A website to detect Handwritten digits !
HTML5, CSS3, JS (Es-6), NodeJS, REST-style API, Express, Python, Scikit-Learn, Numpy, Pandas, OpenCV, MNIST Dataset
- Fork and clone the repository
- Install NodeJS
- Run command on terminal:
node server.js
- On you favourite browser go to: https://localhost:3000
- The information about the pixel data is transmitted to backend NodeJS.
- NodeJS then runs a terminal script.
- This run a Python file which uses a pretrained neural network to get the predicted data.
- The number then travels back to the NodeJS server an d is displayed on the screen
- There is a also a latency calculator which determines the time taken for the entire process.
- The average time is usually around 0.9s.
- The canvas is made of 28 x 28 pixels.
Video Description: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1PcGVGBMJYeitez-ZzJeVxag2czqqEqDJ?usp=share_link
Click on @nightfalcon to know more ;)