Original PS1 controller interface for AVR microcontrollers
You are free to change the pins (so as long as they remain on the same port on the AVR). Change the pin definitions in the "psx_controller.h" file.
I use a 16MHz crystal with my AVR, but if you use any other crystal, be sure to define the speed in the "main.c" file, it is defined as F_CPU
You can use a 5V power supply as well, but ther original PS1 controllers will only work with 3V3
If you decide to use it with some other AVR, remember to make appropriate changes to the Makefile You need
- A Linux environment (Ubuntu, or Debian will do just fine)
- avr-libc
- avr-gcc
- avr-binutils
- avrdude (or anything else you use to flash firmware)
- make
Now type, "make", to compile the source code, and obtain the .hex file
Use "sudo make flash" to burn