaining streaks and health progress bar.
In the home module, user can view the health progress bar, which progresses based on the user streak and task efficiency.
In add habit module, user can add task and all the related details.
In update habit module, all the active habits are shown along with ‘+’ and ‘-‘ options for each task. User is expected to click on + if he has done the task for the day and ‘-‘ if he has not. In this way streaks are updated.
In view habits module, all the active habits are shown. And user can see all the details regarding each task in this module.
In pomo timer module, if user is performing any task now, for certain period of time, he can set the timer to focus on the task.
In fun zone module, the user can play games like tictactoe, number fun etc.