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"***Complete Android Build Helper. With 'Fresh-to-Ready', 'RomBuilder' and 'KernelBuilder' !***"
This Project was started as a means to simplify the process of setting up a freshly installed Ubuntu (or Debian based) OS for an Android Development OS.
After a little time, I had three working scripts to aid with the process of Setting up the Fresh Ubuntu (or Debian based) OS for Rom/Kernel Development.
BUT it wasnt long before I thought it would be a great idea to write a 'three column/three script' menu for incorporating my previous
'Fresh-to-Ready', 'RomBuilder' and 'KernelBuilder' scripts into one handy menu...
This continued growing and being fixed/enhanced to the stage it is today... This Project is a continuous work-in-progress, with possibilities of more features to be added etc
(credits -
'AROMA INSTALLER' ... A BIG thanks to 'amarullz' @ XDA for creating such a great, powerful Touch Customizable ROM Installer package creator ! )
(NOTE: >> Almost all options below are editable wthin the 'user.preferences' file for easy access ! )
- Install all necessary Dependencies and Paths.
- Download, Compile and install Newest SaberMod Linux Kernel from source.
- Download and install Android Studio & SDK bundle.
- Install Github's ATOM Text Editor.
- Setup Build Environment and Switch between the two with ease.
- Creates required folder structures
- Download personal repo's.
- Download Desired Android ROM and/or Kernel source code.
- Download latest SaberMod android Kernel Toolchain.
- Clean ROM Buiild folder structure.
- Sync ROM repos.
- Compile ROM from source.
- Copy newly compiled System folder and boot.img to working folder.
- Pull G-Apps from device.
- Download additional apps.
- Download Xposed Framework/Modules.
- Copy all grabbed files to working folder.
- Edit the aroma.config file.
- Edit the updater-script file.
- Edit the build.prop file.
- Edit the additions.links file.
- Edit the xposed.links file.
- Zip all working folder contents and move zip to a common output folder ready for flashing.
- Edit Kernel defconfig file.
- Clean Kernel Folder and remove unneeded files.
- Compile Kernel & Modules
- Create new boot.img
- Copy new boot.img & modules to working folder
- Edit the aroma.config file.
- Edit the updater-script file.
- Zip all working folder contents and move zip to a common output folder ready for flashing.
- Make some functions a bit smarter with automation
- Version 2.0 Released !!
- Merged Development branch into master
- Reformatted base code, completed first stage console output
- updated todo list
- Removed .deb download from development branch readme
- Part 3 + 4 of new logical structure
- Removed dektop environment checks from START.ME
- Removed overall cpu % in favor of 'ps -e' call
- Colorized output
- Updated Github's ATOM text editor .deb link
- Added temporary TODO list
- Started logical file project restructuring
- Made startup easier and more robust
- Added NEW Auto-installer .deb release link
- Re-formatted Readme
- Updated Github's ATOM Text Editor to 0.153.0
- Updated Readme, target was too broad scope, changed to "Ubuntu (or Debian based)" for clarity
- Fixed Readme derp
- Added running procceses to system load monitor
- Changed the way system uptime is displayed, now dynamically changes views
- Small formatting changes
- Removed SunflowerfM, SublimeText3 and UbuntuTweak apps
- Added Github's ATOM Text Editor
- Added CPU model name to the system load monitor
- Added CPU Core count to the system load monitor
- Added Current Linux version and codename to the system load monitor
- Added Current Linux Kernel version to the system load monitor
- Added Number of current processes to the system load monitor
- Added Total system uptime to the system load monitor
- Small layout change to the system load monitor
- Made system load monitor its own function,then call by function name
- Made START.ME its own function,then call by function name
- Renamed all config file extensions to .conf to allow simple syntax highlighting
- Added seperate simple system load monitor to run alongside AndroidThreeScripts
- Added proper script loader to start the system load monitor and main script together
- Added PATH conflict checks before attempting to compile SaberMod Linux Kernel
- Colorized system load monitor
- Added kill system load monitor when exiting AndroidThreeScripts
- Added 'notify-send' ubuntu desktop notifications upon completion of some functions
- Formatting and syntax changes
- Changed filenames for accessability
- Bumped to v1.6 - 03/12/2014
- Renamed config files to .cfg extension
- Removed duplicate logout command
- Changed the way boot.img is created
- Added quick 'whoami' check to pass username to the set build environment functions
- Added Auto-resize terminal to fit script perfectly on startup
- Progress bar update
- Added creation of file after all dependencies have been satisfied
- Added a startup check for the dependency satisfied file. This will now show if dependencies have been installed
- Added more desktop env commands to logout function
- Updated UI/Stageheaders
- Added auto-logout prompt after any PATH changes
- Fixed more location errors
- Fixed more syntax problems
- More syntax fix's
- Updated links
- Fixed outdir location
- Added logout function (MATE Destop env)
- Fixed directory checks
- Added check to see if bash.rc exists before editing
- Changed the way bash.rc is reloaded
- Ported RomBuilder code to new codebase
- Ported KernelBuilder code to new codebase
- Various syntax fix's and improvements
- Changed more config variables
- Fixed bash.rc entries (moar checks!)
- Added options to edit 'Additions.links' & 'Xposed.links' files
- Added 'abootimg', adb and fastboot tools to dependency list
- Swaped some variables from user config to def config
- Fixed broken dependency order
- Bumped to v1.3
- Added Switchable Environment option
- Added Delete logs option, show current size on disk for log folder
- Added Startup check to look at bash.rc entries and show which is currently selected
- Added Edit preferences and reload new changes when asked
- Fixed bash.rc echo commands
- Fixed broken logging for some functions
- Added checks for files/directories before acting
- Externalised more variables to both 'A3S.def' & 'user.preferences'
- Added mainmenu and function placholders ready for porting RomBuilder & KernelBuilder
- Added Fix errors/clean broken downloads/copies/directories etc before proceding
- properly install Android Studio (add path to environment)
- bump to v1.1
- Added Logging Ability
- Fixed missing Links
- Created new Triple menu layout
- Ported Fresh-to-Ready code over to new codebase
- Added Placeholders
- Added License and Readme.
Copyright (C) 2014 'theFONZ'
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. See COPYING.txt in project root