How to use this resource:
returns the vehicle size in unit³
getBiggerVehicle(vehicleID1, vehicleID2)
returns the vehicle ID of the bigger vehicle
getSmallerVehicle(vehicleID1, vehicleID2)
returns the vehicle ID of the smaller vehicle
getBiggestVehicleFromRange(vehicleID1, vehicleID2)
returns the vehicle ID of the biggest vehicle in a certain range of vehicles
returns the vehicle ID of the biggest vehicle of individual vehicle IDs
requires a table input of vehicle IDs like this: {415, 500, 489, ...}
getSmallestVehicleFromRange(vehicleID1, vehicleID2)
returns the vehicle ID of the smallest vehicle in a certain range of vehicles
returns the vehicle ID of the smallest vehicle of individual vehicle IDs
requires a table input of vehicle IDs like this: {415, 500, 489, ...}
sortVehicleSizesFromRange(vehicleID1, vehicleID2)
returns a sorted table (smallest to biggest) from a certain range of vehicles
the table includes the vehicleIDs and the vehicleSizes, e.g. {vehicleID, vehicleSize} or {400, 22.08}
returns a sorted table (smallest to biggest) from individual vehicle IDs
requires a table like this: {415, 500, 489, ...}
the table includes the vehicleIDs and the vehicleSizes, e.g. {vehicleID, vehicleSize} or {400, 22.08}