- gives the light weight throwaway instances of services like databases, message queues
- main advantage is we can run the service in a docker container and use the service to test our application
@Decument() - to get the spring save the class inside database - @Field() - to name a column @Indexed() - to retrieve data faster
If we add an object into the database for the first time use insert() or else use save()
we indexed the expenseName field in Expense class
we can provide the custom query to spring data in mongodb repository
@Query("{'name': ?0}")
Optional<Expense.> findByName(String name);
@Query("{'name': ?0}, 'amount': ?1}")
Optional<Expense.> findByName(String name, String amount);
"expenseName": "Netflix",
"expenseCategory": "ENTERTAINMENT",
"expenseAmount": 500
201 Created
"id": "63a97e0665374f6d5cd7fc79",
"expenseName": "Netflix",
"expenseCategory": "ENTERTAINMENT",
"expenseAmount": 500
"id": "63a97e0665374f6d5cd7fc79",
"expenseName": "Netflix",
"expenseCategory": "ENTERTAINMENT",
"expenseAmount": 600
200 OK
"id": "63a97e0665374f6d5cd7fc79",
"expenseName": "Netflix",
"expenseCategory": "ENTERTAINMENT",
"expenseAmount": 600
204 No Content
- To automate the application
- one reason is applications are usually deployed in multiple environments
- other reason is it is hard to manage database changes(add new fields, update existing fields, update records inside collection)
- like Mongock we have Flyway and Liquibase for relational databases
- add mongock's bom to your pom file (which manages versions of all mongo projects) to dependency management
- also add the driver
- for runner
- next enable mongock, open springboot application class and add the annotation @EnableMongock
- tell mongock where to find the database related codes config / DatabaseChangeLog