This is the tk-modo engine to integrate Modo by The Foundry ( with the project management software Shotgun by Autodesk (
Parts of this work are based on Software by Shotgun Software Inc. (now part of Autodesk Inc.)
The installation description is for the project environment
From your local shotgun environment install the engine with the tank command:
tank install_engine project
Copy the contents of the install/engines/git/tk-modo.git/TK_MODO_VERSION/modo_support folder into your Modo User Scripts folder (for version 0.1.4):
cp -a install/engines/git/tk-modo.git/v0.1.4/modo_support/lxserv $HOME/.luxology/Scripts
tk-multi-about: '@about'
tk-multi-screeningroom: '@launch_screeningroom'
tk-multi-workfiles: '@workfiles-launch-at-startup'
allow_taskless_publishes: true
display_name: Publish Project
expand_single_items: false
hook_copy_file: default
hook_post_publish: default
hook_primary_pre_publish: default
hook_primary_publish: default
hook_scan_scene: default
hook_secondary_pre_publish: default
hook_secondary_publish: default
hook_thumbnail: default
location: {path: '', type: git, version: v0.6.7.1}
primary_description: Publish and version up the selected Modo scene
primary_display_name: Modo Publish
primary_icon: icons/publish_hiero_main.png
primary_publish_template: modo_project_publish
primary_scene_item_type: work_file
primary_tank_type: Modo Scene
secondary_outputs: []
template_work: modo_project_work
tk-multi-screeningroom: '@launch_screeningroom'
tk-multi-workfiles: '@workfiles-launch-at-startup'tung
compatibility_dialog_min_version: 801
debug_logging: false
location: {path: '', type: git, version: v0.1.4}
- {app_instance: tk-multi-workfiles, name: Shotgun File Manager...}
template_project: null
use_sgtk_as_menu_name: false
defer_keyword: ''
engine: tk-modo
extra: {}
hook_app_launch: default
hook_before_app_launch: default
icon: '{target_engine}/icon_256.png'
linux_args: ''
linux_path: '@modo_linux'
location: {name: tk-multi-launchapp, type: app_store, version: v0.6.2}
mac_args: ''
mac_path: '@modo_mac'
menu_name: Launch Modo
versions: []
windows_args: ''
windows_path: '@modo_windows'
# Modo
modo_windows: C:\Program Files\Luxology\modo\801_sp3\modo.exe
modo_linux: modo
modo_mac: /Applications/
Make sure the tk-multi-launchmodo command is defined in every environment you are using for the tk-multi-launchapp (env/project.yml and others)
apps: {tk-multi-launch3dsmax: '@launch_3dsmax', tk-multi-launchhiero: '@launch_hiero', tk-multi-launchmodo: '@launch_modo',
tk-multi-launchmaya: '@launch_maya', tk-multi-launchnuke: '@launch_nuke', tk-shotgun-launchphotoshop: '@launch_photoshop'}
debug_logging: false
location: {name: tk-shell, type: app_store, version: v0.4.1}
You you should now be able to lauch Modo from Shotgun
tank launch_modo
For Modo without Qt support a floating window should open with Shotgun Logo, use the menu in that window to open the Shotgun File Manager
For Modo with Qt support (on Linux and Modo 901) you can add the Shotgun panel into Modo by selecting the panel type "Application>Custom View>Shotgun", use also the menu provided in the panel to open the Shotgun File Manage
- It may be necessary to select "Reload Shotgun" in the "Shotgun" menu of the panel to load the engine*