Ticketing decentralized application made with Truffle Framework on IBFT 2.0 GoQuorum local network, which was setted up using Quorum Wizard. Frontend UI built with ReactJS. The dapp implements ERC721 NFT token and allows:
- Event Organizers to create events with details like name, date, number of tickets, ticket price...
- Buyers can buy tickets and "show" them to the controller.
- Controller can verify and validate pending tickets.
├── dapp
│ ├── src/
│ ├── docker-compose.yml
│ └── dockerfile.react
├── network
| ├── qdata/
│ └── docker-compose.yml
|── truffle
| ├── build/
| ├── contracts/
| ├── migrations/
| ├── test/
| ├── docker-compose.yml
| ├── dockerfile.trufflemigrate
| ├── dockerfile.truffletest
| └── truffle-config.js
├── runme.sh
- Clone the project.
- Start the docker application.
- Run the command below from the root directory to run the blockchain (from Quorum Wizard with IBFT), deploy the smart contracts to the network and start the decentralized app:
./runme.sh --start-all
- other commands available:
./runme.sh <command> --start-all start the complete system (truffle and the dapp will wait cakeshop to start up) --start-q start the quorum blockchain --start-tr start the truffle migration and the dapp --truffle-test run the truffle tests (it also start the blockchain if it's not running) --stop-q stop the quorum blockchain --stop stop the complete system (quorum|truffle|dapp) --restart restart the complete system (with --start-all method)
- other commands available:
- Configure Metamask with RPC url
- Import the accounts in Metamask by taking the private keys below:
ATTENTION: it's necessary to reset each account, once imported:
Event Manager -> Address: 0xed9d02e382b34818e88B88a309c7fe71E65f419d Private Key: 0xe6181caaffff94a09d7e332fc8da9884d99902c7874eb74354bdcadf411929f1 Ticket Inspector -> Address:0x81559247E62fDb78A43e9535f064ED62B11B6830 Private Key: 0xde405e2f3cea4da31ea886d9f93f8855f8925b35f39f8d01ddc08b588be118fe Ticket Buyer #1 -> Address: 0xB4dc6aE681Fa6D5433e68D76aC9318b734F49001 Private Key: 0xeccc28aa6410da0d6bd19efdef33b5b7b9e2c5adcd9e8ab899d3369aaa386e72 Ticket Buyer #2 -> Address: 0x4d929E07c173ceA67f8008bb19A151e0564e1362 Private Key: 0x526ba301ffd7369d010a07c2d44167e4e7c1b7ff1dd85b475b708a1078d04450
account -> settings -> advanced -> reset-account
- Cakeshop will be accessible at
- React application will be accessible at
- Conti Edoardo @edoardo-conti
- Federici Lorenzo @lorenzo-federici
- Melnic Andrian @andrian-melnic
- [51188] Software Cybersecurity Class - Professor Luca Spalazzi