This project is a full-stack clone of the Dribbble platform, built using Next.js and a range of modern web technologies. The application allows users to upload and share creative shots, similar to the functionality provided by Dribbble.
- Upload section for adding shots, including text, images, videos, and galleries
- Render Shots, Like, Comment, Save, Follow Creator and Profile Page
- User authentication using Clerk and NextAuth
- Image and media hosting via Cloudinary
- Server state management with React Query
- PostgreSQL database powered by Prisma and Neon
- Next.js: Full-stack framework for React
- PostgreSQL: Relational database
- Prisma: ORM for database interactions
- Clerk & NextAuth: Authentication
- Neon: Cloud database provider
- React Query: Server state management
- Cloudinary: Image and video hosting
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project folder:
cd Gribbble
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Set up environment variables in a .env file:
DATABASE_URL= #########
AUTH_SECRET = ##################
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID= #############
GITHUB_CLIENT_ID = ############
GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET = ###############
NEXT_PUBLIC_URL = ##############
- Run the development server:
npm run dev
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to open issue or discussion!