Scripts to detect map changes at BB Game Servers.
BB GraphQL api key
Epson TM-T20II Software & Documents Disc (tmx-cups-
Adjust the directory structure for your system & add the following code blocks to your crontab file using the command crontab -e
Set the path so the system will recognize the script.
Adjust the rate of execution by changing the star values. The current configuration executes every minute.
* * * * * bash -lc /home/soders/BB-Tracker/
Tip is a good resource for this.
Revoke permissions to execute the script. +x to enable.
chmod -x "~/BB-Tracker/"
When a map change is detected, print relevant info. Scanning the qr code sends a command to join the server:
steam steam://connect/
Asking Siri for the current maps:
Receiving an email when any of my favorite maps are detected:
- Check executable permissons on each script.
- /dev/usb/lp1 may change, I print to lp0-2 to avoid this issue. You need to add your user to the group to have printing permissions.
sudo usermod -a -G lp soders
- Any other errors: Bailing out, you are on your own. Good luck.