This is a simple news blog made for learning purposes. The front-end is made using HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, Bootstrap4. The back-end is made with Django3.
However, the blog is tested in a local server, feel free to upload it into a production server after changing some settings of course.
- Usual blog operations (reading, removing, updating an article)
- Users can subscribe so every new released article will be sent to their gmail
- Comments on posts.
Clone and download the repository and rename it (whatever you want)
If you're a windows user open the cmd, and type the following command:
pip3 install django-tinymce4-lite
If you're a linux user:
sudo apt-get update
pip3 install django-tinymce4-lite
pip3 install django-tinymce4-widget
Open the command line and type the following:
django-admin startproject FullBlog
python startapp Blog
❗❗ Every file in the FullBlog project should be replaced with the corresponding one in this repo. Same folders and files are missing here because django will create them.
❗️ Replace every file in that project you created with the corresponding one in this repo
cd FullBlog
python3 makemigrations
python3 migrate
python3 runserver
first of all, open the command line and type the following
sudo su
python3 -m smtpd -c DebuggingServer localhost:1025
Go to
, copy and past the following:
EMAIL_PORT = '587'
EMAIL_HOST_USER = 'your email'
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = '' #Make sure to not write it if you're in a production server (use some google APIs)
In your gmail account (EMAIL_HOST_USER), go to
, turn it on
In case you don't know what's it, it allows third party software to send emails using your account
To get the contact section, check
Emmm, i will add some screenshots later....