This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get your application up and running.
This is a ROS2 package for the AK60_6 motors developed by Saxion Smart
- Install the required dependencies Build ros2_socketcan in your workspace link
Set up a connection with your can adapter and read the motor values:
sudo ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 1000000
ros2 launch ros2_socketcan socket_can_bridge.launch.xml
Then in a new terminal
ros2 launch ros2_ak60_6
motor_can_id: set to the can_id of the motor you would like to talk to
motor_stiffness: Set the default stiffness
motor_dampening: Set the default dampening
/enable_motor: Enables the motor to start spinning
/disable_motor: Disables the motor
/zero_motor: Sets current position of the motor to 0
/set_can_id: Changes the id of the motor is listening to (This does not change the ID of the motor)
/set_KdKd: Change motor stiffness and dampening
/motor_input: This topic can be used to give commands to the motors
/motor_reading: Motor feedback topic