I have just finished my first year of studying electronic engineering at university. I completed this project over the summer to learn how to do object oriented programming with an Arduino.
This project is designed to record the attendance of students in lectures. The lecturer can set the day and module number for the lecture, before setting how long the register should remain open for. To register their attendance, students just need to scan their fingerprint as they enter the lecture theatre.
Install PuTTY on the PC
Select the "Serial" connection type and enter the COM Port that the Arduino is connected to
- Set it to log "All session output" and name the file
- Press the "Open" button when the Arduino is connected
- Select "Register Finger"
- Type your student ID number
- Scan your finger
- Select "Set Up Class"
- Scroll through and select the day of the week
- Type the module number of the lecture
- Select the time that the registration will remain open for
- A lecturer must then scan their finger to open the register
Scan your finger and your attendance will be recorded
The register will automatically close after the set time
This board allows the 3 navigation buttons to be read by 1 Analog input on the Arduino
The .stl and .f3d files for this case are included in the repository.
In the future I plan to add the following features;
- RFID card scanning
- Class pre-sets for the A, B, C & D buttons
- A serial interpreter program to log the serial data on the connected PC
- An online database to store the register files
- User names linked to the ID numbers